*Gluten Free Hints and Tips*. I thought it might be a good idea to have a thread that has hints and tips for people who are glut

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herika, Jun 14, 2:44pm
hi motorbo,
Good old meat and vege! My all time favourite is a lamb roast :)

herika, Jun 14, 4:39pm
If you are a gluten intolerant person who has trouble with diarrhoea please be aware of gluten free products that have additives in them that can cause diarrhoea: guar gum and other gums (413-417), seaweed (400-406) includes Mannitol. These are just 2 types of additives that can cause probs, the website: www.fedupwithfoodadditives.info has lots of good information.

herika, Jun 14, 4:47pm
Also check the ingredients in any flour mix packets.Some contain skim milk powder, whey powder, gums etc.
One flour mix has additive 575 (glucono delta-lactone) in it and this can cause diarrohea.
Also buckwheat, although gluten free, is related to the rhubarb family and can have a laxative effect.
Hoping this info will help anyone having probs in this area.

cookessentials, Jun 17, 8:38pm
I have a friend in Australia who is coeliac and I have just noticed on her facebook page that she is linked to this page
http://www.celiachandbook.com/ - I think they have a facebook page too, but for those of you who are intolerant or a coeliac, this could be worth having a look at.

buzzy110, Jun 18, 12:58am
This site is American in origin so probably not very helpful for an NZer looking for a restaurant guide or brand names of foods that are recommended or on the no-no list but it has some interesting information in it which herika has already provided.

cookessentials, Jun 18, 5:03am
It may be American, however, there are some very interesting articles for those who suffer from the condition.

buzzy110, Jun 18, 11:02pm
herika. I was wondering if you would be good enough to drop into Health and Beauty occasionally. There are lots of people in there who could do with your help. Today there is a lady who has daily migraines and thinks it could be gluten intolerance. But I think you might have something to add to that because I know there are lots of things that triggered your migraines, such as guar gum, and you have now knocked them dead.

I think your knowledge is largely wasted in this forum.

motorbo, Jun 19, 12:51am
ha ha ohhh yum me too i cook for just me and i do roasts, if its pork i usually buy a pork belly, lamb i usually do shanks, chicken i do the whole bird cos its easy to get through a whole one yourself in a couple of days, im trying to go low carb now to help shift some weight !!!!

herika, Jun 20, 2:52pm
buzzy110 wrote:
herika. I was wondering if you would be good enough to drop into Health and Beauty occasionally. There are lots of people in there who could do with your help. Today there is a lady who has daily migraines and thinks it could be gluten intolerance. But I think you might have something to add to that because I know there are lots of things that triggered your migraines, such as guar gum, and you have now knocked them dead.

hi buzzy, I do sometimes pop into health and beauty, if I have time.
It wasnt the guar gum that caused my migraines tho' but the Feverfew tablets did stop the migraines completely.
Guar gum acts like a laxative and some people only need a very little bit to react to it - me being one!Of course there are some people it can be beneficial to, so they are able to eat GF foods that have this in.
Hope you have a good day :)

herika, Jun 21, 3:17pm
Hi everyone,
There are hundreds of websites on the net regarding gluten and the gluten free diet.Most of them, such as the one mentioned above, and some NZ ones,are fairly basic and are for Coeliacs and dont really include what a NCGI person would require. But there is no harm in checking them out as there may be something helpful in there.
Because more people are NCGI and have other food intolerances/allergies as well as gluten we just need to be more specific and careful about what we read and eat (in relation to websites etc I mean, not necessarily foods - as some Coeliacs dont worry about consuming a small amount of gluten, even though the Coeliac Society speak against this, and I understand that and that it is their choice) if we want it to be helpful for us.
I find sticking to fresh, natural, homecooked meals the best, but I do understand for some people, esp if they work long hours etc, it can be helpful for them to buy packaged foods.
I guess it comes down to each person must do the best they can for themselves and Im hoping this thread may help them, even if its only with one thing Id be happy.

angie461, Jun 22, 6:10pm
Anyone know of a maple syrup that is gf?

cookessentials, Jun 22, 6:40pm
I would have thought that pure maple syrup would be.

herika, Jun 23, 3:20pm
I had to look this up a while ago and didnt find much information.
I read somewhereit can be hard to know if its a reaction to the syrup as sometimes the maple sap plugs are treated or contaminated with formaldehyde (could they be contaminated with gluten?).
A person would think that pure maple syrup would be gluten free, but as Im not sure I wont say go ahead and have it.Sorry I cant be more helpful.

cookessentials, Jun 25, 8:14pm
flick1, does your daughter drink much water?

