Scone day tomorrow! eeeek!

mazzy1, Nov 11, 8:19pm
I can't believe it's rolled around so fast. I was co-opted to make 24 scones for the Devonshire Tea component of Historic Clyde Market Day tomorrow, so I've been practising my Idiot-Proof scones - even I can make them! Hopefully the punters will survive the experience. lol. Wish me luck, people!

ldbaqbeak, Nov 11, 8:22pm
You'll be fine. Just remember that presentation is everything - make them all uniform in size and shape.

craftylady1, Nov 11, 8:39pm
I use the Edmonds scone mix.sure fire way to have success 100% percent.just add water

oh_hunnihunni, Nov 11, 8:42pm
Uniform! Scone mix! Hunni faints. But will recover - her tummy being full of her usual Saturday lunchtime home made scones lol. FROM SCRATCH MIND!.

buzzy110, Nov 11, 8:47pm
What are the ingredients on the box for the scone mix!

buzzy110, Nov 11, 8:51pm
Oh I nearly forgot - You have my sincerest good wishes coming your way. As a scone making failure from way back, I'd be in a total tizz by now and sleep would have flown out the window days ago.

craftylady1, Nov 11, 8:58pm
No idea.never

mazzy1, Nov 11, 9:05pm
ha ha buzzy - no I'm perfectly serene and calm. Must be the valium. lol.

No mine are going to be made from scratch. I have to get up at the crack of dawn!

pickles7, Nov 11, 9:30pm
baking soda , flour , more baking soda . Dont put vinegar near them .

buzzy110, Nov 11, 9:32pm
Are you saying that people pay good money to buy a box of self raising flour masquerading as scone mix! I don't think so. I bet there are some chemicals in there as well.

buzzy110, Nov 11, 9:34pm
I've been reading about scones and one recipe I have read today says to use high grade flour. I wonder if that is where I have been going wrong all these years, apart from all the other things I have obviously be doing wrong but haven't yet figured out what.

pickles7, Nov 11, 10:09pm
We have them made from a scone mix at bowls. Not sure if there is flour in them, maybe just the soda, putrid things.

pickles7, Nov 11, 10:14pm
craftylady1.just for you.
Scones. Date.
4 cups of flour, 1 tsp salt, 2 tsp baking soda, 4 tsp cream of tartar, sifted. chop up and add 200grams of dates. melt 100 grams of butter, add 1 egg, beat with whisk, add milk to make up to 2 cups. add to dry ingredients mix. bake 15 minutes in a hot oven.

Pull apart Cheese and onion. Scones.

4 cups of flour,
1 tsp salt,
2 tsp baking soda,
4 tsp cream of tartar,

200grams of grated cheese,
1/2 a medium onion very finely chopped,
1 egg,
100 grams of melted butter,
1 and 1/2 cups of milk, may need a little more

Sift all the dry ingredients,
melt the butter,
beat the egg in a measuring jug,
add the melted butter,
then milk to make up to 2 cups of liquid
add the milk mixture to the dry ingredients ,
mix lightly, adding more milk so the mixture is not crumbly at all,
I tip my scones straight out onto a floured baking tray.
I cut them on the tray, using a wet knife
I sprinkle more grated cheese over the top,
bake 15-20 minutes in a 250%C oven.

buzzy110, Nov 11, 10:16pm
The added chemicals - stabilisers, processed palm oil, preservative, colour, solvents, flavours, etc (whatever is in them) are probably what will be causing the putridness. However, you have to remember that not everyone has a palate that can distinguish between what is natural and pure and what comes out of a factory.

uli, Nov 11, 10:40pm
Scones are so English - the rest of Europe never heard of them LOL :)

And no - I can't bake them either. Did once for fun - and the pigs and chickens loved the result - if I use grains then I stick with my sourdough bread.

kinna54, Nov 11, 11:32pm
Oh dear; with all the advice you've had prior your head will be spinning! Know you have tried the recipes posted, just go with what you know, and what you are comfortable with, and what you felt were the best of your samples.don't doubt yourself, you can do it! . and ps jam and cream hides a multiple of sins.
Good luck!

mazzy1, Nov 12, 12:22am
True, kinna, but I am strong! I am woman! I am sconemaker! I can do it!

elliehen, Nov 12, 4:31am
mazzy, don't do your scone if they're not perfect ;)

(Australian slang.if you 'do your scone' you lose your temper and if you are 'off your scone' you are mad or insane.If you get a 'bump on your scone' it is a hit on the head.)

uli, Nov 12, 3:02pm
We all wait with anticipation how the 24 scones turned out.

elliehen, Nov 12, 5:53pm
.with maybe a photo!

uli, Nov 12, 6:54pm
. yes . a photo .

buzzy110, Nov 12, 7:24pm
They will have come out perfectly I'm sure.