Bread Thread. For Hand & Bread Machine Recipes :-)

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juliewn, Aug 23, 6:59am
Hi Carl. I was going to bump up the two gluten free threads for you - then saw your name in them so you know of them already. I've just had a look at bread recipe books I have, with no success. Are there books available at your library - or sites online that could help. Good luck with finding a recipe.

guitarman525, Aug 23, 7:34am
Bunny 51 Thread 197
Hi there regarding your recipe in above thread
how long does it take to cook and at what temp!
thanx for the great recipes everyone

juliewn, Aug 23, 9:29am
Hi.Seaside. thanks so much:-) . that's great you're enjoying making your own breads. :-)

juliewn, Aug 23, 3:08pm
Hi Shiyo. my apologise for not replying earlier. just catching up with the thread.

Yes you can do that. as it's thicker than water/milk, you may need to add some of either of those as well to get the right balance of wet to dry ingredients.

And. bumping for Louisen

guitarman525, Aug 25, 4:27am
Juliewn fabulous all purpose bread recipe Thanx fpr this awesome recipe. I have made it several times since i found it for loaves, rolls,hamburger buns and pita bread.
Today I experimented and used julies recipe crossed with parts of the molenburg recipe and the end result was so devine i had to share.

guitarman525, Aug 25, 4:34am
Scrummy Bread I started with the batter
2 c white flour, 2 tsp sugar, 1 tsp salt, mix altogether
in a jug put 2 cups tepid water,
2 TBL yeast and 1 tsp sugar
stir well then add to above and mix well
in a plastic jug put 1/2-3/4 cup of kibbled wheat and pour over 1 cup boiling water and set aside
once the kib wheat has bee sitting there 5 mins or so stain the liquid off and stir in 1 heaped tsp treacle and stir in then add 1/2-3/4 cup bin inn mixed grain mix and then por into batter and add 2 cups of flour and mix well then process as usual

juliewn, Aug 25, 9:16am
Hiya Tracey. :-). This might be of help to anyone wanting to save a page of a thread. To make a quick save of the pages of the thread, have a page of the thread on your screen. at the top left, click on the word 'File' - then 'Save as' - a box will pop up. type the name of the thread - use the page number too if you want. ie: "Home-made thread 1" or any other name you want to use, in the 'File name' part, and at the top of the box, click on the little down arrow at the right end of the 'Save in" box. A range of options will come up. choose where you want to save the thread too - ie. to your desktop, so you have it readily accessible.

juliewn, Aug 25, 9:17am
Now click on 'save' at the bottom right of the box, and your computer will take a few moments to save that page of the thread (or any internet page you want to save like this) so you have it readily accessible to read through as and when you want. Hope this helps.

guitarman525, Aug 25, 9:30am
oooopsscrummy bread recipe correction Sorry i just noticed that the last flour amount in the recipe above should be 4 cups of white flour , not 2 cups.hope you try it,
was yummy have just made two loaves now using the same recipe and yes the homemade chicken burgers we had for tea using the buns were delicious
have a great night all

245sam, Aug 26, 2:40am
bumped for kiwigal751 :-))

m41, Aug 26, 4:31am
great thread bumping for after dinner when i`ll have time to finish reading all these yummy recipes.

juliewn, Aug 27, 10:52am
Hi Guitarman. I'm glad you enjoy the recipe. thanks for your lovely comments. Your Scrummy Bread sounds wonderful. I'll try that. thanks. and enjoy your breadmaking.

horizon3, Aug 27, 11:47am
Lisa Marie I have a Sunbeam also, mine is the Bakehouse Model but was having the exact same problem and was at the stage of heaving the dam thing through the window. Some wonderful person on here gave me a tip to heat the flour in the microwave for 30seconds. I have seldom had a failure since doing this. Hope this helps you too.

bunny51, Aug 27, 9:46pm
Guitarman (Sorry only just noticed your question regarding the bread recipe) That is one if I am making it as a loaf I just bake it in the breadmaker on basic and it takes about 3 1/2 hours more or less for the whole cycle, but if you wanted to bake it in the oven maybe for about 30 - 40minutes or so at about 190 -200 OC (Sorry not very accurate, my oven is abit temperamental so I Just jam things in and leave them there until cooked or if they don't seem to be cooking right turn the temp up abit etc (Not very helpful I know, and it drives me up the wall sometimes but it was the oven that was here when we bought the house a couple of months ago and "ramble ramble ramble" )

bunny51, Aug 27, 9:52pm
carl If you can get your hands on a George Daly book "More Daley bread" It has some gluten free recipes in it They do use guar gum or xanthane though There are some wheat free recipes in the book too. I have never used the recipes though so don't know what they are like If you want to try a recipe though just let me know what you are looking for and I will look to see if it is in the book though and you could try and see if it/they are any good.

guitarman525, Aug 28, 8:06am
Bunny 51 Hiya
thanx for your reply
I too am a bit vague at times with details as my oven is a bit dodgy with temps I've noticed a big dent in the bottom of the oven (which was there when we moved in to house) but it seems to be getting worse and with the amount of cooking and baking i do . a new oven might have to go to the top of the wish

bunny51, Aug 29, 12:44am
Any bread that is high grade or sometimes labeled bread flour will do. I haven't seen the elfin four for a long time either now that you mention it. I buy 5 kg bags of what ever high grade flour is on special and have never had any problems with any of the brands

janepaul, Aug 29, 10:09am
yip great thread want to look it through might take a while. Love the smell of fresh homemade bread.

juliewn, Aug 29, 1:20pm
Hi. I hope you both find recipes you'll love in the thread. Hi M41. I hope the plum cutting tips are of help. and that you get a tree growing there. Cheers. Julie

kiwiscrapper1, Aug 29, 7:39pm
I make a wholemeal just by substituing one cup of plain flour to one of wholemeal, check as its stirring to see if not too dry, sometimes I need to add a tabs of water until it looks moist enough, but its delicous, even the grandkids like it. Not sure on the vegemite rolls they are always very crunchy when bought from a shop.

wron, Aug 30, 5:51am
Bumping this one too

ninak, Aug 30, 8:58am
pickles7 or juliewn - have you tried vogels style! Hi just interested if either (or both) have tried the vogels style recipe at #175 yet! What were the results like!

weezil, Aug 30, 10:02am
thankyou #197 what a lovely loaf this makes. and a bit more fibre so thats got to be a plus.look forward to trying more recipies.

juliewn, Aug 30, 11:19am
Bumping for Craig04

fluffykiwi, Aug 30, 10:48pm
I can't believe it I was so inspired by this thread, i got out the breadmaker, cleaned it up. Defrosted some bananas and worked out all of the measurement to make the lovely banana bread recipe. Got all of the ingredients into the pan and turned it on. Excited about the prospect of lovely fresh bread smells and feeling very proud of myself. Took a look in after it had started, and omg the thing has seized up. Grrrr so annoyed! So looks like I am in the market for a new breadmaker lol. Could everyone please recommend their favourite! Or is there a particular one which is popular and fantastic! Thank you!