Bread Thread. For Hand & Bread Machine Recipes :-)

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juliewn, Oct 16, 12:18pm
That's great Wishing. I'm sorry, I don't have the recipes for Panetone, Brioche or Rewana Bread. hopefully someone can help.

juliewn, Oct 18, 11:03am
Hi Erica
That's great all is well there. it'll be lovely to have your Daughter home soon. will be us this time next year after Jenni is away studying.
Sounds like the dough rose a lot!
I made some bread yesterday - my recipe from the first page of this thread, added flour till I could only just mix the dough with a wooden spoon - didn't knead it at all - piled it onto baking paper in the bottom of a large roasting dish. I spread the dough out to fully cover the bottom of the dish, brushed it with a little canola oil and sprinkled it with coarse salt, then left it to rise - ended up being a bit longer than usual - the dough was up to the top of the dish - about 10cm deep! Baked it, and the top and bottom both cooked so they were crunchy and crusty - rather nice! I had intended to pick some rosemary from my garden, wash it then crumble it over the top - forgot to - still tasted great though.
Have a great week Erica. nice to catch up with you here. cheers. Julie

boofy11, Oct 18, 11:39pm
bumpity bump bump

juliewn, Oct 19, 11:23am
and again. :-) .

swallowstitch, Oct 21, 5:05am
Attention Fluffykiwi re your thread #227- you say your breadmaker has seized up. Before you biff it in the bin get hold of a pair of pliers or grips and gently try rotating the spindle in the base of the breadmaker and /or the breadtray. I have similar problems now and again and all it is are baked crumbs which go hard and stop the spindle from turning. As it loosens keep rotating till it moves freely.
Hope this message makes sense.

juliewn, Oct 22, 11:31am
and if I only had time! :-) lots more recipes to add.

juliewn, Oct 23, 1:15pm
Bumping for the coming long weekend. . have a lovely weekend Everyone.

floralsun, Oct 24, 10:51am
Thanks Swallow - that's going to be of help here too - thankyou for posting what to do.

jenna68, Oct 25, 6:02pm
*waves to julie*. :o)

juliewn, Oct 26, 1:09pm
Crockpot Bread - posted by 245sam in another thread:"Joan Bishop's Batter Bread: 3 tsp sugar, 1/2 cup boiling water, 1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp cold milk, 2 tsp dried yeast, 3 cups white flour, 1 tsp salt. Preheat crockpot on HIGH for 1/2 hour. Put sugar into a large bowl. Add boiling water & stir to dissolve. Add cold milk & stir again – liquid’s temperature should be comfortably warm. Sprinkle yeast over surface of liquid - do not stir. Leave in a warm place for 10 minutes. Combine flour & salt. Grease a cake tin or straight-sided soufflé dish (7-cup capacity) which will fit into the crockpot. When yeast liquor is frothy, stir it gently to mix thoroughly. Tip dry ingredients into yeast liquor. Beat well with a wooden spoon. Spoon the mixture into prepared tin - it should be no more than 1/3-1/2 full. Leave tin to stand on the bench for 1/4 hour. Cover tightly with foil, & place tin on a trivet or preserving jar ring in the crockpot. Cover with lid & cook on HIGH for 2&1/2-3 hours."

angiemc, Oct 26, 10:23pm
YUM! Ok, I'm all geared up and choppin at the bit to bake some bread after reading part of this thread!Ok, I've never made bread, and don't have a breadmaker (yet).Does anyone have a nice simple receipe that I could try!Also, can you recomendation a good breadmaker.(sorry if this has been asked before) Thanks alot for your time. YUM YUM YUM.

juliewn, Oct 27, 4:33am
Hi Angiemc. I've posted a great recipe in post #4 of this thread.and then lots of alternative goodies you can use that recipe for. please ask if we can help further. and enjoy making your own delicious breads! Let us know how you get on.

juliewn, Oct 27, 2:50pm
Hi Tracey. :-). I hope your weekend is going well :-). we're home again. Chris safely back from Vancouver. house warming this weekend in a 3/4 finished house - it's more important to have Chris here before he goes on to Melbourne, than it is to wait till the house is finished. so lots of cooking for me this week. I will email soon. take care.

jenna68, Oct 27, 7:12pm
Awwwwww. so happy for you to have your boy back home, happy cooking, take care:o)

angiemc, Oct 28, 5:51pm
thanks Juliewn just another question, what yeast should I buy!I had a look in the supermarket yesterday and there were a couple of different ones, I was unsure which one to purchase.Thanks!

angiemc, Oct 28, 8:12pm
What I mean is I saw yeast (surebake i think) that was flaky and another that was tiny round poppy seeds!If you get what I mean haha.

juliewn, Oct 29, 4:27am
Hi Angie. the Surebake type Yeast works more quickly and gives a great result. The granules work slower and by a slightly different method - I've copied next a reply I gave in another thread about using yeast granules in a bread maker - the same applies to making bread by hand:

juliewn, Oct 29, 4:29am
Iif you wanted to use the granules in a bread maker, I would place the liquid that's in the recipe (whether it's milk or water) in a bowl - and heat it very slightly so the liquid reaches luke warm temperature - about the same temperature as your hand. Add the sugar from the recipe to the liquid, then sprinkle yeast over the top - I would double the yeast quantity that's in the recipe - ie - if 3 tsp Surebake Yeast is in the recipe, use 6 tsp of the yeast granules. Stir the mix once, then leave it, without stirring, to stand covered in a warm place for about 10-15 minutes, until it's starting to foam and expand - which means the yeast has started to work. Place the dry ingredients from the recipe into your bread maker, and add the slightly foaming yeast mix, and set your machine to operate as usual. I think this will work well - if you'd prefer a lighter end result, increase the yeast quantity slightly the next time. Enjoy your goodies.

juliewn, Oct 29, 4:31am
ps. for handmade bread using the yeast granules, do as in my previous post for the yeast mix, then place about 2 cups of flour from the recipe into a large bowl, add the foaming yeast mix, and mix together - then add enough flour, mixing then kneading as you add the flour, to form a firm and not sticky dough - which will form as you knead it. hope this helps. Cheers. Julie

angiemc, Oct 29, 4:40am
That's wonderful Juliewn Thank you for your help.I'll let you know how I get on.It might be a few days before I get a chance to make it now, but will post when i've made my first loaf!

dixiechic, Oct 29, 11:13pm
Need Turkish bread recipe for breadmaker - Help! Love turkish bread but too lazy to make it over 4 days.Is there any easy recipe for the breadmaker.I know someone out there will have one - I hope. cheers!

juliewn, Nov 1, 10:05am
Hi Angie. hope you've enjoyed your goodies. Hi Dixie. hopefully someone will have a recipe for you.

juliewn, Nov 3, 10:12am
Bumping for Karma07. hope this helps.

karma07, Nov 3, 1:40pm
Thanks so much juliewin. I have jotted down alot of your recipes so will be trying them all. But i need to go back a bit to find a bread recipe for my Gourtmet breadmaker. Not to sure if all breadmakers have the same recipes

racheee, Nov 4, 12:35am
Bump Just got breadmaker so better bump this on up!