I can't take credit for it horses7, the recipe was provided by pickles7. I made it for the first time at Christmas and it was a marvellous success.
Dec 31, 11:24pm
Wow is all i can say I made it yesturday for lunch today, everyone loved it, is so marshmallowy (if that is a word).It is so big but very easy to make will be passing the recipe on to others.
Dec 22, 12:10am
anyone tried this, instead of castor sugar!
Dec 22, 12:17am
yes a number of times, its fantastic. Love it. No mucking around.
Dec 22, 12:22am
does the icing sugar change the taste of the pav!
Dec 22, 12:23am
tried this for the first time last week, thought I'd have a practise run for the Christmas one I will be making, I have made great pav's for years, but this was the best one I have ever made, the marshmellow inside was thick and surprisingly not over sweet, definitely recommended and the taste testers were very happy lads.
Dec 22, 1:19am
Did you just substitute the sugars and keep the rest of the recipe the same!
Dec 22, 1:22am
ohh recipe Please!
Dec 22, 1:51am
Its the one posted on here by pickles7, if you type icing sugar pavlova into the search bar "keyword"and search "last month" then pick the thread Pavlova tips and recipes, you will find it posted about 6 posts down under Pavlova.Large
Dec 22, 3:11am
yes it is never fail. I made 2 on christmas morning last year. Amazing. I can post the recipe tomorrow if you like.
Dec 22, 3:14am
pavlova.large you put everything in the bowl, beat for 15 minutes. easiest pav. you will ever make. Beat until thick and smooth .approx 15 mins 6 egg whites, 3 Cups Icing Sugar, 2 teaspoons Cornflour, 2 teaspoons White Vinegar, add 2 Tablespoons Boiling water., Pile onto a baking Paper lined oven tray Cook for 3 minutes at 200 degrees C, then turn down and cook a further 1 1/2 hours at 100 degrees C. (Leave in oven to cool)
pickles7 (510 )9:13 pm, Thu 1 Dec #6
Dec 22, 3:41am
bump for an answer from pickles im thinking ill have a go also lots of virgin pav makers on here lately wish us luck!
Dec 22, 4:32am
Looks to me that it's all in together and beat.She puts."and add 2Tbs boiling water" at the end to make sure it's added then and not at the beginning.
Just guessing ;)
Dec 22, 11:14am
Add the boiling water last as you start beating. Sort of like when you make a sponge with boiling water in it.
Dec 22, 2:34pm
Thanks pickles.
Dec 22, 2:45pm
yippee i cant wait to try this! such fun!
Dec 22, 2:48pm
Does this one have a nice thick crunchy outside! Most impotant to have crunch on outside and thick marshmallow inner.
Dec 22, 3:19pm
yes its definitely crunchy and chewy marshmallowy inside
Dec 22, 3:25pm
Thanks dna
Dec 22, 8:31pm
This is the one I'm making tomorrow, can't wait:)
Dec 22, 9:56pm
Why didnt my pav rise at all
Dec 22, 10:06pm
you must of forgot the egg whites.cutezie.
Dec 22, 10:42pm
lol, thought I had already posted, could be you forgot the sugar as well. Which recipe, did you use.!.
Dec 22, 10:47pm
Noted in the other thread.
Hint: First one; Make sure it is thoroughly beaten before pouring onto tray.
Second one; If you want a wee bit of extra height, use the outer of a Ring clip type round baking tin, pour it all into the this tin outer, smooth top, lift of the outer ring and straight into oven. Gets a smooth allround sides as well.
Cheers and Merry Christmas.
Dec 23, 3:14am
pavlova.large (from pickles7) you put everything in the bowl, beat for 15 minutes. easiest pav. you will ever make. Beat until thick and smooth .approx 15 mins 6 egg whites, 3 Cups Icing Sugar, 2 teaspoons Cornflour, 2 teaspoons White Vinegar, add 2 Tablespoons Boiling water., Pile onto a baking Paper lined oven tray Cook for 3 minutes at 200 degrees C, then turn down and cook a further 1 1/2 hours at 100 degrees C. (Leave in oven to cool)
I confess I've never made a pavlova.is the boiling water folded in at the end of the beating, or beaten in!
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