I'm with the others...looks a bit gluggy...might stick in the throat ;)
Mar 2, 9:56pm
I use spaghetti in a casserole dish, cover with mashed potato, grated cheese & bacon. when it is heated through, finish off under the grill to crisp the bacon. Don't know about baked beans, could be a bit dry.
Mar 2, 11:01pm
Certainly some lovely ideas there in post 1 and 5.
Mar 2, 11:44pm
Thanx for the compliment uli. Can always rely on you to be nice
Mar 3, 12:07am
yes, such a supportive, encouraging wee pollyanna is uli, she must be a great mum
Mar 3, 12:08am
actually, my kids would eat that, they love baked beans
Mar 3, 12:27am
Lovely = "appealing to the emotions as well as the eye"- from the online dictionary
uli prides herself on straight talking.Believe her...she's probably whipping up the dish for lunch as we speak.
Mar 3, 12:40am
Oh just checked profile where it says peasant. Always thought uli was a guy! Never assume.
Mar 3, 12:41am
you never know!
Mar 3, 12:49am
There are quite a few masculine-sounding usernames which reveal a woman when you look at the profile...davidt4 springs to mind.It makes for some interesting Q & As on the MBs.
Interesting that in the 1950s there was a journalist who wrote a poultry column for the NZ Journal of Agriculture but used a man's name because it was thought readers wouldn't take seriously information provided by a woman.
vintagekitty...you could have been vintagetomcat ;)
Mar 3, 1:35am
elliehen, you could become ellierooster, elliecock.
Mar 3, 2:15am
again I wouldn't use it with the chicken pieces But with toast would be great ;)
Mar 3, 2:40am
And there you are, always being nice and supportive. Yeah right.
Mar 3, 2:48am
katje, after you've made it, please let me know whether you liked it.
I love my baked beans, but usually eat them straight :)
Mar 3, 2:51am
jessie981, as the saying goes, call me anything except late for dinner!
Mar 3, 3:00am
I will. I was just thinking you could slice sausages and lie those on the bottom over the toast and then pour on beans and mash and cheese. Lol Kiwi break fast pie ;)
Mar 3, 3:11am
katje, you might find the toast becomes soggy.I make bread cases in muffin tins with various fillings, but they always need something like a layer of cheese in first to keep the bases crisp - the reason for my 'gluggy' comment further up :)
Mar 3, 3:15am
just had my first Mr Whippy in eon years.
Mar 3, 3:18am
Mr Whippy doing the rounds again in Christchurch??I hope Mr Whippy is giving them away :))
Have just heard that Thrifty Rental cars is offering free rentals.Do you have a car to get around in?
Mar 3, 3:55am
Cost me $4 for a sherbet chocolate dip with flake.Talk about fattening but may as well enjoy. You know the old saying 'tomorrow we all could be ----' I was one of the lucky elliehen. Only cracks, except I melted the carpet when I went to change a tree light candle & put the old one down which was still hot. Got power on same night & water after 2 days..
Mar 3, 4:02am
elliehen wrote: I'm with the others...looks a bit gluggy...might stick in the throat ;) And there you are, always being nice and supportive. Yeah right. buzzy110 (64 )3:40 pm, Thu 3 Mar #16
Whats wrong with what she said...?? dont HAVE to agree with everything and idea posted.. most supportive actually in her opinion.. and let the OP decide. Even Uli doesnt like it... ( hi uli) but you didnt "pick" there, or are you just looking at something to pick at and being your disagreeable self again...:}}
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