A French Breakfast for Sunday

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awoftam, Oct 16, 2:01am
Today a young man from France arrived on my doorstep (work). I was expecting him to show up at some stage, and he will work in the town I live in over the Summer. We spent the afternoon together - he really is a great young man and being from the South of France he is mad keen on rugby. So he will come to my house on Sunday morning to watch the game with my family and I'd like to serve him something authentically french, as opposed to what we may think is french, if you get my drift. Yes I am googling however thought there may be some with french heritage who can help/offer some ideas. It is his birthday tomorrow as well and he will be a tad homesick I think. TIA

village.green, Oct 16, 5:26am
One thing they like as in authentic French is croissants dipped in milky coffee, ie they just dip it in whilst they eat. My step father speaks fluent French and lived there for a while and visits often and likes to do that, but only when in France - yuk.
I don't think they are big breakfast eaters, but I could be wrong? will be interesting to see what you come up with.

daarhn, Oct 16, 5:49am
Would he not be pleasantly surprised experiencing our own kiwi hospitality and spread instead of what he considers normal meals back at home? We have so much delicious produce to create delicious memorable meals. Folk like to post these meals for family friends back home to drool over. Creates new memories and tastes. BarbyQ's are our signature down under. Birthday Pav? and as it's Sunday morning Game time then its breakfast burgers with lots of crispy streaky honey bacon and fluffy scrambled eggs and toasted Vogels.

Oh, if their is a McD's near you then you're saved. The Holy Golden Arches feeds in any language. hehe

Commiserations for his pending loss-not (is he aware of the travesty that robbed us?). sniggerz

uli, Oct 16, 3:54pm
Yes they are big breakfast eaters, however most French people like a sweet breakfast. Fresh rolls with honey or berry jam (not marmalade), sweet croissants filled with chocolat and such things are well received. However remember that what is sold as a "croissant" in NZ is just rolled up flakey pastry and has nothing to do with a real croissant. So I wouldn't worry about buying any of those.

And yes - why not make a NZ rugby breakfast?

You could fill buns with bacon and eggs, so it is finger food.
make some mini frittatas in muffin tins
baked beans on toast with an egg on top
banana pikelets with honey
some fresh rolls (or buy some of those par baked ones and finish in the oven) with honey or jam

I hope you are all still friends when the match ends!

esther-anne, Oct 16, 7:24pm
I would take the easy way out and ask him what he fancies! Beforehand of course so you are prepared for anything.

awoftam, Oct 16, 7:55pm
I am having the usual kiwi savory breakfast as my family will be here, I was asking about authentic french faire as I will do this as well. The French I have met in the past pretty much state eating meat at breakfast makes them want to 'vomir' so I am thinking bacon won't be his thing, however if he wants some it will be on hand. They tend to eat smaller breakfasts and more robust lunches and dinners and I think croissants, breads and coffee will be the way to go.

buzzy110, Oct 16, 11:12pm
Add French toast & decent coffee, along with b/f cereal, milk and fresh fruit to go on it, to your NZ breakfast. Then let him choose.

How about champagne? Good at any meal - just joking of course.

awoftam, Oct 17, 12:12am
French Toast isn't French lol. however I do like your suggestion about champagne lol

village.green seems to have been pretty spot on from all I have been able to read and a phone call to Toulouse - and I have made croissants in the past, a recipe from my Toulouse friends and will do coffee and have breads and some jams, and then bacon and eggies of course, for us Kiwis.
I just want him to experience both life here and have some home comforts as well. There is plenty of time for him to engage with NZ society; he is here for several months.

sarahb5, Oct 17, 2:18am
The younger French members of my family dip their croissants in bowls of hot chocolate

sampa, Oct 17, 2:39am
Which part of the South of France does he come from exactly? If you know. France is, I believe very regional, very specific with their ideas re food and drink to particular areas (often quite small areas?) so if you know and could let us know that might help narrow things down.

PS - would it be untoward to bake a birthday (belated) cake fro him for Sunday as an addition to other food/surprise for him?

sampa, Oct 17, 2:45am
And. if you wanted to be really sneaky you could figure out a way to contact his family over in France and ask for a favourite recipe or two. from his maman (mum) would be best. ;-)

Bet they'd love to be in on things with him so far away.

awoftam, Oct 17, 3:53am
It is a longish story however I expected him to land on my doorstep because no one would give him the time of day and I helped him when he emailed here originally. I was the only one here he had a connection to. I work for a charity staffed by volunteers and they all simply couldn't be bothered training up someone who would be here for summer then move on . I get it. I also think it is wrong on many levels and am working to change this mindset. So when he arrived here after 4 days of travelling I took him under my wing and made sure he was fed, watered, changed and had some where to sleep, and he is as happy as Larry oblivious to what is going on in the background. Which is how it should be. So, I wanted to do something for him that reminded him of home. Hence I can't contact his parents as I have no real idea who they are. That info will come.

sampa, Oct 17, 4:23am
Fair enough, I get it, you want to be nice but discreet to a degree. What about the other info. any idea where he comes from distinctly area wise?

gilligee, Oct 17, 5:18am
If I was having breakfast in France I would be amused and disappointed to be presented with a mediocre and probably poorly cooked rendition of my favourite meal from home. Give him a Kiwi experience and he will remember it long after.

uli, Oct 17, 10:48pm
As said above give him something sweet - most French people do not do "savoury" for breakfast. But maybe he will love it and join in with the bacon and eggs - who knows.

rubyraspberry, Oct 17, 11:02pm
I'd have really good coffee, selection of a few teas, galettes (buckwheat pancakes) filled with bacon and eggs and good cheese, home made baguette (not that hard to make) and selection of high quality jams, and lemon and sugar crepes. A selection for him to choose from. Have lived in France :)

rubyraspberry, Oct 17, 11:05pm
As Sarahb5 said, a chocolate dip is good - melt chocolate and add some cream. Then serve with rolled up crepes cut into small pieces to dip in.

rubyraspberry, Oct 17, 11:08pm
Yoghurt too is a popular breakfast choice, most people I knew there ate the little babybel cheeses and some yoghurt and baguette for breakfast and crepes or galettes when we went out for breakfast. A nice yogurt like the Collective yoghurt brand

beaker59, Oct 17, 11:38pm
Good coffee is a must, the rest is up to you, as long as the coffee is good, cant go far wrong with a good croissant though, my SIL employs a Frenchman as a baker in his bakery and the croissants are sooo good and what he does with yesterdays croissants even better mmmmmmmmmm

dreamers, Oct 18, 2:10am
Croque Monsieur is easy to do .

uli, Oct 18, 2:29am
Not that would be "French" LOL :)

sarahb5, Oct 18, 2:29am
It's not usually served as a breakfast dish in France though

dreamers, Oct 18, 2:37am
Yes it's more of a Brunch dish .

gaspodetwd, Oct 18, 2:59am
Give him something kiwi. Croissants here are poor compared to France.
Our bacon is amazing compared to the French equivalent.
We have amazing smoked salmon too - so how about scrambled eggs and smoked salmon? Or pancakes, bacon and maple syrup?
Great coffee, great orange juice - and you're set!

sampa, Oct 18, 3:53am
Yes, sounds good, do that apart - of course - from the 'sweetness' of his team winning tomorrow. That might be a bridge too far.

. perhaps a discreet box of tissues may not go amiss. for him (hopefully).

Have a lovely breakfast.