Channel 1 Jamie Oliver

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cookessentials, Oct 20, 8:52pm
Everyone has a different viewpoint, it would be a boring old world if we all thought the same. I dont think that being kind,empathetic and caring is being "fluffy" as you call it. Nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade either, I think it is HOW you call a spade a spade...kind of like whacking someone right between the eyes with said spade!

motorbo, Oct 20, 9:09pm
im with you cookes

lizab, Oct 20, 9:39pm
LOL - now this whole thread is totally bizarre!!!

cookessentials, Oct 20, 9:46pm
Yep, like alot of them turn lately. At least, so far, buzzy110 has not turned up to turn it into a REAL circus LOL.

fisher, Oct 20, 11:01pm
mummy mummy I want to see Jamie ride the elephant and the acrobats swing around the trapeze... then I want to see Jamie cry because no one "gets him"..oppps wrong thread...sneaks off...

nfh1, Oct 20, 11:13pm
We do get frosts - Hawke's Bay - I will have a go and see what happens.

buzzy110, Oct 20, 11:47pm
did I just hear someone calling my name. Are you inviting me to play cooks? How kind of you.

However, I hardly know where to start. I have read so much rubbish on this thread from people who actually think that the whole of America is jammed, thigh to thigh with grossly overweight people, when in reality, I was hard pressed to find one unfit or overweight person on either of my last two visits there this year.

I also read how those same people think that pizza and chicken nuggets are 'bad' for b/f or whatever, but they are not nutritionally any worse than what most posters on these boards probably have for breakfast which is toast with jam or honey, high sugar breakfast cereals, sweetened yoghurt, low fat milk and coffee or tea with added sugar.

Just because you throw in a piece of fruit you cannot really be kidding yourself that you eat healthily can you?

buzzy110, Oct 20, 11:54pm
And for the life of me. I read threads on these boards where mother's are at their wits end because their children will not eat vegetables of any hue or will only eat raw carrots or similar. These very clever mothers obviously have no idea how to create vegetable dishes that are tempting for children but go to any Chinese home and children eat nothing but vegetables and some meat and lots of lovely fat filled, homemade chicken stocks.

However, the same mother's know how to knock out a sugary, concoction with consummate ease to pop into their children's lunch boxes in the name of 'healthy'.

Research has shown that children like what they were fed as babies through their mother's milk or in the womb. Obviously if children don't like vegetables then that demonstrates that their mothers either didn't eat them when they were gestating or nursing their babies or they fed them on soy formula with no vegetable tastes.

buzzy110, Oct 21, 12:03am
Also I read how awful it is when uli and I and others point out that there may be better things to eat than sugary foods and we are ferociously abused. However, isn't this what Jamie Oliver is saying? Isn't he saying that the sorts of foods that, apparently are cherishedby the posters in here, are not what we should be feeding our children.

He says it, you all agree and then you carry on to defend everyone's right to eat lolly cake. Sure a bit now and again may be fine, but I've read threads where posters have asked for 'healthy lunchbox' additions and mostly the foods, whilst being homemade, are extraordinarily sugary. Some mothers make bulk muffins or biscuits and freeze them to pop into their children's lunchbox everyday and have for afternoon snacks. I don't get it.

It seems that 'occasionally' means more than once a day, every day on these boards and it seems that only the fat children of America should be criticised for their food ignorance.

