have you seen how many auctions there are for marmite! I was shocked at the price rise when I bought the last jar for $8, are people stupid as well asdeaf! the manufactures have said the machines are being relocated and should be back into production june or july, why rush out and clear the shelves! I suppose one good thing on some of the auctions is that they are for charity and one was offering toast too seeing as they didnt have much left in the jar.I laughed when I read that one.
Mar 21, 8:58am
yessillyrushingoutandbuyingin athigherpricesasonlygoing to beafewmthsthenback again
Mar 21, 11:08am
And a 250g jar for $3.26c this morning. We actually ran out last week and i only remembered to get more today when doing the shop. It will last a few months.
Mar 21, 7:23pm
your lucky you found some, my sister finally heard about the shortage yesterday and rang me in a panic, she has marmite every morning on toast and reckoned shed need 4 jars to see her thru till july. well I went looking for her, all sold out, she went to 2 service stations and 3 daries all sold out, hahaha, we have 1 large jar in the pantry. wonder what she would pay for it LOL.(evil laugh)
Mar 21, 8:27pm
But will it be the same!If they dismantle and re-assemble the plant will it change the taste!
PS my comment on taste was partly based on a childhood memory.I was brought up in the 1950's on Vegemite, and my mother's reasoning was that it tasted the way Marmite did before the war.So she believed the taste of Marmite had changed sometime between 1940 and the mid 1950's
Mar 22, 5:20am
holy cr*p, just searched marmite on here, what ridiculous prices, $100buy now for 2 jars!but some people have bid $30-$40 for a jar or 2. crazy
Mar 22, 6:16am
I love my marmite, can't stand Vegemite! But won't be buying any at that price happy to wait until its back on the shelves, but my jar is fairly new so it should last.I Hope.
Mar 22, 6:25am
I'm a vegemite girl myself, it's milder than marmite & just as nice! That should cause a stir!
Mar 22, 7:44am
and being born and raised in the UK, I reckon the stuff you buy here is awful unless you're lucky enough to be able to purchase "our mate" which is the same as pommie marmite.
Mar 22, 7:57am
What is ProMate! One lonely bottle on the empty Marmite shelf in the supermarket yesterday - is it a similar product!
Mar 22, 8:43am
There are heaps at Countdown Westgate. 2 per person.Let me know if you want some and I can post to you. $3.50 each plus postage.
Mar 22, 8:44am
I have stocked up on Our Mate because we're English and don't like NZ Marmite - I'm just hoping Kiwis don't acquire a taste for Our Mate in the absence of Marmite .
Mar 22, 9:00am
Kaleva, I think you mean Promite. I have been using it for 40 years now, used to have it mailed from Aust until they started to stock it here. Regard Marmite and Vegemite as muck in comparison to Promite!
Mar 22, 9:05am
I have 14 jars I went and purchased all the marmite in all the shops in town
Mar 22, 9:14am
I've been looking, went to 2 out of the way dairies this avo and nothing, my poor sister will have to have something else on her toast for the next 3-4 months. I like marmite as well over vegemite but would have it only maybe once a week. So our 1 1/2 jars at my place should last us OK.
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