What's the worst meal you've ever eaten!

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lotsagiggles, Oct 20, 6:39am
got to be lamb patties frozen on the inside and burnt on the outside

jphs, Oct 20, 6:50pm
Worst ever was the first time we went to Melbourne.
We wanted something different and felt like spicy food so we went into a Bangladeshi curry place on Smith Street.
We were the only ones there and everything was quiet and cool.
We ordered with an oddly hesitant owner/waiter and waited for our food.
We waited
and waited.
Next minute in walks a policeman with a baliff demanding money on the spot or they were going to seize property there and then. Oh oohhh.
When they left we waited some more.
Then out comes the "food" which was juuusst ghaslty slop. Soooo bad.
We just left as no one came out or answered our "Excuse me"s
It was soooo bad.
And we had prepaid as well. Though not much really.

boydngreen, Oct 22, 3:42pm
I had an aunt who used to roast marrows, those massivly over grown courgettes ewww, and keeping with the nasty relativestheme I had an uncle who made us sit at the breakfast table until we cleared our plates of horrible lumpy porridge, probably the most memorable yuckky foods I ever endured!

lcscott, Oct 22, 4:23pm
i agree with both KFC and mcdonalds

sarahb5, Oct 22, 4:53pm
Marrow are not just overgrown courgettes.My mum used to roast them too stuffed with pork, onion and herbs, served with cheese sauce - very tasty if done properly.

sarahb5, Oct 22, 4:54pm
I've definitely eaten chips at 7.00 a.m. but usually at the end of a long night out rather than for breakfast - great for staving off hangovers!

rebecca18, Oct 22, 10:34pm
After an operation in hospital, I was just starting to feel like eating something, the feeling quickly left me when someone bought in a white plate, with steamed fish covered in white sauce… Even a small sprig parsley might have induced me to eat, hospital food has an awful lot to answer for.

rebecca18, Oct 22, 10:53pm
My mother used to cook parsnip and carrot mashed together, I loved it and still make it myself on occasions, the vegetables need to be very well cooked.

rebecca18, Oct 22, 11:15pm
thanks for the link sarahb5, I've heard this many times but never seen the video : ^)

kuaka, Oct 23, 2:20am
rebecca18 wrote:
After an operation in hospital, I was just starting to feel like eating something, the feeling quickly left me when someone bought in a white plate, with steamed fish covered in white sauce… Even a small sprig parsley might have induced me to eat, hospital food has an awful lot to answer for.[


So you don't think having it served with mashed potatoes, cauliflower and white sauce, followed by vanilla ice cream and white custard would have helped - come on now - don't be a wimp!

kuaka, Oct 23, 3:58am
Don't ask me why my last post came out all in small letters 'cos I don't know, maybe they were hiding from all the white vegetables and white sauce

atlantean04, Oct 23, 4:18pm
boil up at a friends place, husband loved it, I came home and threw it all back up

whitehead., Oct 23, 5:30pm
bali in a high priced place by the market had a fish basket dished on brown paper with all the fat in the bottom of the dish and as it was our last night and we were getting short of money we had to eat it or go hungery, then there was a cup of tea in a hotel north of auckland where the hot pools are . they would make the tea at about 11oclock pm and give you tea in bed in the morning at 7am from the same pot ,you could smell it coming down the hall before you opened the door

vivalafrankee, Oct 23, 8:39pm
I once made a mars bar slice. I think I put too much butter in because whenI put it in the fridge to set it formed a solid layer of white greasy fat. It made me sick looking at it.

nfh1, Oct 23, 8:41pm
I once went to Valentines in Napier which has long since closed.Never returned.

nfh1, Oct 23, 8:43pm
LOL - have just seen this thread is almost a year old and I posted the same thing last year!

dalkemade, Oct 24, 1:17am
Two come to mind. Once when in my ignorance I tried to eat a salted mutton bird that I thought was a cooked one. The second was a soup at the Hutt Hospital that was a thick brown sludge and tasted like it had socks boiled in it.

ldbaqbeak, Oct 24, 3:19pm
Agreed. It keeps you alive but makes you wish you weren't.
And why does the whole hospital always smell like boiled cabbage!
And who wants to eat off cutlery that sick and dying people ate off earlier!

Blerk! Hospital food is rank.

gilligee, Oct 24, 6:56pm
Mashed parsnip and carrot - my favourite.

pollyannayeeha, Oct 25, 12:04am
my ex fancied himself as a bit of a chef, lord knows why, and once somehow curried smoke fish, chunderous was an understatement and me and the flatmate quietly tipped it into the bin, whilst saying how yum and full we were. (fragile ego). Generally though my biggest hate, alone with all the others is going out for dinner, its expensive, tastes like crap, the service is shite and i could of had better at home.

willyow, Oct 25, 1:45am
Neverput tomatoes with fish.

willyow, Oct 25, 1:47am
It was terrible in my day too - bad food and floggings. Fortunately that has all changed -a son boarding at St Peter's Cambridgejust loves their food - and he is picky - his mother ( not me)is a great cook.and better still,the floggings have gone too .

esther-anne, Oct 25, 3:09am
Mashed parsnips and carrots are delicious with a knob of butter and a good shake of white pepper - not black.It's called "Neeps" and is well loved in Scotland.

Way back two people talked about the excruciating experience of omelletes made with egg powder.During World War 2 in the UK when I was a child there were no fresh eggs and I loved my Mum's omelletes made with egg powder.It took me a long time after the war to become accustomed to those funny things with white outsides and runny yellow centres!

I'm sure I've had heaps of bad meals - mine here wasn't a bad one but it was odd.Visited friends in the South of England (we are Northerners) for , and the dessert was served first-apple crumble and cream. I was glad we ate it because next came under-cooked and almost bloody chicken and the accompaniments were to match.Concluded that this lady was a riot with desserts!

nzbrat, Oct 25, 3:22am
some of my mates think im nuts but eating bacon just makes me gag. Dont like any bacon flavoring of any sort.some of the above posts made me lol but putting bacon, parsnip and carrot mash, colli in white sauce and lumpy spuds on my plate would end up in a rip roaring fist fight lol

daisyhill, Oct 25, 5:03am
I went to boarding school and the food was actually fine. The first couple of years I was there, we got chips with nearly everything, but by the time I was left we had a nice fresh salad most days with something like breaded fish fillets or tinned tuna, and also some lovely basic desserts, like lamingtons with custard (not lumpy!) or yoghurt with fruit. I was obviously lucky!

I am very fussy and also don't hide my feelings well so I do not often have to eat something that I hate, not since childhood anyway. My worst meal memories (and thank you to the last poster for triggering them!) are of being force-fed green vegetables or cauliflower with cold congealed white sauce, and fatty boiled bacon sliced half an inch thick. Bleugh.

The worst meal I ever cooked for myself was probably fried chicken. I had only heard of it, never eaten it, and had no recipe book and no clue. I literally chopped up some chicken breast and fried it in sunflower oil, then ate it. No seasoning, no side dishes, no anything. It was so bland and greasy and disgusting. I couldn't fathom why people would choose to eat that! Took me years to figure that one out, LOL.