Well look closer to home ladies because your practices are coming a close second to what is happening in the worst part of the US. You cannot justify what you are doing, even though you are all treading water at a great rate of knots.

buzzy110, Oct 21, 12:33am
And I can think of an instance on these boards where a lady wanted to make a cake for a diabetic's birthday. uli reminded her that cake may not be the best thing to take to a diabetic and suggested an extremely healthy, very delicious (so delicious in fact that I put similar foods onto my table at Xmas) alternative and blow me down, the result was the same sullen rejection of that advice as JO is getting from the much criticised, nutritionally ignoramus parents and school food providers.

motorbo, Oct 21, 12:34am
you spoke too bloody soon!! my god i wonder what buzzys blood pressure is like, all that stressing about the crap other people eat

nauru, Oct 21, 1:30am
Watching that programme reminded me of a visit we made to friends in the States when our son was 3. First morning, their daughter also 3 was having coca cola with breakfast, our 3 year old threw a tantrum because we said he he wasn't allowed cola and had to have milk with his. They were all into fizzy, sugary drinks and fast convenience food even way back then.Cakes etc made from packet mixes too.

cookessentials, Oct 22, 8:28pm
Yes So I see. It is also a well known fact that negativitry
is just as bad for the body as an unhealthy diet.
negative emotions and feelings bring poisoning toxins to the organism. Strong negative emotions such as anger, spite, envy, jealousy, and fear make the endocrine system accumulate poisons in the blood. Anxiety, depression, and doubt can also cause poisoning of the blood. Passive and lengthy negative emotions are even more dangerous for health than active, sudden and momentary negative emotions. Negative emotions shorten the span of life.
But then there is not point telling buzzy110 this because she is so extremely intelligent and would have no hesitation in telling you so.
I think a high percentage of the people here eat reasonably well. Jaime Olivers programme is pitched at those who live a completley different lifestyle all together
Now, it seems that buzzy110 only comprehends what Jaime Oliver is saying to fit HER rules. Below is a quote from the man himself about balanced eating. It is from his website.

My philosophy to food and healthy eating has always been about enjoying everything in a balanced, and sane way. Food is one of life's greatest joys yet we've reached this really sad point where we're turning food into the enemy, and something to be afraid of. I believe that when you use good ingredients to make pasta dishes, salads, stews, burgers, grilled vegetables, fruit salads, and even outrageous cakes, they all have a place in our diets. We just need to rediscover our common sense: if you want to curl up and eat macaroni and cheese every once in a while – that's alright! Just have a sensible portion next to a fresh salad, and don't eat a big old helping of chocolate cake afterwards.

Knowing how to cook means you'll be able to turn all sorts of fresh ingredients into meals when they're in season, at their best, and cheapest! Cooking this way will always be cheaper than buying processed food, not to mention better for you. And because you'll be cooking a variety of lovely things, you'll naturally start to find a sensible balance. Some days you'll feel like making something light, and fresh, other days you'll want something warming and hearty. If you've got to snack between meals, try to go for something healthy rather than loading up on chocolate or potato crisps. Basically, as long as we all recognize that treats should be treats, not a daily occurrence, we'll be in a good place. So when I talk about having a 'healthy' approach to food, and eating better I'm talking about achieving that sense of balance: lots of the good stuff, loads of variety, and the odd indulgence every now and then. .

cookessentials, Oct 22, 8:38pm
Now, here is a two week menu planner that has been done on his site for healthy school lunches, now most of what is there is healthy and has a good mix of carbohydrates,proteins,fruits and vegetables
now buzzy110 remember, you have said the Mr Oliver is teaching the same things that you try to "teach" us all her on recipes. Interesting that the menus contain bread and even nachos and my, that just WONT do now will it?

motorbo, Oct 22, 8:45pm
thanks for sharing that Cookes, Jamie is a a wise soul, i adore his approach, my greatest enemy for years was my love for food, i did it all wrong,my greatest passion in life is still food, but good food!
if people wanna low carb or high carb i dont care, its their life but to have a life without the love of good food is sad, i like to read about and share all the good stuff like you have here over the negative ones that their own way is the only way, gosh i dont think theItalians that make amazing pasta would agree, or the years the french have made amazing bread and patisseries, nor the mexicans and their fabulous tortillas, or the day i discovered falafels in pita bread at the stall in the market in Israel, the world is full of amazing GOOD food, enjoy some of it this weekend, share the love and friendship good food brings, not fighting or preaching to others that they should live their life like you. celebrate and enjoy folks!!! thanks again Cookes, am now off to enjoy some good food, good company and nice wine!

