Jamie Oliver xmas cooking with his kids on TV1 now

winnie231, Dec 21, 10:04pm
Anyone else watching!
What an excellent simple recipe for pancakes - I'm putting my order in with Miss 15 for boxing day!

fifie, Dec 21, 10:06pm
Thanksfor the thumbs up winnie, off to watch it with a wine merry Xmas.

fifie, Dec 21, 11:13pm
Some good ideas with the leftovers ! loved the look of the filo xmas pud roll, bother am only having mini cheese cakes,pav and fresh fruit this year as only 2 of us, might have to whip up a xmas pud so i can make that roll lol.

wildflower, Dec 21, 11:45pm
Only 2 of us too, making a pav and have some xmas mince pies and that's all.Didn't do a xmas cake either this year.Hard when I see so many nice recipes I'd love to make.

elsielaurie1, Dec 22, 1:05am
Make a half xmas cake recipe and bake in a muffun pan in paper cases.works well!

motorbo, Dec 22, 8:06am
spooky.same episode was on tv here tonight at 4pm