Hello. Thanks for the idiot's scone recipe. I tried it today and it was really good, thank-you. I have a couple of questions: 1. Am I meant to flour the bench and knead them? 2. Am I meant to cut them out with a glass or is it better to make a square and cut them into smaller squares? I went the square way but then wasn't sure how much space to put between them? 3. If adding sugar, how much is recommended? 4. Should you try to brown them on top?
Thanks again :)
Nov 1, 8:46pm
Hiya. I can answer most of your questions as I make scones fairly often. Flouring the surface is a good idea to stop your dough sticking. I usually make a chunky rectangle shape and then use a floured knife and cut down into rectangles. Brushing milk on the top names for a lovely golden colour on top. Some recipes have sugar in them like date or sultana. I sometimes sprinkle raw sugar on top if they are sweet scones for a nice bit of crunch! My cookbook says add to the mix 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon for date scones. Most importantly don't over handle the dough. This makes for tough scones. I mix it literally just enough to combine the mix. I find a slightly wetter mix is better than a drier mix. But blob the dough into bench flour to make it easier to handle. Happy scone making. Yum yum!
Nov 1, 8:46pm
I'm no expert but I handle them as little as possible so I don't knead as such but I do flour the surface I put them on. I like soft ish textured scones so I shape them into one big slab and then cut with a knife, hardly separating them. If you use a glass to cut they look pretty but are too crusty for my liking so it depends on what you prefer
Nov 1, 8:47pm
P.S they do need space around them to rise and spread out. So do space them out as much as poss!
Nov 2, 1:03am
And I don't space my scones at all! This way they can go up instead of sideways
Nov 2, 1:35am
Don't knead scones. Mix them gently or you'll have rock cakes instead!
Nov 2, 1:45am
THIS , just use a Knife to mix the dough , then place that onto floured cooking paper , push out flat , cut into squares , spread them a wee bit as you cut , . You can brush with a little amount of milk if you want , but no real need to do that . the big mistake that people make is over working the dough , so less amount there is the best result you will get.
Nov 2, 1:46am
For sweet ones add tablespoon icing sugar, no kneading or you'll get rock cakes. Turn out on to floured board, sprinkle with little flour quickly shape into round either cut with knife or cutter. Less handling the lighter the scone will be. Put on tray touching each other helps them rise.
Nov 2, 2:44am
You said it better than me!
Nov 3, 11:39am
Thanks for all the tips everyone, much appreciated.
Nov 3, 9:29pm
Keeping the butter and water really cold makes for better scones as well. I always grate the butter into the flour mix, works for me. :-)
Nov 3, 10:41pm
I always lightly knead my scones and let then rest for 30 minutes before cooking them.
Jul 20, 10:14pm
There Is a recipe in the ezi yo book for yoghurt scones. The best recipe out. You can work and knead them for ages, they still come out light and fluffy
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