Believe it or not, I have a zillion recipe books and can't find a nice light fluffy date scone recipe.Please caould you post one so I can make them this afternoon!I promised them in return forbeing given a nice belt at a garage sale!Thanks!
Sep 18, 8:57pm
buy a bag of scone mix flour and make the recipe on the back of the packet
Sep 18, 9:23pm
Edmonds one does the job just fine. Its all in how you mix it (hardly at all) that makes it light, not necessarily the recipe its self. Do you have that one available!
IDIOT PROOF SCONES. Melt 50gms butter in a microwave jug. Let cool a little and break 1 egg into it and top up with milk to = approx 1 3/4 cups liquid. Mix well with a fork. Add by mixing with a knife to 3 large cups self raising flour. Bake 230 for 10 mins. You can add a bit of sugar and fruit or cheese or whatever you feel like. Subo
Sep 18, 9:24pm
No matter what recipe, I find that the 'wetter' the mix, the lighter the scones.
Sep 18, 10:17pm
These are lovely and came from here. DIVINE DATE SCONES The dates are boiled then sandwiched between the scone dough. 2 cups pitted dates 3 cups flour 1 Tbsp baking powder Pinch salt 3/4 cup lightly packed brown sugar 100g butter, chopped 1 to 1 1/4 cups milk 1 egg, lightly beaten 1 tablespoon brown sugar, extra METHOD: Preheat the oven to 200degC. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Place the dates in a small saucepan with just enough water to cover. Bring to the boil and simmer gently, stirring occasionally, for about 20 minutes. Cool. Place the dry ingredients in a food processor fitted with a metal blade. Add the butter in batches, processing until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Place in a bowl and add enough milk to form a soft but not too sticky dough. On a lightly floured bench, pat the dough into a rectangle. Brush with beaten egg then cut in half. Spread the date mixture on one half. Flip the other half over the top egg-wash side down to make a sandwich. Cut into about nine pieces. Place on the prepared oven tray. Brush with egg and sprinkle with brown sugar. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until golden. (Can put orange juice in with dates for extra flavour
Sep 18, 10:52pm
Idiot-proof scones is a winner everytime. That or the Tuppaware scones, using lemonade, are the best recipes I have found. geldof is right - don't overmix! Well done with your swap:)
Sep 19, 2:30am
Thanks, everyone!I'll do the idiot proof ones!I appreciate your help and time!Yes, I'm delighted with the belt's one of those that no matter whether you ar fat or thin, you can do it up!Just the sort I like for my ever adjusting sized waistline!
Sep 19, 8:11am
I use butttermilk instead of milk in the edmonds scone recipe and of course handle it as less as possible. Yummy
Sep 22, 9:26am
I use the food processor to mix the flour, butter, salt and baking powder, this is the secret to light scones, do not over mix just a brief pulse or two when you add the wet ingredients but pulse the dry ingredients about 8 times gets air in and stops lumps, put out on floured board and shape, cut into generous pieces as you can always cut them in half on serving. I put the dates in at the last moment dry not cooked. save some to go on the top, do not over handle.
Sep 22, 9:41am
Use the buttermilk scone recipe on recipes and add lots of dates that have been lightly cooked in a saucepanh a little orange juice and sugar till soft, then drained and cooled and added to mix. The top of the scone sprinkled with a little raw sugar makes them extra tasty
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