Bread Thread. For Hand & Bread Machine Recipes :-)
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Feb 8, 8:36pm
Thanks Helen. hope you enjoy them. .
Feb 8, 8:37pm
Adding Oopie's great recipe-there is no kneading 5 cups wholemeal flour, 5 cups strong flour, 1 tablespoon salt, 1200 mls luke warm water, 1 tablespoon honey, 60 grams compressed yeast. Dissolve the honey in the water and crumble the yeast in. Sift the flours, returning the wholemeal to the bowl add the salt,stir together. Add water/honey/yeast mix and stir with a flat blade or spatula. This will be very sticky. Tip out onto a very well flourd bench and using the knife turn ends to middle to cover ball in flour. Place dough into an oiled bowl, cover with oiled gladwrap and put in a warm place until doubled in bulk (about an hour). Tip out, fill your oiled bread tins 1/2 full, rise in warm place until dough is bulging up from tins. Or form into rolls and place on oiled tray. Bake at 180C until bread is browned and sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom. This keeps fresh and moist for days, makes lovely sandwiches. is fantastic toasted and has noadditives or soy in it.
Feb 8, 8:42pm
Bunny51's Wholemeal Baps . yum! 140ml milk, 140ml water, 2 cups wholemeal flour, 2 cups highgrade flour, 1 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoon sugar, 4 teaspoon surebake yeast, Place all ingredients in breadmaker, use dough cycle, when dough cycle has finished remove dough and knock back gently divide into 10 even sized pieces Shape each piece into a ball then flatten place on greased oven tray cover with oiled clear film and leave in a warm place to rise about 30 minutes or so preheat oven to 200OC brush buns with milk and dust lightly with wholemeal flour bake for about 15-20 minutes until they are lightly browned turn onto wire rack to cool
Feb 8, 8:43pm
Thirtyfiver's Nice light wholemeal loaf This is recipe from one of George Daley's books of bread machine recipes. 3 tsp surebake yeast 1,1/2 cups Hi grade flour 1,1/2 cups whole meal four 1,1/2 TB Gluten flour {in pkt in supermarkets} 2TB golden syrup 2Tb oil {canola is fine} 3/4 tsp salt 1,1/8 cup of water. ok baked on Basic Bake mode, I have to add a bit more water usually put at least 1,1/4 cup just watch after kneading has started,if it looks too dry add TB water at a timeuntil it looks right. The gluten flour is to help loaf not be too heavy in texture,you only need 1TB per 1 cup whole meal keep pkt of gluten in fridge
Feb 8, 8:44pm
Bunny51's Basic Wholemeal Recipe: water, 1 1/8 cup water, oil 2 tablesoppns, salt, 3/4 teaspoons brown sugar 1 1/2 tablespoon gluten flour 1 1/2 tablespoon wholemeal flour 3 cups 3 teaspoons surebake yeast. I haven't made this much because my kids find the 100% wholemeal flour recipes too dense so I usually do about half wholemeal and half highgrade flour instead
Feb 8, 8:45pm
Bunny51s Light Wholemeal Bread Loaf 350ml water, 3 cups wholemeal flour, 1 cup highgrade flour, 2 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoon sugar, 2 tablespoon oil, 4 teaspoon surebake yeast, Might need to just check the water content in this recipe to make sure it isn't too dry
Feb 8, 8:46pm
Bunny51"sChocolate Tea bread: Here is a recipe my kids like as a treat 3 teaspoons surebake yeast, 3 cups high grade flour, 2 tablespoons milk powder, 3 1/2 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons ooil, 1 1/8 cup water Put in bread maker basic cycle, add 1 1/8 cup chocolate chips when it beaps (Or in fruit dispenser)
Feb 8, 8:46pm
Bynny51's Fruit Loaf 250lmml water, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 teaspoon cloves, 2 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, 1 tablespoon milk powder, 3 cups high grade flour, 3 teaspoon surebake yeast, use sweet cycle then add 1/3 cup mixed dried fruit when it beeps
Feb 8, 8:47pm
