Hi bedazzledjewels!Nice to see you again, thanks for the bump! lol :)
Jul 29, 7:25pm
#12 - Correction to post 12 Coeliac Disease is a medical condition in which there is a PERMANENTINTOLERANCE to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, triticale and dinkle. Oats contain a similar kind of protein. Coeliac Disease is a response from the immune system towards the ingestion of wheat and it causes damage to the inside of the intestines.
Jul 29, 10:01pm
gluten intolerance Gluten intolerance does cause damage to the intestines.
Jul 29, 11:24pm
melford you are correct CD is a permanent condition the post above doesnt say it isnt.An allergy may be able to be grown out of but not CD. :)
Jul 29, 11:36pm
Hi lil miss haley I agree, eating real foods without all those additives and preservatives has got to be better for us.We have a vege garden and grow as much as we can ourselves.We dont use any sprays and only use snail bait if we have to, but we dont really like doing that. You sound as if you have yourself all sorted as to what you can and cant eat, which isnt easy to do and can take quite a while, so good on you for that :)
Jul 30, 12:00am
A word about oats Oats have a protein similar to gluten called Avenin.One in 20 people react to it. Due to the high possibility of cross contamination during planting, harvesting and processing many brands of oats do have detectable levels of gluten in them.Harraways in Dunedin are very careful to reduce this problem but never claim theirs are gluten free :)
Jul 30, 12:46am
Other things gluten intolerant people may not be able to tolerate too: soy and anthing with soy/soy products in such as some margarines, nuts, tomato sauce, rice, tapioca, seaweed and any seaweed additive and even some starches and corn. :)
Jul 30, 1:52am
my husband has the biopsy and though the bloods came back postive, the biopsy was negative. However it was someone new doing it - and they only took one sample. he has NO desire to have another! My two year old had blood work that came back negative - but any of the above foods make her really ill. And she is fantastic as long as she is on the correct diet. the paed suggested we get her retested when she is 5. Oh - adn that she continues on her 'right' foods.
Jul 30, 4:53am
herika - I was referring to your statement CD, also known as gluten enteropathy, is neither an allergy nor an intolerance. Gluten enteropathy causes damage to the lining in the small intestine, which interferes with the absorption of nutrients. Neither allergies nor intolerances lead to this sort of intestinal damage. :)
Jul 30, 1:42pm
It wasnt my statement it was taken from: Excerpt from Gluten-free Friends Fall 1996 (Vol. 2, No. 3) R. Jean Powell, editor Montana Celiac Society 1019 So. Bozeman Ave. #3 Bozeman, MT 59715. :)
Jul 30, 1:45pm
Im one of those people who cant tolerate vege gums.It has the same effect gluten has on me. It is in a lot of gluten free breads which means I can have them and its also in so many foods until I started checking labels I had no idea. Soy is another thing that is in a lot of foods too.Soy lecithin (322) is a common additive. I read somewhere it sometimes comes from eggs! :)
Jul 30, 6:17pm
herika - you are getting your information from a lot of American sites which is unhelpful when applied to our food here, we have different food standards. Many of the overseas sites have a hidden agenda as they are trying to push their products on to the consumer. There are also many different opinions out there and you can usually find one that fits the bill for your purpose. I believe only a trained professional can fathom out what is correct and incorrect.
Jul 30, 7:21pm
that is only one American site which I found explained the differences in the different reactions to gluten very well.The reaction to gluten that people with Coeliac disease have is different to the reaction that people who arent Coeliacs but have a gluten intolerance. Some of the symptoms are the same or similar. People who are allergic to gluten have different reactions too, anaphylactic shock being a severe one. Perhaps it would help dispel the confusion if Coeliacs said they had gluten entropy as opposed to gluten intolerance, and people who had an allergic reaction called it a gluten allergy! I dont know if that would help but I do know they are very different conditions and need to be treated as such :)
Jul 30, 8:08pm
The following is taken from a newpaper article about Dr Rodney Ford:Ever wonder how gluten can cause such a wide array of symptoms in so many different people! Dr. Rodney Ford, a doctor from Christchurch who is known as “Doctor Gluten,” just may have the answer – that gluten causes symptoms, in both celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity, by directly and indirectly injuring nerve networks that control various organs and systems in the body. CD is considered a gastrointestinal disease whose symptoms are due to damage or malabsorption in the gut. But gluten can provoke significant ill health other than CD and symptoms “outside” the gut, such as the skin condition eczema and the nervous system disorder ataxia. The way gluten does its damage and leads to many different symptoms is because it interferes with the body’s neural networks, proposes Dr. Ford.
