Ideas For Breakfast On Christmas Morning

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willow123, Dec 20, 6:32am
Every year for Christmas breakfast we have croissants filled with cream cheese and strawberries, washed down with a glass of bubbly with a strawberry in the glass - yummy tradition

indy95, Dec 20, 2:07pm
Fresh juice and/or bubbles, strawberries, cream cheese and smoked salmon on toasted bagels or rye, coffee.

-thecrusher-, Dec 20, 5:55pm
Most years for christmas we have pancakes cooked on the bbq with bananas wrapped in bacon (amazing!), bacon and bananas on there own, hashbrowns, croissants, lots of fruit, pineapple cooked on the bbq, champagne and sparkling grape juice. So amazing.
we normally have our big turkey dinner on christmas eve which means we don't have to stress about it on christmas day.

natalie9, Dec 20, 6:29pm
Yummy and easier than normal eggs benedict. Toasted bagels, smoked salmon (ham for anyone that doesn't like), scrambled eggs, hollandaise sauce...

lil_miss_haley, Dec 20, 7:03pm
Usually have croissants, but I am yet to find gluten free ones!
So atm plan is eggs, bacon, maybe hashbrowns, maybe packet hollandaise (I know I know but I can't be bothered making it lol) and bubbles.

rainrain1, Dec 20, 7:32pm
We just nibble on some big fat black cherries

smeedle, Dec 21, 12:34am
pikelets...bananas,bacon and maple syrup....berries and cream......

alebix, Dec 21, 4:50am
We have a normal breakfast on xmas morning. toast, cereal... but we buy fancy cereals for the kids....

uli, Dec 13, 2:21am
Same this year!

cleverrock, Dec 13, 5:10am

cleverrock, Dec 13, 5:11am
But I like the woodstock idea better!

nzl99, Dec 13, 11:40am
I make dozens of these creations each day. *twitches*Easiest way for a basic hollindaise - 500gms butter melted in a jug in the microwave until it's simmering. this takes around 3+ mins in ours.While that's coming up to tempreture. into another jug or bowl add four egg yolks, the juice of a lemon or two, and S&P for seasoning.When the butter is super hot, use a stick blender and slowly add the butter to the yolk mix. start out with about a teaspoon full at a time, then can increase that to a couple tablespoons at a time once it's elmulsifying nicely.Takes around 3-5 mins to make and is beautifully thick and creamy everytime.

I also add to mine a touch of wholegrain mustard and a pinch of cayene, although neither are needed.

Grill some bacon (or use smoked salmon), halve and toast the bagels, soft poach your eggs. and liberally pour over the hollindaise! :-P

bo0tsey, Dec 13, 2:05pm
I jsut came across this thread.. FANTASTIC ideas, so bumping for 2010 Xmas!

rosathemad, Dec 13, 4:53pm
Last year we had a brunch and the stand-out success was french toast, made with fruit bread from the supermarket, a little cinnamon added to the egg, served with cream and caramelised pears - I've written about making these here: but they are very easy, tin of pears, some brown sugar and butter and simmered while you make the french toast. I am definitely a sugar-for-breakfast kind of gal. ;-)

punkinthefirst, Dec 13, 5:07pm
Waffles here too, but made weeks previously (in my waffle iron that used to be my Nana's) and frozen. I just take them out of the freezer and toast them in the toaster. Served with a fresh fruit salad and maple syrup and, for those who are not worrying about their waistline, a bit of lightly whipped cream. Freshly squeezed orange juice and good coffee fill the gaps - and we're all set til lunch.

maldat, Dec 13, 5:16pm

persioux, Dec 13, 5:56pm
ha ha love it when a comment totally from leftfield pops up.

chelsea150, Dec 13, 6:43pm
crosaunts bacon eggz tomatoes cream chesse and bubbly wine!

sarahb5, Dec 13, 7:19pm
Croissant and Bucks Fizz then probably chocolate .

lil_angel_kel, Dec 14, 12:56am
Potato cases (grated potato, egg, herbs - cooked in muffin trays to make cases) filled with bacon and scrambled eggs, and roast tomatoes on the side.
Pancakes with fresh berries, ice cream and chocolate.

iman007, Dec 14, 1:04am
heineken or a corona, ah, decisions decisions

toeblister, Dec 14, 1:35am
Every year .croissants with Ham, Cheese and tomatoe/pineapple.Adults kids so look forward to it, it's yum and it's easy.

bedazzledjewels, Dec 18, 9:59pm
I'm providing people with 2 options, or both if they want. The cold option will be waffles (they cook their own) with fresh fruit, yoghurt, maple syrup etc.
Thenthe blokes will be on the bbq cooking prawns, chorizo sausages, bacon, cutlets and I'll have vast quantities of scrambled eggs, hash browns and will bake some stuffed mushrooms and tomatoes. That's it!

kermitnz1, Dec 18, 10:11pm
Masses of big fat hot pancakes with a choice of fillings. Banana with bacon and maple syrup or strawberries fried in a little butter with a dusting of icing sugar and lashings of whipped cream, stewed spiced apple, or creamy scrabled eggs and bacon etc.

firob, Dec 19, 4:40am
WOW, how would one manage the turkey for lunch after those breakies !