Fruit Cakes If anyone saw the final of the Friday night cooking programme (Richard Till)a week or so ago he baked 2 delicious fruit cakes, both are here - week 7. One very heathy with no butter! I could have 2 slices (like Brianmac!)
Aug 26, 3:24am
Speedy variety cakes Go to local bakery. Point at items through glass. Hand over cash. Enjoy! (Brought to you by a reformed cake baker, LOL)
Aug 28, 10:19pm
bumping again too many good recpes for this to go
Aug 29, 4:58pm
Crikey, this was on the last page! can't have that.
Aug 29, 8:20pm
easy fruit cake hi Katalin, try this one. Boilet Fruit Cake.
1/2pound butter 1 cup sugar (either whitebrown or raw ) 1 cup water 1 pound fruit (any mix you prefer) Boil all the above for 5 minutes
COOL then add 2 beaten eggs, 2 lge cups flour (i use SR) or 1/2 tsp baking powder. 1/2 tsp each of lemon, almond and vanilla essence 1/2 tsp each of mixed spice, cinnamon and ground nutmeg add walnuts or almonds as preferred. The above quantitieswill fill a 7 or 8 inch tin This is a very old recipe and i have used it over and over(without fail )for birthday and wedding cakes for nearly 50 years but usually double or quadruple itandsubstitute some water for sherry. In this quantity say 3/4 water and 1/4 sherry If you boil the mix in alarge saucepan and add the other ingredients to it saves the need to use another bowl. Simple and reliableGood Luck
Aug 29, 8:48pm
APPLE SCONES Someone posted a recipe for date and orange scones and this is another good one. 3 cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup milk, 1 egg,2 tsp cream of tartar, 1 tsp baking soda, 1/4 pound butter
rub butter into dry ingredients, mix lightly beaten egg with milk and add to dry ingredients. roll out on baking paper on oven tray and spread 1/2 with finely sliced apple. fold over other half. mark and cut into squares while still hot and sprinkle with icing sugar when cold. this recipe is well over 100 yrs old and baked in an old coal range without a temp gauge so cook as you would with any scone mix
Aug 30, 3:44am
Awesome Recipes Thanx so much everyone for the beautiful recipes I think i might try a choccy cake tonite since there are so many recipes I have never seen before cheers
Aug 30, 7:18pm
Basic banana loaf recipe please ! anyone please,off to sons school for a shared lunch tomorrow.and have 4 brown bananas in cuboard,so I'm thinking a basic banana loaf is the way to go
Aug 31, 12:45am
Help! I've been landed to make a German Cake. I opened my big mouth and said I knew how to do one.And guess what! I've just got a big mouth so can anyone please a recipe and the right frosting with it. They reckon with the frosting is highlander milk, coconut!
Aug 31, 4:06pm
ah, but nothing like home made lynnes!
Aug 31, 4:30pm
Lemon Spice Cake LEMON SPICE CAKE 4 oz butter 4 oz sugar 2 eggs 4 oz flour 1 tsp Baking Powder 1 dsp spice 1 ½ T milk
Cream butter and sugar, add eggs and dry ingredients. Cook in round or square tin and when cold ice with 1 cup icing sugar with lemon juice.
Sep 2, 2:48am
Bumping for the Armenian Walnut & Nutmeg cake!
Sep 2, 4:35am
I'm sure I've seen a star tin ina speciality shop or maybe in a store that hires out party stuff! Thought I would share my "Spongecake For Dummies" recipe, that I love. Crack 4 eggs in to a bowl and beat until pale, gradually add 1c sugar. When very pale yellow fold through 1c flour. Bake @ 160C ish until springy. This makes a firm sponge for layered cakes.
Sep 2, 9:15pm
sounds very nice nevi might just have to try that one.
Sep 2, 10:42pm
84# I made the festive cake from that program, didn't like it at all. Has anyone made the other one!
Wicked.contd Method. In a medium size mixing bowl completely dissolve sugar and margarine in boiled water. Sift flour, bicarb and cocoa into bowl in one go, using an electric beater beat together 1 minute, add egg whites and beat 30 seconds more. Using a microwave round ring dish (6 cup) or a microwave dish that has a separate centre piece, coat with cooking spray, cut out grease proof paper to fit base of dish and line base, spray top of paper with cooking spray, coat centre piece with cooking spray and place in middle. Pour cake mix into dish and place in centre of microwave (650 watt) on HIGH for 6 minutes. Leave in microwave 2 minutes then remove, turn out on cake rack, peel off paper and cool. ICING: Once cake has cooled, place all icing ingredients into a small mixing bowl and combine well. Spread icing evenly over top.
Sep 2, 11:43pm
Norwegian special cake 2 oz melted butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs2 tsp baking powder baking 1¼ cups flour½ cup milk Chopped crystallised ginger &slivered almonds. Beat eggs & sugar Fold in flour, baking powder, butter& milk Bake in a greased 23/25cm tin in a moderate oven ( 180*) for 30-40 minutes. Topping2oz butter1 Tbsp milk2oz sugar1 heaped tsp flour Boil all ingredients for 2 minutes. Spread over hot cake and sprinkle with chopped ginger and slivered almonds. Return to oven to brown for about 10 minutes.
Sep 4, 6:39pm
Sorry kenrick, I dont have anything try sending a message out to Uli in general or recipes,she may know.
Sep 5, 1:35am
FABULOUS thread! Mels Secret Choc cake a winner Those who are watching this thread, have tested out #11 Mels Secret Chcolate cake and it is a WINNER! it is easy to make, a good rich cake and very moist. I made the mistake of using cream cheese icing which just plain didn't work. It comes out as a huge cake and would be ideal for somethign like Black forest cake. Thanks for the fabulous thread!
Sep 6, 2:52am
Bumping for someone wanting a cake recipe
Sep 7, 1:12am
cardoman or cloves has anyone got a recipe using either of these spices are a dominant flavour - and are they any good. They are appealing tastes but I wonder if they end up being a nice cake!
Sep 7, 3:46am
Pg 4 :o)
Sep 7, 4:04am
citrus frosting have been reading too many of all these delish recipes and read citrus as circus,that would make a good frosting hehe
Sep 7, 2:24pm
I do have some spicy cake recipes not sure whether they have cardamom or cloves,but will check them out. I love anything spicy and quite often will add a little "extra" as the recipes are not overly spicy.
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