are they supposed to turn green like the store bought ones ? ? or does anyone one have a proper "recipe". . TIA ! !
Apr 22, 7:36am
I fry mine in a pan wih the tiniest bit of oil just so my pan doesnt get burnt
Apr 22, 7:37am
I just copied and pasted this:) But its the same thing I do anyway;)
How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds Rinse pumpkin seeds under cold water and pick out the pulp and strings. (This is easiest just after you've removed the seeds from the pumpkin, before the pulp has dried. ) Place the pumpkin seeds in a single layer on an oiled baking sheet, stirring to coat. If you prefer, omit the oil and coat with non-stick cooking spray. Sprinkle with salt and bake at 325 degrees F (160 degrees C) until toasted, about 25 minutes, checking and stirring after 10 minutes. Let cool and store in an air-tight container.
Apr 22, 7:38am
Also some more ideas here: http://homecooking.
Apr 22, 7:58am
Thanks guys. . so. . do they go brown or green ?
Apr 22, 11:33pm
They do not go green.
Apr 23, 3:32am
Duh. Raw pumpkin seeds ARE green. Roasted/toasted pumpkin seeds turn golden brown at first then very rapidly, if you are not watching, to black. Why on Earth did you think they would go green/greener when toasted?
Apr 23, 4:28am
My raw pumpkin seeds are white buzzy110. Perhaps it's the variety of pumpkin. Notice how people can post without the duh?
Apr 23, 4:30am
Fresh raw pumpkin seeds are a pale yellow colour, and only green on the inside.
Apr 23, 4:42am
Sure guys, the outside husk is white but who eats the husk/shell. I have kilos of them sitting in my fridge ready for eating and I can assure you they are as green as they are ever going to get. So duh, is appropriate.
Apr 23, 5:38am
This WAS my first attempt at anything like this so please accept my ineptness and gros stupidity Queen buzzy! ! We are NOT all domestic godesses like you obviously are. . usually my "pumpkin innards" are biffed... . my thanks to posters who were kind to my ignorance...
Apr 23, 5:40am
So dah:-) how do you get them out of the hard shell then?
Apr 23, 6:04am
Still trying to work that out lol... .
Apr 23, 6:23am
maybe I'm not quite as nutty as you
Apr 23, 8:07am
Sorry, I didnt read your post properly and thought you were talking about the store bought pumpkin seeds
Apr 23, 8:09am
buzzy is not exactly what one would class as a domestic godess, she just likes to criticise at every opportunity.
Apr 23, 9:23am
no. .cottage rose I was trying to be frugal. . or whatever... thanks to my "homegrown" magazine. . being a dumbarse I did't SHELL the seeds lol. . *opens herself up for more critisism* lol. . so. . I have a pumkin. . (made soup and a yummy relish(. . and thought I would roast the seeds for a snack . . I really appreciate the POSITIVE comments lol
Apr 27, 2:16am
I think there are some mis-understandings.
The commercial "pumpkin seeds" (which you buy in the supermarket or health food shop) are derived from the "Austrian hull-less pumpkin" - whose seeds are essentially without a shell - so you see the green seeds straight away once you cut it up.
The "pumpkin" itself is not a pumpkin but one of the "curcubita pepo" family - which includes courgettes, marrows and squash. So it is not a very nice thing to eat (except you like overgrown marrows with no taste)- I usually feed mine to the pigs ... then eat the pigs ...
The seeds of any "normal" pumpkin will have a white "shell" - so if you want to roast those you need to clean them up and then soak them in salted water for 5 to 12 hours.
Then dry them in a towel and cover them with some fat or oil and spread them out in a pan or cookie sheet and roast them for 20 to 30 minutes in a hot oven ... you can then eat them hot without shelling - or let them cool and shell them - whatever you prefer.
They will of course never taste the same as a hull-less pumpkin seed LOL :)
Good luck!
Apr 27, 2:17am
And I am glad you have contributed something to the question of poster one ...
Apr 27, 2:53am
sadly, you just cannot help yourself can you? continually bumping up old threads to creat dissension - shame on you.
Apr 27, 3:18am
i actually agree on this one from what ive seen. . it would be nice if comments could be made without the added snipes & insinuations
Apr 27, 3:30am
Ok. . apart from the buzzy comments which the OP handled well in my opinion. Cookessentials. . your comment was a sniper comment.
Again we are off topic in this forum. . with personalities and drama.
Apr 27, 3:32am
actually, it was a fact. This thread has not been visited for some time st_allie and after the amount of dissension over past days, ulli just HAD to start again. Conversation over.
Apr 27, 3:40am
Conversation NOT over.
this thread is only 5 days old. .
uli never wrote anything derogatory, in fact her post was useful to me. . I wondered myself about the pumpkin hulls. . after throwing out the seeds often and thinking, I wish I knew what to do with them.
edited for spelling
Apr 27, 3:43am
put it this way, the answer she has given that you have found helpful is great... there was no need for the second posting. Of course, again, she has the desired result.
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