Anyone have a Breville Ikon Bread machine

gerry64, Aug 10, 9:15pm
Have just been looking at buying a bread machine - salesman wasnt any help so thought I would come home and try on here for some advice - there are so many different models to choose from

beccy-bec, Aug 11, 1:05am
Have a look online for some reviews

fifie, Aug 11, 1:23am
Have had a panasonic for years, never had a failure yet i'm a great fan of this brand, However in answer to your question this might help,
do your research before choosing. Happy breadmaking.

nauru, Aug 11, 3:01am
I have a Breville Breadmaster Big Loaf model and love it.I was lucky enough to find an almost new one at a garage sale for a few $$$. It has two paddles in the bread pan and makes 3 sizes of bread, up to a 1.5kg loaf, also makes great jam too.

kinna54, Aug 11, 4:24am
I have a Breville, mine makes the bigger loaf too. Just need to make sure you get a machine with NZ recipe measures. (Breville is Australian, so you need a conversion manual.)
I hear that Panasonic seems to be a very preferred brand at present.

gerry64, Aug 11, 6:11pm
thanks - I ended up getting a panasonic -found a consumer review that rated panasonic way above the breville - but must say the breville was much nicer looking -made my first loaf last night -YUM