come on merv - stop teasing and spit out the recipe mate! We're all hanging on in anticipation ... . and rumbling tummies
Jun 18, 2:43am
The Recipe! ! ! ! ! CHEESE ROLLS. I tin of Evaporated Milk. 2 packets of Maggi Onion Soup(this replaces the untidy cut up onions/boiling water etc)Grated tasty(or mild, whatever) cheese(500gm)METHOD. Mix all well in pot and heat, s l o w l y, once in liquid form make rolls. A thin slice of sqaure bread(fresh)-remove crusts on edges if so desired--spread mix like thick butter onto bread slice and roll bread into a roll. Press down on roll slightly to give the roll a 'flat' top. (we use a gentle pressure using a frypan spatula)Mix makes two loafs of thinnly cut bread. Place in freezer bags and freeze. LATER. Remove say two rolls from freezer bag. Place in your sandwich toastie machine(pre heat)! put top down;toast. Rolls come out toasted and oozing with cheese at both ends. Butter aplenty on top with real NZ butter--now eat! ! ! ! VARIATIONS. To follow.
Jun 18, 2:48am
Variations of above. ! If you like vegemite with your cheese(i do) just spread some onto your sliced bread prior to applying cheese mixture. 2. If you like savoury mince--just replace entire cheese mixture with s/mince(cooled)3. To make sweet corn rolls just replace the 500gm cheese block with around 4 cups of sweet corn(frozen) and heat. You may want more corn in mix or less. Up to you. Apply as the cheese mix. Yum yummy yum! !
Jun 18, 2:50am
WARNING! DO NOT put your famous cheese rolls into the fast grill to toast! ! They expand and break up-taste terrible.
Jun 18, 2:53am
And excuse my stupid typos! ! Some folk call them spelling mistakes! ! (really)
Jun 18, 3:05am
ah merv ~ you're a wee gem! Thank you for that recipe; will be making that for us lot tomorrow night --- cheers ;-)
Jun 18, 3:14pm
this one works well too - tried and true plunket recipe:grate 1kg of cheese and add 1/2 a miced or finely diced onion, and 1 - 2 tsp of bacon stock. blend all with hot water, until it forms a smooth paste. this amount makes 9 doz chesse rolls really nicely. enjoy
Jun 18, 3:57pm
#11's recipe is the way I love them. . Yummy must go make some
Jun 18, 8:55pm
And if you like----- put some chives in with the cheese mix--Oh Yummayummyyummy
Jun 18, 10:32pm
i dont get it do you roll these like a scroll then bake in the oven ?
Jun 18, 10:43pm
if I've got this right I think the piece of bread is folded much the same way you'd fold a letter into three (ie; into thirds) ... or else you could roll them up then kinda squash them flat?
Jun 18, 10:43pm
oh ok then toasted ? ? ?
Jun 18, 11:58pm
my recipe is different it's the one my great nana used. 4oz (120g) grated cheese, finely chopped onion, 1 egg, 2T milk, 1/2t mustard powder... . . mix egg, milk and mustard and onion together, add cheese and melt slowly over a low heat, cool and spread on bread.
Jun 18, 11:58pm
well my opinion for what it's worth LOL, is that these are two quite different items. I have had both. The one made with evaporated milk and I love it and I have had the one with boiling water and love it. However they don't substitute for each other! ! ! ! I believe (from my Invercargill friend) that the one made with milk is traditional. I wanted to make them with a slice of ham on the bread first and she told me NO WAY JOSE! ! ! ! Apparently that is sacrilege. I went along with her because she gave me the recipe after much nagging on my part. Go for both but remember not to offend trus South Islanders who will bear a grudge for a very long time. Haha, I know nothing. i am a North Islander. Sorry.
Jun 18, 11:59pm
BTW When they are sold for fundraising, how much do you sell them for? Do you sell them hot or cold? If hot how do you keep them hot? I need details guys! ! ! !
Jun 19, 12:02am
If I am doing a lot at once I put them under the grill and turn them. If only doing 4-6 I just quickly microwave them (1min for 6 rolls) then finish them off in the sandwich press. I keep a bag of frozen ones in the freezer all year round - and do a batch each week for son's flat. For real special ones put a small tin of pineapple and chopped cooked bacon (preferably streaky).
Jun 19, 12:20am
... ... recipe made with tinned milk makes more rolls than the one without, but they are both nice I agree. You slice off thinly 2 opposite sides of crust, then I often roll each slice with a rolling pin as it helps soften the bread and makes it easier to roll. They freeze well too
Jun 19, 1:35am
You just roll em-then flatten em Doesn't matter what recipe you use--as long as you enjoy them. We just love those juicy-oozy cheese rolls straight out of the toastie machine and with the test match tomorrow night snacks will be the cheese rolls--the sweet corn rolls and the mince rolls. Plus some beer/coke/whatever. Go Southland--Go Otago--the homes of ALL good things good! ! And go the All Blacks! !
Jun 19, 1:47am
use can also cook them on a cake cooling rack over an oven hob, don't need to use a griller, i have used the toaster at work, did the job as the Sammy press broke, but a bit more to clean up, still well worth the clean up time Lol I used the water and Maggi onion soup recipe
Jun 19, 1:54am
How many of you lot are sporting 'love handles'? By golly--the roll around the waist line must be gigantic.
Jun 19, 2:29am
How about throwing a little lemon pepper seasoning in... .
Jun 19, 3:13am
Does it have to be white bread, or will grain slices do?
Jun 19, 3:28am
either i usually only eat brown but imo white best for cheeserolls . . as long as its the big squares of bread and not like vogals should b fine!
Jun 19, 3:43am
hey merv ~ love handles and how many? try I have None! This is purely because try having 7 kids (teens and weens and see how much rest you get; physical or mental; then watch the kilos melt away all by themselves! )Anyway, I love food and your Dunedin Cheese Rolls sound brilliant - comfort food even, so thanks for the recipe :-)
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