herika, Jun 27, 2:14am
good point cookessentials, I struggle to drink water.Someone suggested I have a little lemon juice an /or mint in it to help make it easier :)

chrisynz, Jun 27, 4:39am
husband can not now have gluten and i am struggling to find suitable things he can eat..esp for lunch time and snacks..he is quite a fussy eater..a friend has given me an awesome recipe for muffin type snacks that contain gluten free flour, cheese, bacon, sour cream , baking powder..which he loves but i can only give him so much of them too, he will not eat fruit cakes etc..he cannot eat chocolate either. some simple cheap ideas would be great,, we get our bread from colonal bakery by the hospic shop in invers

herika, Jun 27, 2:55pm
hi chrisynz
If your husband is new to the GF diet it may take some time for him to get used to eating differently to what he has been doing for years.
My husband isnt GF, is quite fussy too and doesnt eat very much baking at all,but for snacks in his lunch box I put some dried fruit, apricots, prunes, dates etc (you could put nuts in to help him get used to the fruit perhaps) as well as an apple, a banana and a variety of fruit through the week. How about celery and carrot sticks.Plain rice crackers with GF hummus are yummy.Keep in container and put a knife in so he can spread the crackers when ready (so they dont go soft). Put in sliced cheese (aged cheese such as mild)and a tomato or sliced cucumber.
GF quiche is another idea.
Plain tuna with lettuce, tomato and fresh ground black pepper on sandwiches or egg and chives.Left over roast meat with salad type filling. (Watch bought silverside as it may be cooked with malt vinegar in the water).
Pre cooked rice and veges in a container or that type of thing.
I hope these ideas will help a bit :)

chrisynz, Jun 27, 4:07pm
husband will not eat nuts oer dried fruits, he doesnt work so it makes iut harder when u are on a strict budget..he doesnt eat salads or celery. or those ricecrackers...but will eat the skata ones. as i know they r GF well most them. were do u get ur bread from

poce, Jun 27, 4:18pm
This happened over night about 5 years ago in January I started to eat a golden Queen peach as one would and had looked forward to doing this, as I love them in season.Welll! within halfan hour I was at the Dr with an ellergy attack. Turns out now am allergic to most raw fresh fruit and veg all (all except tomatoes) all nuts except brazil,this never happened before, could not understand why. Still dont.

Did all the extra washing any fruit and veg but no change. Tried the organic no difference.
I now have to cook all fruit and veg even to the extent of wearing gloves to prepare food. Only take the hestamine medication when I need to.

Now I watch what I eat, grow most of my own veg, only eat what is in season and dont eat imported (fresh ?) fruit or veg. (or tinned)

I still eat fruit i'ts only stewed no sugar added. cant eat dried friut either.

Have cut the use of cooking oils except olive.

I cut the pasta and rice to maybe once a fortnight.

I have a thyriod condition as well, which means that I have to cut the intake of brasaca eg cabbage cauliflower etc

The thyroid medication has lactose added, as it is added do most pills.

I agree with,.. look at what you can eat not what you cant, and do a lot of labbel reading.

Get back to the basics.

poce, Jun 27, 4:27pm
She may need a little fat in her diet. eg home made chicken soup

poce, Jun 27, 4:31pm
Iam not a water drinker either. I limt myself to 2 cups of coffee in the morning, 2 cups of tea during day, I do drink parsley tea, 1 heaped tesp per 2 cups a day.

cookessentials, Jun 27, 4:48pm
coffee is a diuretic and if you are not drinking water, you will have problems with constipation. Many a headache is caused by dehydration. The problem with not drinking water is that you lose the trigger for thirst. This will change once you start getting into the habit of drinking it. i was never much of a water drinker,but i find ite easier out of a sipper bottle. To start with, you may have to force yourself to drink it, but once your natural thirst kicks in, it will be much easier. Start with a glass in the morning, again at lunch and one before dinner and then increase it from there. In the warmer weather, you may find it easier, but also bear in mind just how much water your body excretes in a day through normal functions such as breathing!

poce, Jun 27, 4:59pm
Hmmm I know,gota have the coffee in the morning, yes,should drink more but do have the odd hot water, I dont seem to get headaches.
Any ideas on:- After having bread in the morning, whats an alternative to crackers all seem to have either soy or glutens added. Have been eating the rice waffers, but are high in carbo and have soy added.

next-to-normal, Jun 28, 7:43am
i found this lecture very informative, its in a few parts,and touches on mostly all grains are the issue

Dr Rick Petersen C.C.N giving a talk on Gluten Sensitivity.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vVjyVLhmkU also this is enlighting The Dark Side of Wheat - New Perspectives on Celiac Disease and Wheat Intolerance http://www.sott.net/articles/show/205172-The-Dark-Side-of-Wh

lot less gluten free these days,and am annoyed how doctors are not picking it up,i wish the penny will drop for them ,that their whole grain wonder health diet,may not even be safe for ducks,we are still in the dark ages im afraid,and bread is more toxic than smoking long term and also numbers consuming it,meds and grains is a usa dollar thing,till then......

herika, Jun 28, 3:29pm
thank you for that info.I was really amazed when I first read about this sort of thing, but then when I researched it more and found out more I understood why a lot of things are the way they are :)