read abut these in a Heather Marshal book (kiwi young adult author) and someone said they were a thing of the past. I can't find anthing on google for them. Anyone have a recipe for these!
Nov 1, 1:02am
marmite soldiers!Here they have always been toast spread with marmite and cut into fingers.With the wee kiddies I see how many fingers I can cut from the one slice.
Nov 1, 1:05am
might be
Nov 1, 3:04am
Mousetraps" Spread bread with Marmite or Vegimite, sprinkle with grated cheese and bacon bits (if liked). Cut into strips and bake in the oven @ 180c until they are golden and crisp. Store in airtight container.
Nov 1, 4:44am
Loved the Vegemite fingers from years ago. My DD would be the one to make them from any stale bread. Spread with Vegemite and then slow dried in the stored heat of he oven from the dinner being cooked. I made them for our children when they were little and they were always a favourite.
Nov 1, 6:57pm
Nana's Crunchy Toast Loaf sandwich bread.Mix together 125 gms margarine or softened butter, 1 cup grated tasty cheese,1 tsp sesame oil, 4 rounded TLBS sesame seeds, approximately 4 TLBS vegemite or marmite.The mixture should be the colour of peanut butter. Spread on bread making sure to do all the edges. Cut into 4 fingers & bake slowly until dry & crisp @ 125 degrees. *Takes less time to bake if you use stale bread. *Fan bake is OK too.,
Nov 1, 7:45pm
hi three cheers do you know if these are freezable! im looking for ideas to take on a camping holiday
Nov 1, 11:34pm
Nov 2, 1:58am
They last for ages in an air tight tin great for camping!
Nov 7, 11:29pm
sounds like that was what the marmite fingers were
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