Jul 30, 8:11pm
. a pediatric and allergy specialist with more than twenty-five years of experience treating people with gluten-related illness. His article “The Gluten Syndrome: A Neurological Disease” that explains this theory recently appeared in an early e-edition of Medical Hypothesis. He wrote: Evidence points to the nervous system as the prime site of gluten damage.
Jul 30, 8:13pm
. This theory is attractive because it gives a unifying answer that explains the following conundrums: the mechanism of the non-gut symptoms of celiac disease; the behaviour disturbances of gluten reactions; the psychiatric and personality disorders; the neurological symptoms; the autonomic system disturbances; why such small amounts of gluten can cause such major reactions by the amplification effect of the nervous system (not dependent on any gut damage); and why gluten can create such a diverse range of symptoms, because any agent that causes widespread neurological harm (think of multiple sclerosis and Syphilis) can generate almost any array of symptoms. There is a lot more information on this site.
Jul 30, 8:18pm
Why Dr Ford says above comes from : The gluten syndrome: A neurological disease. Medical Hypothesis (2009), doi:10.1016/j.mehy.2009.03.037- . :)
Jul 30, 8:25pm
I had a different lunch today I had a half used packet of Erawan Rice Paper sheets and thought I may as well do something with them.I got all the ingredients I wanted to use ready, tomato, cheese, spring onion, pineapple etc and then lay one sheet of the rice paper on a dinner plate, ran warm water over it and when it was soft carefully and slowly tilted the plate onto its side holding the top edge of the sheet. The water ran off and the rice paper was ready to fill, roll and eat.You can transfer to a clean tea towel after soaking but I find that tricky.These can be used to wrap all sorts of fillings and can also be deep fried.Its quite nice to have something different for a change. :)
Jul 31, 12:16am
I have just been interested to find your thread. At present I am undergoing tests to try and sort out my ongoing 'tummy' problems. A year ago similar tests ruled out coeliac disease (or anything sinister) and here I am again with the same symptoms. I strongly suspect gluten intolerance and am wondering about lactose as well. Herika, how long have you known of your intolerance! Have you used anyone (dietician or suchlike) to work out a suitable diet or just worked it out for yourself through trial and error! At this stage I'm wondering what the heck WILL agree with my stomach and still maintain a healthy diet once I have got my system settled again with the use of losec!
Jul 31, 3:37am
Hi bodieblue I started having problems in my 20's and for 5 years doctors kept telling me I had IBS. I tried to help myself work it out for 2 years and did improve from time to time but in the end I went to a Medical Herbalist who diagnosed my gluten problem at my first visit and put me on a gluten free diet.3 days later I noticed a marked improvement.The rest I worked out for myself. Check out the thread *Gluten free hints and tips*. I figured out I couldnt have casein (cows milk) and vege gums among other things over the next few years.I basically have it under control now.There is so much conflicting information around it does make it difficult. I will bump up the other thread for you :)
Jul 31, 4:46am
Thanks for that Herika, I shall look through that thread and no doubt gain some useful info and hints in order to 'help my tummy troubles'.
Aug 1, 12:16am
I have just been interested to find your thread. At present I am undergoing tests to try and sort out my ongoing 'tummy' problems. A year ago similar tests ruled out coeliac disease (or anything sinister) and here I am again with the same symptoms. I strongly suspect gluten intolerance and am wondering about lactose as well. Herika, how long have you known of your intolerance! Have you used anyone (dietician or suchlike) to work out a suitable diet or just worked it out for yourself through trial and error! At this stage I'm wondering what the heck WILL agree with my stomach and still maintain a healthy diet once I have got my system settled again with the use of losec!
Aug 1, 1:54am
MSG can be a big problem watch labels for "glutamate". These are flavour enhancers and they have the additive numbes: 620, 621, 622, 623, 624 and 625. MSG is produced by a fermentation process using starch, sugar from corn or molasses from sugar cane or beets.The starch could be from wheat and the info on the label isnt going to disclose that.
Aug 1, 3:37am
Hi bodieblue I started having problems in my 20's and for 5 years doctors kept telling me I had IBS. I tried to help myself work it out for 2 years and did improve from time to time but in the end I went to a Medical Herbalist who diagnosed my gluten problem at my first visit and put me on a gluten free diet.3 days later I noticed a marked improvement.The rest I worked out for myself. Check out the thread *Gluten free hints and tips*. I figured out I couldnt have casein (cows milk) and vege gums among other things over the next few years.I basically have it under control now.There is so much conflicting information around it does make it difficult. I will bump up the other thread for you :)
Aug 1, 4:46am
Thanks for that Herika, I shall look through that thread and no doubt gain some useful info and hints in order to 'help my tummy troubles'.
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