Hungry - never! That's not ever a problem, the food is great! The key to eating successfully the low carb way is to make like a Boy Scout - BE PREPARED. A little thinking ahead means you won't eat on impulse or be caught out, that makes all the difference!
May 14, 4:58am
thanks kirinesha - I am preparing for Monday - Change of Diet Day! ! !
May 14, 4:59am
I wish you well - don't forget there are lots of us very happy to help and give support on a day by day basis.
May 14, 2:59pm
We are delighted to announce that we have persuaded Davidt4 to join us as a regular contributor to the main recipe site.
Davidt4 is well known for her fabulous cooking skills, culinary knowledge and wonderful recipes. I hope she won't mind us mentioning that she has also cooked professionally in the past.
Low carb is going to be challenging her even further though, but expect some exciting new dishes!
May 14, 3:30pm
nfh1, you also have my support as well. Here's a little homily that will help you in your resolve.
There have been many commentators from all walks of life who have noticed one thing about eating patterns and this one thing is:
Obese people did not get that way by eating meat, eggs, fish, vegetables and adequate amounts of fat. They got that way by eating bread, cakes, potatoes, rice, pasta and ice cream.
Suggest you find a good book and read it. I'd suggest as a first step that a Dr Atkinsbook is a good start. In his Diet Revolution book he explains exactly the whys and hows of low carbing. Admittedly I think his regime is a bit too severe and have found that I still lose weight and stay sated even though I eat lots of non-starchy vegetables but it is a good grounding.,
May 14, 5:42pm
I just had bacon and scrambled eggs with cream for breakfast...
Hungry? never...
in fact now days I have to remind my self TO eat...
however today is a lazy day. . the bacon and eggs will see me thru to tonight where I will just have a slice of cheese and some salami with my evening coffee.
May 14, 5:48pm
We haven't got as far as breakfast yet, just not hungry! In weekends and on holiday we tend to only eat twice a day. Guess it shows that you sometimes eat out of habit rather than necessity!
May 14, 7:02pm
I agree I tend to only eat twice a day when I am not working
Although I think for me its what I eat when I am working that does not help, I eat before work, at morning tea and at lunch. . because that is the norm, and if I didn't eat at lunch (which is when I am not actually hungry, but could totally imagine what workmates would say. . not worth it. . )
May 15, 12:16am
Two new recipes from our new chef Davidt4! Big thanks to her -
- Moussaka - SE Asian Duck Soup with Bok Choy
May 20, 4:51pm
No, I always ate until satisfied, and sometimes to stuffed! I did not find it hard at all, as long as I kept my fat up. Loosing the sweet tooth took longer and artificially sweetened whipped cream or the odd Atkins bar got me through that period. Now I avoid (and don't need) Atkins bars. Whipped cream and berries still features but without artificial sweeteners.
May 20, 5:27pm
I'm completely on to Stevia now. Have even weaned myself off Diet Coke!
May 22, 1:31am
More Davidt4 recipes listed you know where.
- Pork Padre Curry with Eggplant - Steamed Mussels with Lemongrass, Chilli & Star Anise,
May 22, 3:15am
you could fly off to Japan. . they use stevia as their "diet" version over there have done for years.
May 22, 4:55am
I have a client in Aus who makes soft drinks and I'm encouraging him to look at Stevia as a sweetner. Apparently though stability is an issue with it (ie: shelf life).
May 26, 1:06am
I've made a pasta frittata (using shirataki noodles) and Helen has added a fabulous Gravadlax Salmon with Creme Fraiche Sauce.
May 26, 1:22am
I made that Lax last Xmas and it was absolutely fabulous. With salmon being on special this week I may yet succumb and make some more :)
I added some grated lime rind to the salt mix and a spoonful of my Kim chee fermentation liquid, so it good a good head start on the fermentation process.
I left it in the fridge for a week, then ate half of it. The rest kept fermenting away for another week and was even better.
May 28, 9:51pm
This month's recipe competition closes soon.
May 28, 10:40pm
I'm going to do some for the Christmas table :)
May 28, 11:14pm
... and I'm going to make Timturtle's Cordon Bleu Chicken very soon! Looks fabulous!
May 29, 6:09pm
Had free range roast pork last night and I made a slow cooked onion and white wine (rain out of Masala) gravy... . very nice!
May 30, 12:35am
Voting for the best recipes for May has started. Some great member recipes! ! !
May 30, 4:21pm
Hi dazz or kiri - quick question on low carb website - sent 2 private messages last night but when checking they say they are still sitting in my outbox - however they both say sent at 9. 42 pm etc etc. Are they still there or gone or what do I need to do.
May 30, 4:48pm
Hi Pixiegirl - if they are stil sitting in your Outbox it just means that the person you sent them to hasn't opened / read them yet :)
May 30, 5:24pm
Yep. Just opened them and they were both extremely helpful. Thanks pixiegirl.
May 30, 5:43pm
thanks for that kiri - wasn't sure, kept checking to see if there were any other buttons to press - haha. Thanks buzzy, glad to be of help.
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