Why would it be criminal to help others who obviously want the recipe? And you'd be surprised if you would know me what I actually DO eat haha!
Oct 20, 3:07am
I never made special meals for my children, gave them a wide variety of foods... and guess what they eat anything & everything....My 16 year old raided the vegie bin this afternoon and made a huge vege stirfry for afternoon tea... when there were biscuits in the cookie Jar. My 18 is like me... and in her words "I couldn't live in a world without carbs" They also said when they were little they were jealous of all the packets in other chidrens lunchboxs & the amount of times other children brought their lunch (ie pies, chips etc).. now they realise just what good I was doing... and thank me for it.
I would have thought it would be very hard to comment on a TV programme when you don't have a TV....
Oct 20, 3:10am
I have seen part of it as a video on my computer toady :)
Oct 20, 3:10am
PS one of my lasting memories is of Miss 16 as an 18 month old eating chilli con carne.... spoon in one hand and her sippy cup in the other as it was quite spicy... thoroughly enjoying it.... spoonful... some water... spoonful... some water lol
Oct 20, 3:14am
Oct 20, 3:51am
I was actually making a weak joke about pushers and users, but it fell flat!
uli, you naughty closet eater - I hope you're not telling fibs to your mates and secretly stuffing yourself with forbidden fruit ;)
Oct 20, 4:03am
blossom, there could be some New Zealand children who don't know that French fries come from potatoes!
And remember when school tuckshops were required to delete fried foods, donuts etc from their menus?Parents were caught on camera passing pies and fish and chips through the school fences.
Oct 20, 4:07am
yes, when I worked in welfare, we would deem it OK if a child was fed no matter if it was crap food
Oct 20, 4:47pm
I actually eat whatever I like - lucky for me most of what I like is also healthy (what goes for healthy in my eyes - might not be in yours though!). And yes I eat a fair bit of fruit - this morning I had a big cherimoya plucked from my tree a few days ago - but I ate it on the deck in the sun rather than in a stuffy closet.
Oct 20, 4:58pm
What is a cherimoya?
Oct 20, 5:58pm
It looks from a distance as though your eating habits are more interesting and less restrictive than those of strict low carbers.
We actually probably agree on what is healthy more than we disagree: avoid processed foods, eat whole foods, unsprayed fruits, and vegetables home-grown in good soils.
We part company in the meat, grains and saturated fat categories.I choose to eat no red meat, only small amounts of saturated fat and a variety of whole grains.
I think we also part company in that I am content for anyone to eat any way they choose and I don't feel the need to make converts to my way of life.You appear to have the 'activism' gene, which can irritate at times ;)
Sounds delicious and obviously in season - are they grown commercially so that I could look for them in the greengrocers ?
Oct 20, 7:24pm
The Jamie Oliver program was interesting and shocked me. Why do the schools feed the children breakfast? where are the parents, surely its a parental job to prepare their children for the day. What got me mad wasboth the DJ's and that dreadful Alice womans attitude, what a horror and so smarmy with it. Closed mind to any change at all or even to admit there was a problem. I could believe the 2 servings of bread but ignoring the rice and the crumbed coating on the chicken sticks or whatever. Did anybody notice that the woman from the health side of it mentioned the guide lines were put together by the Meat board? That other family with their fried donuts dipped in chocolate for breakfast. Geeeeeee no wonder there is a weight problem.
Oct 20, 7:30pm
You need to know when to pick cherimoyas - a bit like kiwifruit, avocadoes or feijoas. If picked too unripe then they will not ripen properly. So no - you cannot eat them straight from the tree - but you can pick twice a week whatever looks ok to pick and then you can eat one every day if you are lucky.
Oct 20, 7:33pm
A friend gave me some last week - they are lovely, I had never had one before.
I have saved the stones and am going to plant them and see what happens - perhaps in 2065 I will be picking my own.
Oct 20, 7:42pm
You may not have noticed that I always help people find recipes if they want them - even if I myself would neither concoct that stuff nor eat it. So I guess I see myself the same as you see yourself - each to their own.
Where we may differ is that if I see a better solution or think someone might need to start thinking for him/herself then I say so - and I usually also give some links for people to read up on and make up their own minds.
However it is no skin of my nose who of you gets Diabetes, high blood pressure, or any of the other "modern" diseases because of poor research and diet choices ... we are all individuals and can do what we like (and luckily the government still pays the hospital stays of each one of us regardless)
However why not give people the option to read up - with some posts and some links? You and cookie do it all the time too don't you? You tell people to eat wholemeal rather than white bread, cut out saturated fat etc etc. I see no difference there.
Just what is seen as healthy might differ - and as I said above - you can only give links - to read them and to decide is up to each individual...
Oct 20, 7:44pm
I would grow them on for 2 or 3 years then get someone to graft some selected varieties on. That way you can eat some in 2015 - if you live in a frost free area ....
Oct 20, 7:49pm
Quote uli: "However it is no skin of my nose who of you gets Diabetes, high blood pressure, or any of the other "modern" diseases because of poor research and diet choices ... we are all individuals and can do what we like (and luckily the government still pays the hospital stays of each one of us regardless)" Those are exactly the type of comments that you just cannot help to add to your posts that gets peoples backs up...can you see that?
Oct 20, 8:01pm
I see these in the fruit shops.Now I know what they are I will buy one and try it.
Oct 20, 8:03pm
No I can't see that - as I was brought up to say what I think was true - while it seems a lot of others here were brought up to say only things if they were nice - and to otherwise say nothing and not rock the boat.
You would most likely think the same - but wouldn't voice it (well sometimes you do) - and so there is never a "normal" debate - things are left unsaid and bottled up until one lot of people can't take any more and hits out at another lot of people - instead of each lot reading the links that are provided for and against (whatever - saturated fat, amount of carbs, white flour and wholemeal etc etc) and then entering into a normal debate.
I am not sure why that cannot be done. I have learned heaps by debating over the years and wouldn't have the insights I have now if not for hearing others viewpoints and considering them. However that can only happen if differing viewpoints are put forward ...
Oct 20, 8:04pm
Make sure it is not too soft when you buy it - otherwise it will be not very nice, just a bit softer than rock hard is fine :) They are best bought on a growers market - so you can talk to the person who knows all about it.
Oct 20, 8:09pm
i would agree with you but then you go and say these things, i certainly try to go through life being nice its cos i like to get what i give, i can have an opinion but its not law
Oct 20, 8:18pm
That is how it always has been construed here though motorbo - however the reality is that I do not see my current opinion as law either - I change it far too often haha!
But yeah - people seemingly need to have someone to let off steam, so I guess myself and a few others who have different ideas ro the "mainstream" are a good target.
If any of you would know me personally you would all be in for a surprise - but I am saying that for years ...
The going joke around here is always "... now do I want to learn something new about myself today - ok lets see what TM message board says about me ..." :)
Oct 20, 8:46pm
Not to mention the "know all gene". But, each to their own. Congratulations Ulli, you have managed to hijack another thread and turned it so its all about you.
Oct 20, 8:50pm
No, actually, I would not think like that, obviously we think very differently. I prefer conbstructive debate rather than attacking someones food choices, I guess we will have to beg to differ.
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