Bunny51's Hot Cross Bun Recipe 1 cup milk, 1 egg, 4 cups flour, 1 1/2 teaspoon mixed spice 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 cup sugar 4 teaspoons surebake yeast, 1/2 cup currents, 3 taplespoons sultanas, 3 tablespoons peel Put all the ingredients in the breadmaker except fruit when the machine beeps add the fruit (Or if it has a fruit dispenser put the fruit in there) when the dough cycle has finished, take out the dough and place on lightly floured surface, Knock back gently and divide into 12 pieces, shape each piece into a ball place on greased oven tray cover with clear oiled film, leave to rise 30-45 minutes until doubled insize. Preheat oven 200OC Make pastry for crosses by mixing together 1/2 cup plain flour and 2 tablesapoon margarine bind with enough water to make soft pastry which can be piped. spoon pastry into pastry bag fitted with plain nozzle pipe a cross on each bun bake bun for 15-18 minutes until golden
Feb 8, 8:48pm
Bunny51's Hot Cross Buns cont. Meanwhile heat together 2 tablespoon milk and 2 tablespoon sugar, stir thoroughly until sugar disolves brush the glaze over the top of the hot buns place on wire rack serve warm or cool
Feb 8, 8:49pm
Bunny51'sTraditional White Loaf 315 ml water, 1 tablespoon oil or margarine or butter (I use oil) 1 1/2 tewaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon milk powder, 3 1/4 cups bread flour, 3 1/4 teaspoon surebake yeast. This is an Australian recipe so the tablespoons are 4 teaspoons instead of 3 (20 mls instead of 15) put all in breadmaker then basic cycle
Feb 8, 8:50pm
Bunny51's Everyday Bread 1 1/2 cups water, 3 cups high grade flour, 1 cup wholemeal flour, 2 tablespoon milk powder, 1 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 1/2 teaspoon sugar, 2 tablespoon oil, 4 teaspoon surebake yeast, put all ingredients in bread maker in the order that your manual recommends(either dry ingredients or wet first) basic cycle might need to check it while it is kneading to make sure there is enough water
Feb 8, 8:50pm
Sunnyflower's Bread Recipe 3 cups high grade flour, 1 and a half teaspoons of salt, 2 teaspoons of dry yeast and 1 cup of lukewarm water, I put mine on the dough setting then cook it in the oven, I take it out after dough cycle and shape into loaves ie french loaf, and turn my oven onto 50 degrees for a couple of mins then turn it off put the loaves in to rise, then heat oven to 180 celcius and put a baking dish full of boiling water at the bottom of the oven then cook the loaves for abt 20 mins, delicious
Feb 9, 1:53am
Hi there Just transferred these over to the trademe cooks forum thought then they won't get lost
Feb 9, 3:12am
hi bunny I tried to get registered there and it said to wait for an e-mail which never came :(
Feb 9, 3:47am
Hi Uli. the email will have a link to be able to activate your account in the site. I hope you get it to add your valuable contributions to the site Fetish has set up.
Feb 9, 3:53am
Hi Bunny. that's great. Hasn't Fetish done a wonderful job of setting the site up. it's a great asset for all.
Feb 9, 3:24pm
It is a great site Uli I hope you have got it sorted now, Think I had to try a couple of times before my email came through
Feb 9, 3:59pm
please enlighten me.what site! .!
Feb 9, 4:23pm
For weezil If you haven't been following the threads about bumping (advantages and disad's) you won't be aware of this. Many wonderful threads have dropped off - vanished for ever and are not recoverable unless some kind soul had saved them to their hard drive. This can happen in as little as just over a week! So an alternative longterm storage place has been set up to prevent this but everyone still posts and takes an active role in this BB. Check out this link.!t=8
Feb 9, 5:13pm
brillaint site.thankyou for info. .
Feb 9, 11:25pm
lbell.tried your recipe today and yum. gonna try the other bread this week.thankyou to have a
Feb 10, 12:01am
No - no e-mail for me Even checked the spam filter. And cannot re-register now as my name is "taken"! (by me of course in my first attempt).
Feb 10, 1:52am
Cool recipes I have a breadmaker (finally) now am looking for a few recipes 1x-gluten free (for a friend who's allergic)& 1x multi-grain for me.
Feb 10, 3:05pm
Bump for summer1013
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