Bread Thread. For Hand & Bread Machine Recipes :-)

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juliewn, Jan 19, 7:00am
Leave covered until doubled in size. This is the part that will mainly determine the lightness of the finished rolls. don't try to rush the rising of them. It will take around an hour to an hour and a half. When almost risen, preheat your oven to 230°C. Bake the rolls until they sound hollow when tapped and they're golden brown. Remove from the oven. If you want crustier rolls - cool uncovered, if you want a softer roll, cool covered. For a chewier roll, brush the tops lightly with warm water and cover with a teatowel. Then try and stay away from them as they're delicious!

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:01am
Loaves: You can use this same recipe and bake them as loaves in loaf tins - or as loaves set out on baking paper lined or greased trays. Or make as large flat breads on a tray, with or without being brushed with olive oil and sprinkled with coarse salt, herbs, sliced olives, seeds, sundried tomatoes, etc.etc. Rise and and bake at 230°C till golden and they sound hollow when tapped.

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:01am
Variations: Shape the loaves, rolls, etc. and top with grated cheese, seeds, sliced sundried tomatoes,sliced olives, grated cheese, crushed herbs, etc,. etc.,- or add any of these ingredients to the dough when it's a batter before adding the extra flour and kneading. Bake in the same manner as above.

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:02am
Pizza: Use some dough to roll out for pizza bases - no need to rise for these. roll out to the size you want and top with your your favourite toppings. Bake straight away at 230°C . individual pizza's are great, where everyone places their own toppings on.

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:02am
Naan or Pita bread:

Use the above dough recipe. or replacing one to one and a half cups of flour with wholemeal is even nicer.Once you've left the dough to rise for 15 minutes, press the dough down with your hand, then press it out to about 3-4 cm thick on a floured surface. Keep this covered as you prepare the shapes. Roll small - about egg size - pieces of dough into a thin circle - 3-4mm thick - a few at a time. Keep them - and the dough - under a teatowel to avoid them drying out.

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:02am
Naan Bread: My favourite way is to use a wok or frying pan on a hot element - I use one of the little gas "suitcase" stoves and make them outside while my Partner is bbqing other goodies. I place a very small amount of oil on a paper towel. rub it quickly over the surface of the hot pan.

Add a circle of dough and place the lid on. After about 30-40 seconds, turn the bread, and continue cooking a very short time till it feels just firm. Onto a rack, cover with a tea-towel. and try to stop eating them! They're delicious.

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:03am
Cheese Naan, Garlic Naan, or Herb Naan - or a mixture of any of these. add grated cheese, or crushed or finely sliced garlic or crushed fresh or dried herbs to the batter before adding the extra flour and kneading. Continue as above. The recipe can be easily halved too. make some rolls or loaves with the rest of the dough.

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:03am
Pita Bread: Bake the circles in the oven - 230°C for just a few minutes till they puff up. keep an eye on them as it's faster than you might expect.

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:04am
Panini: Use the same recipe I've posted above - after kneading and standing the dough for 15 minutes, I shape some dough (about 1 1/2 cups full) into an oval, roll it flat, and place on a baking paper lined baking tray. Once the tray is full - a usual size tray will take about 4 - cover the tray with a clean cloth and leave in a warm place till doubled in size. Bake at 230°C till the bread is golden brown and it sounds hollow when tapped. and try to stop enjoying them. :-}

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:04am
Filled bread for baking or grilling: Another goody I've made which is very tasty. Make the dough and leave for the 15 minutes. Cut it into pieces- about the size of 3 eggs. (You can wrap each piece individually in plastic wrap and freeze. When needed, thaw - still covered - at room temp and continue.). Keep the dough and the pieces covered while you work with one piece at a time. Knead one piece of dough a little till smooth, then roll out into an oval or square about .5cm thick.

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:04am
Heat an electric grill, or your oven to 230°C. On one half of the rolled out dough, place your choice of a mix of grated cheese, sliced tomato, any cooked meat or chicken, finely sliced onion, baked beans, canned spaghetti, cream style sweetcorn. bacon, ham, pineapple, gherkins, left over savoury mince or spaghetti bolognese mince sauce, etc.

