Whats for dinner at your house tonight?

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davidt4, Feb 2, 11:21pm
Roast cauli started out as a low carb substitute for potatoes, but has been taken up with great gusto by top restaurant chefs because it's so delicious.There is a whole thread devoted to cauli on the NZ Low Carb Cooking in Style website, but briefly this is what you do.

Turn oven on to 175C, wash a good sized cauli and cut into florets.Put the cauli in a roasting tin, sprinkle with salt and about 3 tab extra virgin olive oil or melted butter or ghee.Roast for 60 - 90 minutes, turning over at half time.The cauli will shrink and turn golden brown and become sweet and nutty.

Everyone I've served this to has adored it.Have a look at the web site for ideas about added flavourings - I usually keep it plain.

corgi731, Feb 2, 11:27pm
Yum Yum Pigs Bum! Beautiful TeA!!!!

motorbo, Feb 3, 12:04am
thank you but as im on a diet im going to save the recipe for a norty day!!!

uli, Feb 3, 12:06am
motorbo - what is "norty" about the above recipe?
I personally would leave the vermicelli out as I don't like them, but otherwise it looks very healthy to me :)

kabbo, Mar 19, 5:45am
i made creamy mushrooms on vogels toast and had bacon on the side. was noice.