Yes they should be called Otago Cheese Rolls ! ! ! Oh and by the way Otago swedes are nicer than Southland swedes :-) :-) :-)
Jul 15, 6:43pm
southland swedes r better. . doesnt matter who made the cheese rolls. . they r yummy no matter what they are called
Sep 16, 4:15am
Ok whats happening with the cheese rolls why have I not heard about thisdetails please
Sep 16, 4:17am
Swedes need frosts to be really yummy and who better for that than Southland, apart from Central Otago of course, still the southland swedes are the best.
Sep 16, 4:50am
now listen here lol an otago swede nicer than a southland swede - i should say not!!!my goodness me where have you been - everyone who is anyone knows that southland FAR outranks Otago when it comes to swedes...we do get it SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much colder down here you know!!oh and when all is said and done, one must simple state that southland cheese rolls far out rank a mere Otago one as well lol....blessings for tomorrow crew - keep the debate going lol...
Sep 16, 4:56am
Hells teeth you couldn't buy a cheese roll anywhere other than Southland until recently so why the debate, a fact is a fact and that is that!!!
Sep 16, 2:28pm
Can I put a plug in for the SOUTH OTAGO SWEDES. Have grown them for many years and they are always popular.
Sep 16, 3:14pm
Cheese rolls only found in Southland until recently is a very incorrect cheesy statement to make.Dunedin has always had hot buttered cheese rolls, which should be eaten with a steaming bowl of soup on a freezing cold Winters day, most certainly with the butter dripping down your chin.And I have to defend our Otago swedes as the men spend many long hours sowing them.The farmer now and then leaves a huge one on the lawn which is his way of telling me to cook a piece up for his tea.This year though, he has produced a tiny old variety which he says are the best tasting of the lot. I must admit they are far easier to prepare than trying to get a large carving knife through those big hard stubborn sods, not a job for the faint hearted, and I'll bet more than a few expletives have been uttered in the process
Sep 16, 6:07pm
Hi, I remember coffee barsabout three of them up main st of Dunedin inearly 60s haveing cheese rolls none of them had evaporated milk in mixture any way who cares long as they taste yummy.Have a good day.Maureen
Sep 16, 8:11pm
MMmmmmmmmmm perfect weather this weekend for cheese rolls.Think I will make up a batch to have them handy.Hope everyone staying warm and dry this weekend.Take care.
Sep 16, 8:22pm
I think it was Southland who started calling them "Southland Cheese Rolls"and only quite recently.In fact they have always been available in coffee shops, tea rooms etc right across Otago as well. I grew up in Central Otago and dont ever remember a time when you couldnt get cheese rolls.I remember making them when I was quite young.It was only very recently that even knew the rest of the country didnt know about them, had I given it any thought, I would have just assumed they were a staple lunch item like scones or soup that everyone had.
Sep 16, 11:11pm
Even had cheese rolls in Canterbury in the 60s but always thought of them as an Otago thing.A real treat for Dunedin boarding school kids of the era - available at teh tea place in the Octagon and at Moana Pool.Sorry but swedes are awful from anywhere (except raw)!
Mar 25, 9:01pm
That's OK if you don't like swedes, the sheep won't mind a bit :-)
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