Bread Thread. For Hand & Bread Machine Recipes :-)

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juliewn, Sep 17, 2:54pm
Bumping for you Suzie. I haven't used barley flour, so hopefully someone will be of help for you.

juliewn, Sep 18, 10:10am
Bumping for Nesh1. :-)

juliewn, Sep 18, 1:30pm
I saw a different way of making bread with beer yesterday on Fresh, the Australian Women's Weekly cooking show on Prime at 4pm. the dough was made, and cooked among the ashes of a fire, however the recipe would work in an oven also. It was: A small bottle of beer - leave in a warm place so it is luke warm in temperature, so the yeast in the beer will activate to raise the dough. You could take the lid off the bottle then place it in a bowl or jug of hot water for a few minutes to warm the beer.

juliewn, Sep 18, 1:31pm
The recipe. Place 6 cups of flour and a teaspoon of salt in a bowl. add the warm beer and mix in well -use a wooden spoon, then use your hands once the dough is thick. add some warm water if more liquid is needed. Knead the dough to form a ball. Cover and leave about 10 minutes. Knead the dough until smooth, then shape as you want. He cooked it in the fire at this stage, however I would place it as a loaf or as rolls on a baking paper lined tray, or in loaf or other tins. Cover and leave to rise until doubled in size. I would think it would take about an hour or so. Bake at 230°C until the bread sounds hollow when tapped with your finger nail or a teaspoon. and enjoy.

juliewn, Sep 18, 1:31pm
You could add fresh or dried herbs, grated cheese, olives, sundried tomatoes, finely chopped capsicums or onions or bacon or ham, etc.etc. to the dough. to make your own delicious bread. It's my Partner's Birthday, and his Mum's, this weekend, so I'm cooking a special birthday for them both - and am going to make this recipe. It sounds very good.

juliewn, Sep 19, 9:58am
And for Littlememories. :-)

jenna68, Sep 21, 7:02am
Hi Julie. how did the bread go!Tracey:o)

holdenfanz, Sep 22, 9:37am
Can I use a food processor to make bread dough instead of a breadmaker as the breadmaker I got is crap its from K Mart and doesn't mix properly or cook properly. I've only had it 3 weeks and am very disappointed.

elmartino, Sep 23, 2:46am
@ holdenfanz - re food processor
depends on the dough. I killed my 'cheapy' when I tried to make a yeast dough years ago. If it is somehow kneadable use your hand. -> mix dry and wet ingredients with a spoon until combined to avoid the mess stick on your hands and knead until it feels nice and soft (my pizza dough always feels silky .I just love it! :)). let rise, shape, rise & bake. better than any breadmaker can do it :)

245sam, Sep 23, 9:35am
Hi to Julie and Tracey :-)). bumped for bighorn08

juliewn, Sep 23, 10:01am
Hi Holden. you could take the breadmaker back to Kmart with it not working as its meant to.

I wouldn't use a food processor. it needs a different motion to the kind-of cutting through that a f/p does.

Good luck with getting a better breadmaker that makes lovely bread for you. or check my recipes on page 1 of this thread and hand-make your bread. it's not difficult and - I think - tastes nicer than a bread machine loaf.

juliewn, Sep 24, 10:01am
Hi Nesh. and thanks for your lovely comments. I'm glad you like the recipe. enjoy making your own goodies. Julie.

juliewn, Sep 24, 11:30am
Hi Shirley and Tracey. :-) I hope you're both well I didn't get to make it Tracey - I think I said in my last email. I made a special cake for Bev - Trev's Mum. it's from an Edmonds book from the 1930's, when she was a child - and the book has a drawing of the cake in it - it's called a Carnival Cake. Bev never had a birthday cake at all when she was young, and she told me about this one. and that she'd always just wanted a Carnival Cake for her Birthday. and year after year it didn't happen. I have one of the Edmonds books it's in, and I made one for her Birthday two years ago.

