Scarey stuff!I'm not a food nazi but feeding children that rubbish is seriously WRONG.
Oct 19, 2:48am
Yes and the attitude of the adults leaves me speechless. Those poor children have no clue what a tomato looks like. Thanks goodness that in this country, most peoople eat a reasonably healthy diet. Its funny, many years ago, when my Son was at Primary school, I put my hand up to re-open his schools lunch room offering healthy,nutricious foods. They were more worried about getting a pie warmer than anything else...In the end, I gave up. They were happy to have pies and sausage rolls and fizzy pop etc. Nothing wrong with those things occasionally as a treat,but not as an everyday meal. In America, the problem would be even worse.
Oct 19, 3:11am
cooky they dont know any better ...never been shown... handed down from one generation to another... Kathy's daughter Mary when she came here wouldn't eat greens for ages but I turned her around... Now she's back in the USA and has to "hunt" down fresh vegetables... cries for that nz fresh vege taste... :}.. We are lucky here... yet some still are in the meat and three PLAIN vege syndrome...The asians have had a great deal to do with the eating changes here....
Oct 19, 3:15am
Absolutely dreadful but sadly not just America.How awful to think we are raising children now who lifespan will be shortened by obesity.
Oct 19, 3:40am
Hey fisher...was asking after you on the circle of friends thread. Yes, the convenience food mindset over there is quite disgusting.
Oct 19, 3:47am
very scary, but similar to his 'school dinners' campaign in UK.Will be interesting to see if he get support.....
Oct 19, 4:18am
Pizza for breakfast and chicken nuggets for dinner and lunch ... !!!
Oct 19, 4:32am
You can see at least one fat family in the food court of every mall you walk into in NZ.
Oct 19, 4:57am
but it is OK, because they have two bread serviings....
PS: did you notice it was "bread" not "carbs" - so the rice didn't count
Oct 19, 1:10pm
The woman who looked at the ingredients on the packet of "potato pearls" and the "chicken" she only mentioned that there was chicken in it or "beef"-ground beef, was not interested in going through the "other" ingredients....had NO IDEA what they even were!
Oct 19, 1:51pm
gosh what an eye opener huh, i had a young girl staying with me a couple of years ago her and her family went to the states on holiday and she came back saying how bad it was, she said her younger brother was asking mum for vege and fruit cos it was so hartd to find and he was sick if the crap food, she also said there were many people so overweight they were in supersized wheelchairs!!! WTF, the biggest shocker was how anit and clsoed minded these people were, shit the mum and three kids got it they could see what they were doing wrong, though why they couldnt before GRRRRR
Oct 19, 3:04pm
I find it really strange when people say fruit and veges are hard to find in America.Whenever we have been the fruit and veg part of the supermarkets there they have been fantastic, so much choice and excellent quality.
You could easily find similar families here, in the UK and Oz, who 'say' they have no idea why they and their families are obese.Would not be as interesting if they filmed a family with a healthy lifestyle!
Oct 19, 3:23pm
I agree nhf1!!When I was in the states, my family always had lots of fresh fruit - I remember my aunt buying mangoes by the box!
Oct 19, 5:18pm
It's risky taking on stereotypes.What impresses me about the American families I know is that they all sit down together as a familyto eat and there is always a huge bowl of salad with every meal.
As always, it depends where you look, who you meet and where you are.I don't know that many New Zealanders would like to be similarly stereotyped by a snapshot of one place.
My US friends and family visiting NZ during the Bush administration were often very taken aback when strangers 'attacked' them on account of George Bush and the Gulf War!Every state in the US is like a different country.
Oct 19, 5:43pm
i so get your point elliehen, but its still a serious problem there is it not? and i am sure those people on tv were real and do live that way
Oct 19, 5:47pm
I was in the States in January, and they had all the fresh fruit in the world available.. Even strawberries and Kiwi fruit (I made a fab pav! lol) It wasn't cheap though. Perhaps that's the world-wide problem: Fresh is too expensive.
Oct 19, 6:31pm
Maybe I visit different people in the states to you guys, most of my mates over there live much like we do they have vege gardens and eat much the same things. Sure there are the fatties and takeaway only eaters just like here but they are by no means the norm. I would conceed they are more obvious as there are large congregations of them in the suburbs that swing that way.
Oct 19, 6:48pm
It is a dreadful problem - the sad thing is that there are many families like that here, USA, UK and Oz.
More cooking programmes than there have ever been on TV and still people eat predominantly at McDs, KFC etc - very odd!
Oct 19, 7:15pm
Same. Even tho no one eats it, the variety & price is staggering, I missed the huge choice when I left Nevada. However, in a nation addicted to plastic food, like Twinkies or cookie dough, the corn fructose wins every time.
Oct 19, 7:29pm
I haven't seen the program - as I have no tv - but I am sure you can find exactly the same people here in NZ - if not posting on this recipe message board ...
You can also find the same type of food here, especially if you are in hospital. During my last stay in our local hospital I managed to eat low carb most of the time simply by ordering whatever I wanted from the menu and doubling up on veges while cutting out the carbs. On the day of an op I could not order for the next day, so my lunch the next day was: Risotto - including 2 cooked pieces of tomato and 1 piece of ham - the rest was plain rice. As a side dish I had potato mash (out of a packet) and 2 slices of white toast with "healthy" Canola margarine ... no veges, salads etc in sight. Everybody in the room enjoyed it :)
Oct 19, 7:37pm
nOh, its THERE all-right, its just that there are those ( and they can be found anywhere pretty much) that choose to eat this way because to them, its "easy" and takes no skill in preparation and takes little time. My Sistwer lives in the USA and they eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. I guess with the USA ( especially) being such a vast country with a massive population and a huge "choice" of "convenience" foods, a situation such as the JO programme is bound to happen. In answer to the poster who reckons that even some people here on the recipe section eat the same!!! I very much doubt it...if they did, they would not bother coming into a recipe section because they only need open said packet and follow the instructions.
Oct 19, 8:19pm
some people make some strange comments i agree cookes, re: people here eat on the recipe boards eat like that! PFT
Oct 19, 9:08pm
agree with poster 22 & 23 - a very bizarre comment from uli
Oct 19, 10:19pm
That wouldn't be a first.
Oct 19, 10:24pm
I am seriously too lazy to do the research - but next time I come across some strange food combination on here (one tin mixed into the other tin and heated with cheese on top) again - called "easy and nice recipe" then I will let you know LOL :) - in case you are interested that it - cause I am not really and rarely go into those threads.
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