Celery seeds

moore., Dec 19, 12:13pm
Seem hard to come by, is there any suggestions for foody shops around hamilton

wasgonna, Dec 19, 12:35pm
I last got my celery seeds from a place in the Hillcrest shops. I think it was a bulk buy chinese shop if I remember rightly. Long time ago so don't know if they are still there and was only a visitor to Hamilton.

moore., Dec 19, 12:47pm
Cool lthanks for that, yeup thought I would try the asian shops today. We had a lot of them but got weavil in the pantry and everything was thrown out :-(

katalin2, Dec 19, 1:06pm
Bin Inn has them too

snapperheadrkp, Dec 19, 1:25pm
Got Celery Seed at Countdown recently.
Mrs Rogers brand - still available on their website

snapperheadrkp, Dec 19, 3:49pm
Keep Weevils out of your Pantry by hanging a small branch of fresh Bay Tree (maybe a dozen leaves) from a shelf or the ceiling. Never had another problem with Weevils since I read and followed this hint about 5 years ago.
When I need fresh leaves for cooking I just clip off a branch take off the leaves I need and swap the rest of the branch for the old one
Shops with Dip Bins are a constant source of Weevil!

steve0061, Dec 19, 4:24pm
Yes I ordered some too online.

spider47, Dec 19, 4:32pm
My celery plant has gone to seed so Im sure a garden near you might have some too. Really tasty. Just hand the branch upside down in a paperbag for a week or so in a warm dry place and you get millions to add to everything.

wasgonna, Dec 19, 7:07pm
Cheers spider. I wondered how it was done.

moore., Nov 14, 10:54am
Thanks everyone, got some at the bin inn. there seemed to be plenty around this year. last time couldnt find any.