Bread Thread. For Hand & Bread Machine Recipes :-)

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toffeey, Nov 29, 8:47pm
ciabata Taste was wonderful but texture more like crumpet than ciabata. Will try some of the recipes posted here and see how we get on.

cliff609, Nov 30, 12:39am
The bread was lovely only problem I didn't think about the kitchen being next to the kids room so woke at 6am to hear Mr 2.5 in his cot going beep beep beep beep beep!

juliewn, Nov 30, 11:13am
Ohhh. lol. you'd just had to have laughed with him! That's just gorgeous! I'm glad the bread went well though. will it be made further away from now on! lol.

dolphin101, Dec 2, 8:07am
glad this came up just gone though all the messages about making bread will try others later

juliewn, Dec 2, 10:12am
Hi Dolphin101. Hope you enjoy making your bread. Please ask if any of us can help at all.

valentino, Dec 3, 3:18am
Wow, a must for this time of year, there are some real great recipes in here and I bet not many of you know of them all.LOL.

See for yourself, really surprising but then again !

Must read though.


juliewn, Dec 4, 3:43am
Bumping for Scsd hope it helps. :-)

goodbooks, Dec 4, 7:19am
Has anyone made their own potato starter to use for making breads, and would like to share the recipe please! Thanks for help.

churchmousenz, Dec 8, 7:47am
Link to trademe cooks re #524 Can someone please give me the link to trademe cooks as the link in message 524 says there that there is no forums there for trademe cooks

glenj, Dec 8, 9:15am

churchmousenz, Dec 8, 9:36am
# 774 Thanks heaps

valentino, Dec 8, 10:59pm
This is a very good thread juliewn. Needs to be kept going for more. More varieties on Turkish Bread would be great.Cheers

juliewn, Dec 9, 11:17am
Hi Valentino. and thanks. :-) Turkish Breads sure are delicious. and tempting! Hope someone has some lovely recipes they could post in the thread and share with us all.

barloo, Dec 10, 3:54am
bumping to the top of the page

bajan1, Dec 10, 6:43am
a bread-making BEGINNER this is exactly what i was looking for.i was going to ask about a recommended recipe book.will print all of this!

juliewn, Dec 10, 10:59am
That's great the recipes will be of help Bajan. Please ask if there's anything we can help with. and enjoy your goodies. :-)

juliewn, Dec 10, 11:13am
Bumping for Protea77 . hope this helps. Please ask if we can help further.

juliewn, Dec 10, 11:15am
Protea77 asked in another thread for pull-apart type bread recipes. I'm including the info. here also - for share and tear type bread, make your preferred recipe, then shape the dough to make the shape's you want. ie. small balls (remember they'll double in size during proving), Place the balls close together, so they're touching, on a baking paper lined oven tray - in whatever shape you want - oval, circle, long strip etc. Cover and leave to rise as per the recipe. and once doubled in size, bake as per the recipe. This works well - you can also brush the tops with milk and sprinkle over some grated cheese, herbs, seeds, olive slices etc.

juliewn, Dec 10, 11:28am
And this is what I call Celebration Bread. I've made these many times over the years. shape pieces of dough as above. Place them on a baking paper lined tray, in the shape you want for the celebration the bread will be used for. ie. you can use the initial's of a person whose birthday party the bread is for. The initial's of two people getting married. The initial's of a baby - for a party to celebrate his/her birth. etc.etc. I made one recently - the daughter of one of my closest friend's got married in England. We had a little "Wedding Party" here in NZ -On top of the baking paper on the tray, I made a large 'C' for his first name - and set inside that, and against the curve of the C, I placed another C shape, with a short piece coming downward for a 'G'- so the bread showed as her initial inside his initial. At dinner, we all pulled rolls off the shape - part of the sharing of the occasion.

juliewn, Dec 10, 11:32am
For my Son's 21st, I made a large '2' on one baking tray, and a '1'on another tray. and baked one tray at a time, and I had the '21' on a large cloth covered piece of board, as part of dinner for his party. The cloth was made many years ago by his Nanna - so was a way of bringing something special from her into the occasion.and shared by all of us there.

juliewn, Dec 11, 10:52am
Bumping for Divinedivinity . :-)

books4nz, Dec 11, 12:04pm
Rachee - thanks for your recipe - I've been looking for something like that - sounds good.

juliewn, Dec 12, 12:27pm
Bumping for Sam824. :-)

bunny51, Dec 12, 5:54pm
bumping for churchmousenz hope you find something here that helps

pixiegirl, Dec 12, 8:02pm
Hi Juliewn I made you bread recipe the other day and so easy.The only problem was I took my eye of it for a second and the rolls burnt on the outside and the bread just on the top but the middle was really good.Will try again and keep my eye on the over - do you use fan bake or a normal bake!I found hubby in the kitchen yesterday cutting the burnt bread rolls in half - asked what he was doing and he said he was making it easier for the birds so they dont break their beaks.and proceeded to throw them out for the birds. hhmmmmmm - lucky I have a good sense of humour.