bev00, in the apricot and ginger slice above, how many grams of butter is it really!I appreciate a low-fat recipe, but somehow I get the feeling there really is supposed to be butter in it!
Feb 6, 11:56am
wow whata great selection just to let everyone know ALL of these recipes have been saved to where anyone can access them as well as other recipes, while we dont want this thread vanishing just yet all recipes up to here have been saved :)
Feb 9, 8:36am
Yummy brownies recipe Ingredients: 100g cocoa (abt ¾ of a cup) 200g butter 2c castor sugar 1t vanilla essence 4 eggs 90g flour ¾ cup (just under) 1t baking powder Walnuts (pieces - small packet) Icing sugar to dust Packet of choc chippies
Method: Melt butter Sift cocoa Add sugar, mix that Beat in eggs, one at a time with vanilla essence Sift in flour and baking powder Add chopped walnuts and pack of choc chips Mix it Cook it @ 150 for about 50-55 minutes
Dust with icing sugar
SOOOO easy and really yummy too
Feb 9, 1:29pm
z. zzzzzz
Feb 9, 9:11pm
Delicious Chocolate Slice. 250gm butter melted & cooled, 1c brown sugar, 2c plain flour, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp vanilla, 2T cocoa, 1c coconut, 1 egg lightly beaten. Sift flour, coca & baking powder into a bowl. Add all other ingredients & mix well. Press mix into a lined slice tin. Bake @ 180°C for 20mins. Allow to cool and ice with a rich chocolate icing.This slice has a delicious soft texture and cuts really well.
Feb 9, 9:15pm
Easy Coconut Biscuits. 1 heaped cup self raising flour, 1 cup coconut, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, 125gm melted butter. Mix ingredients together and beat with electric beaters for 5 mins. Place spoonfuls on a lined tray. Bake @ 180°C for 12 mins.
Feb 9, 11:38pm
bumping up :)
Feb 11, 1:10am
Passionfruit & Lemon Slice 120gm butter, 1/2c icing sugar, 1/2tsp vanilla, 1 1/2c plain flour, 1tsp grated lemon rind. Filling: 3/4c plain flour, 1/2tsp baking powder, 3/4c coconut, 3 eggs, 1c caster sugar, 170gm jar of passionfruit pulp, 2T lemon juice, 1 tsp grated lemon rind. Cream butter & icing sugar. Add vanilla, fold in flour & zest. Press into slice tin & bake @180°C for 15-20mins. Filling: Sift flour & baking powder & add coconut. Lightly beat eggs & sugar, add passionfruit pulp, lemon juice & zest. Add in the dry ingredients and stir till combined. Pour over the cooked base and return to oven for a further 20mins. Cool & dust with icing sugar.
Feb 11, 7:44pm
Jeez just found this thread, excellent, keep it bumped, some lovely treats in here :o)
Feb 11, 9:25pm
Thank you Brianmac Made your crisp coconut biscuits this morning, they are very nice. Many thanks to you for the trouble you go to posting so many super recipes.
Feb 11, 10:46pm
Hello Brianmac, can you help me with your recipe at #71 in this thread please.It's for the COCONUT SLICE.I would like to know how much eggs, sugar and coconut to use for the Topping please!I want to make this slice for Saturday, but need your help.Cheers, from Jen.
Feb 12, 2:01am
ok, I shall check for you I think someone asked the same question further on and I did add it in.
Feb 12, 2:08am
Jen it is on page 7 I think post # 317.Best check which slice recipe i was supposed to be getting lol,sorry, a heap on at present,not like me to forget.
Feb 12, 2:15am
This is the only one I have barter. It is a frosted apricot cherry and walnut slice. It is unbaked. 125g sweet biscuit crumbs;1 cup halved glace cherries;2/3 cup chopped dried apricots;3/4 cup chopped walnuts;1/2 cup coconut;1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk;125g butter,melted.Line base and sides of a 19cmx29cm lamington pan with foil.Combine biscuits,fruit,walnuts,coconut- ,milk and butter into a pan cont.
Feb 12, 2:19am
large bowl,sorry ,stir until combined. Press mixture into prepared pan,spread with frosting and refrigerate till set. I guess you could omit the cherries and increase the apricots and perhaps some chopped crystalised ginger instead. FROSTING:30g butter;1 tsp vanilla essence;1 tbsp plain yoghurt;1 cup icing sugar;2 tbsp coconut.Beat butter,essence and yoghurt in small bowl till smooth and creamy,gradually beat in sifted icing sugar. Sprinkle coconut over frosted slice.
Feb 12, 2:27am
#409 Thanks Petal, I just found it and copied it to the recipe.Thanks too for all your amazing recipes and the time you take to type them all on here for us.I thoroughly appreciate your efforts Pam.xxxx
Feb 12, 12:16pm
you are very welcome jen glad you enjoy them. I may yet have recipes and a glossary section on the website -just liaising with the web designer at the moment.
Feb 12, 1:11pm
Bumping is when one wishes to. either bring the thread or a post up to the top of MB section for another's attention or to keep it up for personal thoughts, or simply keeping the thread alive ( if near the end of the topic or on the very last page - faces possible extinction ), one uses the word "bump" for these purposes. One could write other things instead of using the word bumping as well as a form of bumping. Cheers, maybe a couple of other thoughts as well.
Feb 12, 1:15pm
Hmmm, what's going on. a moment ago was a post what is bumping now no longer prior post, is there a little worm playing up somewhere. Sorry but I'm a little confused on this.
Feb 12, 7:35pm
#413 What website is this Pam!Can you give me more info please, I'm keen to have a look when it's up and running.
Feb 12, 9:40pm
soft and chewy biscuits Has anyone got any recipes for soft and chewy biscuits (any flavours)! Thanks
Feb 12, 9:56pm
Chewy Almond Biscuits. 200gm ground almonds, 1c caster sugar, 1/2c plain flour, 1/4c apricot jam (or any flavour you like), 3 egg whites at room temp - whisked, 24 whole blanched almonds. Place ground almonds, sugar and flour into bowl. Stir to combine. Add jam and egg whites. Mix well. Take 1 tablespoon of mix and shape into balls. Place onto baking trays and press and almond into the centre of each. Press down slightly to flatten. Bake for 15-18mins @ 160°C or until light golden.
Feb 13, 2:05am
great thread my printer is busy and I am looking forward to trying out some recipes this weekend.Would anyone have a recipe for Raspberry and White chocolate buscuits!.They are a big cookie that is crisp around the edges but yummy and chewy in the middle.
Feb 13, 3:27am
just made Peanut Brownies and Chinaman Chew from the other thread, DH says I can cook them again.Will try the almond one later, thanks.
Feb 13, 7:02pm
Passionfruit Shortbread (flavour in the icing) 250g butter, 1/3c castor sugar, 2 1/4c flour, 1/4c rice flour & 40g white choc melts melted. Passionfruit icing; 1 1/4c icing sugar sifted, 2 tbsp passionfruit pulp, 20g softened butter & 1tbsp water.Line 2 baking trays with paper. With electric beater, beat butter & sugar until light & creamy. Fold in sifted flours & mix well into a soft dough. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface, knead gently for a minute or until smooth. Roll out dough to 5mm thickness. Using a sharp knife, cut into 4 x 4 cm diamonds. Place on prepared trays. re-roll the pastry left-overs and cut into more diamonds. Bake at 160cfor 15 minutes or until the biscuits are very lightly golden browned. Stand for 5 minutes before transferring onto a wire rack to cool.
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