Scone recipe or similar using greek yoghurt

pixiegirl, Sep 16, 6:54pm
I bought some greek yoghurt yesterday thinking it was plain yoghurt. Was wondering if anyone had a recipe for a scone or something similar, cheese puffs etc. I know I could google it but thought someone here may have a tried and trusted recipe. Thanks

korbo, Sep 16, 7:04pm
Have you tried it?
hubby eats it with fruit, muesli, and I put it in muffins. see my post from last wed. they were every so tasty. It is nice with carrott cake or any other dessert.

pixiegirl, Sep 16, 7:43pm
Thanks for that korbo - have saved that recipe looks yum unfortunately I don't have all the ingredients to make it at the moment hence why I thought maybe a scone recipe or similar may be the way to go.

trouser, Sep 16, 8:17pm
2 cup cheese scones. 2 cups s/r flour, 2 cups Greek yoghurt, 2 cups grated cheese. Mix, cut, bake like normal scones.

rachy_21, Sep 16, 8:18pm

trouser, Sep 16, 8:18pm
Also a good way to use cheap sour cream dips too.

noelinevc, Sep 17, 12:53am
Yoghurt Cheese & Bacon Muffins
Self-raising flour 2 cups
Baking powder 2 teaspoon
Salt ½ teaspoon
Chilli Powder ¼ teaspoon
Tasty Cheese 2 cup grated
Bacon Rashers 2 diced & cooked
Egg 1
Yoghurt 1 cup
Milk 1 cup

• Preheat oven to 200 C
• Combine all dry ingredients with the cheese and bacon
• Beat egg, yoghurt and milk together just to combine
• Mix quickly and lightly in to the dry mixture
• Divide between 12 muffin tins

They take about 15 mins to cook

noelinevc, Sep 17, 12:57am
This is my favourite way to use greek Yoghurt You can play around with the flavours

Yoghurt Cheese
Greek yoghurt 4 cups
Salt 1 tsp
• Mix yoghurt and salt, pour it into a sieve lined with cheese cloth or a damp clean chux cloth
• Leave on the bench overnight (if its cool in kitchen.) or in fridge
• Next day tip the cheese into another bowl, discard whey
• Add finely chopped rosemary and some chives
Or cumin and crushed garlic
• Mix all together and put in fridge
Serve with bread or crackers

lilyfield, Sep 17, 2:26pm
I would not discard the whey, but use it in breadmaking,its full of protein.

pixiegirl, Sep 17, 9:04pm
Hi everyone many thanks for your suggestions - they sound great. I actually ended up using a recipe I found on pinterest which had all the ingredients I had on hand at this stage. We often get greek yoghurt on clearance at our supermarket so will save the above recipe to try another day. The recipe I made is as follow:
GREEK YOGHURT BISCUITS (or scones as we know them)
2 cups plain flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt
2 teaspoons sugar
1 cup of greek yoghurt (I used 2 x little pottles which was what I had)
1/2 cup milk

Mix together. I always use a knife to mix my scones. I actually used a little bit more milk than it said as I felt it needed it. Placed mixed onto floured surface and sprinkled some flour on top and just kneaded it very gently and than using a scone cutter cut into 12 medium size scones. Cooked on 200 for about 12-15 minutes or until cooked. IMO scones are best straight out of the over and topped with butter. Yum. Tick of approval in our house. Would definitely make them again.

keeley4, Oct 6, 8:03pm
We tried a cheese scone recipe with greek yogurt and it was awful. I must admit we prefer ordinary yoghurt and are not that keen on greek - the scones tasted really strongly of the greek yoghurt.

eljayv, Dec 18, 9:19am
To me Greek yoghurt tastes same as ordinary yoghurt, just thicker. Unless of course you are used to sweetened yoghurt. You can make Greek yoghurt taste same as what you are used to by adding a sweetener or sweetened fruit.