cookessentials, Oct 22, 9:12pm
Yes, I am along the same thinking as you. Well, I have just shut up shop and am about to head off home. Friends for lunch tomorrow and hoping we can sit outside in the sun. Making the wood roasted salmon and orzo pasta salad with baby spinach leaves, some quick one hour white rolls ( home made of course and dead easy to make) and making Delia Smiths "Deep Dish Lemon Tart" it is about 4cm thick. Bought some nice wine,so looking forward to it.

buzzy110, Oct 22, 11:56pm
motorbo, once again you are showing you do not read. We low carbers eat a well balanced diet. Just because you choose to believe we don't, doesn't make it so. I too make my own breads and pastries and even eat them! However, I do it differently, preferring sour doughs, organic stone ground grains and healthy fats and low sugar foods over normal NZ fare.

Like uli says, you would be amazed at the range and deliciousness of the foods that get served up in our household.

You can try, with cooks to take the moral high ground on health. That is your prerogative but doing it by criticising others, as cooks loves to do, and that criticism being incorrect, is not the way to do it IMO.

buzzy110, Oct 23, 12:07am
And for your information some foods, if eaten at every meal actually are the enemy. they can be eaten, but not just at every meal. However, if you want to let JO, who has now developed a double chin or haven't you noticed, inform you of nutrition when his skill lies in how to cook delicious and yummy foods, then that is your right and I fail to understand why you complain when I don't follow along behind.

Jamie Oliver is opposed to processed foods and the combination high carb fatty foods and sugary junk that is being served up in schools and so he should be. What I am saying, and which cooks hasn't the wit to read properly (I've noticed her misunderstanding a lot of my very clearly set out posts) is that JO is really anti a lot of the foods that posters on here consider healthy and I bet that includes scone dough pizza with a can of spaghetti, copper penny salad and sweetened yoghurt - to name a few.

What he is promoting is lots of vegetables and high quality protein. Just a pity his nutrition doesn't include more saturated fats. But he is right to oppose combination high fat carb foods such as chips, crisps, sausages, and other high carb food cooked in fats.

buzzy110, Oct 23, 12:11am
And for the life of me I am with JO on instant noodles. I am sure he doesn't think that instant noodles are good nutrition. I know of posters in here who do. Two, I know for certain, even think them adequate nourishment to give to boys before heading out onto the playing field for a game of footy.

buzzy110, Oct 23, 12:13am
Saying that these foods should be 'now and again' but once again, I saw my neighbour feed instant noodles, white bread and fish fingers to her two boys EVERY night for dinner. But she used margarine so that was healthy, not. When did every night become 'now and again'?

hezwez, Oct 23, 1:06am
So what business is it of yours WHAT your neighbour feeds her boys, buzzybody?

cookessentials, Oct 23, 1:15am
Gosh, really?...did you sit at their dinner table every night.

Hey, I have the PERFECT job for you, seeing you are so bored and probably could do with the mental stimulation. You could set yourself up at your local supermarket and inspect peoples trolleys and advise them on what not to would save them so much money and they would become super healthy just like you!!
You could peer over their shoulders and "label read' for them, you could be a godsend.

fisher, Oct 23, 1:39am
Binoculars at 30 paces looking through her kitchen window you peeping tom... I bet you went away stamping your feet, pulling at your hair, and screaming at the ceiling.. "wrong wrong wrong..."
Own goal buzzy... perfect example of why you should mind your own fu**en business... let people lead their own lives.

rosewildvinyl, Oct 23, 1:41am
great idea
They might pay her as well - to go away

buzzy110, Oct 23, 1:43am
No business at all however, it served to demonstrate that even in little old NZ even educated well off people have very little conception of what is healthy unless of course I am wrong and instant noodles, white bread and margarine and fish fingers are the new health food and that information somehow passed me by.