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:05am
Brush water around the edges of the rolled out dough, and fold the other half over the filling. Use a fork to press the edges together very well. No need for leaving to rise. Place on a baking paper lined tray in your oven, or in your electric grill set on a level so it doesn't squash the fillings out. Bake or grill till golden brown and the dough is cooked. This tastes wonderful, and each person can add fillings of their own choice. we sometimes make these as a fun dinner, and serve it with a salad or raw veges. Yum!

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:05am
Fruit Buns/Breads: Add a little sugar and some spices - cinnamon, mixed spice, nutmet, etc.and about a cup of currants or other dried fruit, to the batter at the beginning.

Shape into rolls about the size of 2 eggs and place on a baking paper lined or greased baking tray. Leave covered in a warm place to double in size. Bake at 230°C till golden and they sound hollow when tapped.

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:06am
Alternatives:For Hot Cross Buns: I like to use left over almond icing from Christmas cakes - freeze till Easter. When making Hot Cross Buns, thaw at room temp. Slice into thin sticks about 4-5cm long. When the buns are only just beginning to brown, remove the tray from the oven. Quickly place two sticks of almond icing on top of each bun to form a cross, and place the tray back in the oven to finish cooking the buns. The icing was caramelise and give a lovely sweet topping. delicious.

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:06am
Sally Lunn, or a large round or oval fruit loaf. Shape as desired and place on a baking paper lined or greased tray. cover and leave till doubled in size. Bake as above. Ice if liked - pale pink or white icing looks good - or drizzle icing in a thin stream in a pattern over the top. . You canadd lot's of coconut to the icing before spreading it too, and top with coconut.

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:07am
Fresh Fruit Breads: Roll the dough out and spread with sliced apples, peaches, apricots, plums etc. Sprinkle with sugar to taste, and spices if liked. Roll up and bake in a long roll, or cut into spirals and bake like this.

juliewn, Jan 19, 7:08am
Last one! ps. Please ask if I can help with any of the above. Happy Baking. Cheers. Julie

taurushat, Jan 19, 11:08am
Naan bread 3 cups plain flour,3/4 cup milk, Salt to taste,1 sachet (7g) dry yeast,3 tbsp butter,1/2 cup water. 4 tbsp oil. Take a mixing bowl put all the ingredients except the oil and mix well till it forms a smooth dough. Cover the mixing bowl with a wet cloth and leave it for 1 hour till the dough raises, now add the oil and knead well till all the oil is absorbed. Take some flour for rolling so that the dough won't stick to the surface. make 13 round portions with the dough and roll them with a rolling pin or you can pat them between both your hands. Keep warm. Now take heavy bottomed pan and fry the naans on one side, lift them and place them under the grill the un-fried side facing the heat (do not fry both sides on the pan). Grill the Naan till it is cooked and charred a bit and take it out and spread little butter over it. Repeat the procedure for all the naan.

lil_nightmare, Jan 19, 11:26am
thank you juliewn for this thread I'll have to copy and paste it. Cheers taurushat for the naan bread as well :o)

fclgirls, Jan 19, 11:21pm
Thank you bunny baking time now!

bunny51, Jan 19, 11:30pm
Hope you are more successful than me (Big sigh) Just made some salami and peppercorn bread with cheese fir lunch was nice and brown on the outside, hollow when knocked but when I sliced it, it was still uncooked in the middle, I sliced it anyway and it is now baking again in the oven (A bit like rusks or biscotti I guess) hopefully this works

fclgirls, Jan 19, 11:40pm
I love the smell of bread cooking Can't wait to try some of these recipes they all sound so yummy!Even the kids wanna try baking them.

juliewn, Jan 20, 2:18am
You're mostwelcome. Thanks Taurushat. I'll be trying your recipe. yum!

valentino, Jan 23, 2:48am
Hi Julewn, going to put a recipe following this. It is a "Cinnabon’s Style Cinnamon Buns". (These are those very rich sticky finger licking gooey Cinnamon Buns – very well known and sold in a Minneapolis-St Paul Shopping Mall called Little Canada – absolutely divine to the “T”. Note the extra butter and sugar amounts. Can be warmed up a little.Have placed some photos of some of us enjoying this sweet treat. Pics Link to )

juliewn, Jan 23, 10:20am
Bumping for Taruawai. :-)