Yes, The Little Hut I used to go there with Mum as a little girl. When it was sold they still advertised that they had the cheese rolls but they were never the same. It was they way they flattened them I think. Brings back the memories.
Sep 13, 8:45am
Good idea to flatten the bread a bit so they roll nicely
Sep 15, 10:20am
bumped for spotty :-))
Sep 22, 1:18am
Husband Still yearns for the ones from the Hut in Dunedin. The only edible thing he had access to in his boarding school days apparently!
Sep 27, 9:48pm
bumped for andie4 :-))
Sep 27, 10:13pm
i do mine different agin ! I use a can of reduced cream , pkt onion soup , and lots of grated cheese , sometimes add spring onion, parsley or ham. Put it all in a bowl and mix well , butter bread on one side , put filling on the other and roll, bake under the grill - my lot love these i never seem to make enough to make it to the freezer.
Oct 4, 8:11am
Backk up for others. Yumm.
Nov 30, 10:34pm
I come from Dunedin originally and when I go back there, I still go to the Little Hutt Coffee bar for cheese rolls or dare I say it Mutton pies. You have to be a lower south islander to know about these.
Nov 30, 10:35pm
Yesterday they made them on the good morning show. But I only came in on the part when he was rolling them up. Was it the same recipe that was mentioned on this thread.
Nov 30, 10:41pm
Oh my goodness! A mutton pie. I am from down south and I LOVE mutton pies. That pastry and the peppery mutton! Yummy. Oh I would pay a great deal of money for a mutton pie right now.
Nov 30, 11:06pm
I have tried to buy them in the North Island but cannot find them anywhere. Never mind it will just have to be one of those treats you look forward to when going back home.
Nov 30, 11:23pm
omg? ! I shouldnt of come into this thread... these sound very very delicious! i've got to try them this weekend! :))
Dec 1, 12:09am
'The Little Hut' in Dunedin... that brings back memories. I was a student in Dunedin in 1963/64 and on rare occasions when we could scratch up enough cash between a group of us we would go the 'The Little Hut' for hot chocolate and those famous cheese rolls. They were the best! Tea tonight here is going to be soup and cheese rolls... haven't made them for years so thanks for jogging my memory.
Jun 18, 4:15am
-you know the ones--sold over 20, 000 last Rugby Test weekend at the various cafes etc down in Colsville. These Icons that somehow have never made their way into the mouths of North Islanders etc are so tasy and yummy--you really must try them. The key to a Total Extreme Cheese Roll is in the making and the preparation and the final cooking. So simple. We have 10 or so at ALL times in our freezer--ready for a quick snack! ! Down in Dunners you can go into any Smkt and buy them ready to cook--frozen--in bags of 10 and 20. Once tried--you will never ever want to eat any other snack! ! And the recipe etc? Let me know if you want it! !
Jun 18, 4:23am
yum i love cheese rolls as a Southlander i was weaned on one! if your recipe is made with reduced cream don't bother posting cos thats not a real cheese roll its a dip sandwich lol ;-p
Jun 18, 4:27am
please share the recipe with the rest of us.
Jun 18, 4:29am
Yeah, come on #1 Share the recipe. Sounds delicious to me. Looking forward to it:)
Jun 18, 4:30am
dbab and ahjaybee, have a look at php? f=28&t=466 = you'll find a variety of recipes there for Cheese Rolls. :-))
Jun 18, 4:58am
The Original Cheese Roll Recipe dates back in time to the Roaring 1920's! ! ! ! I am at this moment enjoying one with a cup of tea. Equally enjoyable with a glass of wine-a coke-or a coffee. MMMMmmmm-that real NZ butter is just pouring off the flat toasted top as the delicious real cheese(tasty) and its additives(? ? ) ooze out of the front of the roll as i take a bite. And that taste! ! ! ! ! no wonder people in Dunners go absolutely mad on them. #2--stay with the phoney--try some oysters in it! ! ! ! ! !
Jun 18, 5:06am
You will need the following! ! ! 1. a photo of Dunedin in the 1920's showing the Princes Street/george Street business area with some electric trams making their way along centre street. (This will create the atmosphere required to 'set the scene' for your Cheese Roll making). 2. a nice tidy clean bench. 3. One pot. 4. a grater. 5. A stirring spoon. 6. a hot plate. 7 a loaf of white bread-square shaped--and thinnly sliced. Oops--just run out of cheese rolls--away to heat up another couple. Be back soon.
Jun 18, 5:50am
Sounds like those TV programs... . Where the final parts goes on and on... then the end comes... Hmmmm Big build up but still awaiting after a while... Cheers
Jun 18, 6:36am
We have them here in Hastings keep them in the freezer until needed. We found out about them on a trip to Dunedin Christmas before last. When we came home found the recipe on the members board, so they are here in the North Island.
Jun 18, 6:53am
I married the girl who made the best cheese rolls in Dunedin and no she won't reveal the simple but essential recipe
Jun 18, 7:16am
ezy as ... I'm happy to share my recipe - used to have a shop and made them all the time. Very yum. In a bowl put grated cheese, finely chopped onion and mix together. Then add boiling water and stir with until a little bit on the sloppy side. Let the mix sit a while until spreadable then spread a good laying on thin bread (white or brown) and roll up (ie, like a letter for an envelope - into 3). Don't press down on them too much as they go really flat. Can be put on a tray on in a bag ontop of the crust from the bread an frozen. The mix can be used in sandwiches as well and you can substitue onion for crushed drained pineapple as well. Nice done with mince as well. Enjoy!
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