juliewn, Sep 24, 11:31am
Bev cried when she saw it was the cake she'd wanted for nearly 75 years. and I decided to make her another one this year. when she realised what it was, I said to her. 'when you want a special cake for your Birthday when you're young, and it doesn't happen, who says you can only have it once when you're an adult!" Big hugs from her. The reason the bread didn't get made!I was in a rush, trying to do too many things at once.The Carnical Cake is a sponge type recipe, and after using my electric mixer to beat together the eggs - 6 of them! - and the sugar, I decided to let the mixer do the rest instead of folding the dry ingredients in. Not a good idea. the sponge recipe came out like a heavy-ish cake. and I needed to make another mix the right way, and bake that - and thankfully that worked well.

juliewn, Sep 24, 11:32am
So no time to make the bread, as I was cooking dinner for us all at their home and needed to get over to Ohope. Memo to me. don't try to do too many things at once! lol. Tracey and Shirley. the two of you are a lovely part for me of what makes the Recipes messageboard special. I'm glad to 'know' you both here. :-)Hugs. Julie.

holdenfanz, Sep 24, 7:38pm
Thank you.I ended up with a Sanyo turbo powerhouse breadmaker but I didn't get a manual or recipes with it.I tried to google but had no success.Can someone please help me out with some. I got a recipe from Tasti for fruit bread and its divine so will put it up.I have learnt however that using self raising flour is really good it helps the bread.

jenna68, Sep 25, 1:54pm
Ooohhhh, the cake sounded lovely julie. the errr second time lol, I just bet Bev was overwhelmed, you are so luffly!Now, remember to take some time out for yourself julie, you are so busy at the mo' with your house.{{big cyber hugs to you too}}.Hello to you too shirley:o)

juliewn, Sep 25, 2:34pm
Yikes Tracey. You're joining the late night people on here! Hope all is ok for you all. Thanks for your lovely words. I wore myself out yesterday - was rest day today and checked out the progress on the house later after the builder's had left. Have a lovely Thursday Tracey.

floralsun, Sep 26, 10:39am
Bumping for these recipes so I can find them again

jenna68, Sep 26, 1:27pm
Yes, julie, up with the birds I was lol. and AGAIN today and not very happy about it either I can tell you!I just have this awful cold so have been asleep by 8pm these last 2 nights and then wake up ready to go about midnight!Pleased you had a day of rest, you sound like you need your batteries recharging alot lately with all that is going on with the house!Take care, at least it is Friday, I am very pleased about that, am off to make a fresh batch of your cough mix and go back to bed, sending warm hugs up to you:o)

arthurdent2, Sep 27, 5:21am
100% wholemeal in breadmaker. I have been using the recipe in the Panasonic breadmaker book and also the one from the Sanyo breadmaker book. The loaves come out with perfect texture, nice crust, good flavour etc etc. But they are too soft and 'pappy' for my liking. I am using Champion wholemeal with some added bran and gluten flour. Can anyone suggest a recipe where the loaf will be firmer and possibly even less moist!I don't want a kibbled mix -just a 'solid' wholemeal loaf. Like the texture of that marvellous Reizenstein loaf that has now, sadly, disappeared from the shelves.

arthurdent2, Sep 27, 5:57am
re #165 Hi eirin -I used my Sanyo SBM-20 to make some nice Spelt loaves. I used organic wholemeal Spelt flour (in 1kg bag from Ceres Organics) and was advised to use less water and more flour. I used the 100% wholemeal recipe from the Sanyo book and put 2 tblsp less water and 2 tblsp more flour. Also added 2 tsp gluten flour. I did use 2 tblsp milk powder but I'm pretty sure you could leave that out without ill-effect. The loaf was a very nice texture and rose to the top of the pan with a nice dome on top. I'm going to try the organic wholemeal Spelt from Chantal next time. I'm told the best Spelt flour is Australian Kialla. But the Canadian is good too.

juliewn, Sep 27, 12:27pm
Hi Tracey. :-). hugs to you too. I do hope you're feeling much better too. and that you're having a great sleep tonight. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs.

arthurdent2, Sep 28, 7:50pm
so long. and thanks for all the fish.

arthurdent2, Sep 30, 5:13am
deafening silence in this thread -where is everyone!