Bread Thread. For Hand & Bread Machine Recipes :-)

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mocha77, Jul 3, 11:18pm
bump bump,bump

juliewn, Jul 4, 10:32am
Hi Happs. I'm not sure why the difference would be. is the yeast quantity in the recipes the same! - if not, try increasing the yeast amount to the same as the recipe that's risen as you want it to. I've found the ratio of flour to yeast when using Surebake yeast is one slightly rounded tsp Surebake to 1 cup flour. Let us know how you get on. hope this helps.

juliewn, Jul 4, 10:33am
Bumping for Sammygirl1 :-)

juliewn, Jul 4, 10:50am
Hi Mocha. I haven't made Ciabatta bread. however I just typed Ciabatta recipes into an internet search - and a number of recipes came up. there's a wide variety. check them out to find one that you really like. and let us know how you get on. hope this helps.

cliff609, Jul 4, 11:04am
Well I tried the baps this afternoon. They weren't great.I threw all the ingredients in the breadmaker - on dough cycle.It came out quite thick like scone dough.Then I kneaded it (not that I knew what kneading actually is!) and seperated it into flat blobby balls then left it to rise for a while.Put it in the oven and they kind of looked like baps but come time to eat them they were so doughy and heavy.Hmmm what to do - think I'll have another search of recipes on this thread and try something else.

juliewn, Jul 4, 2:40pm
My apologies for not seeing your post earlier. Yes. I'd do the same as Happs. and freeze them when just cooled.

I'd cut them in half, and freeze with the halves back together. then depending on the filling you want to use, fill the rolls while they're still frozen, wrap and the roll will thaw during the morning - and they'll be fresh at lunchtime.

juliewn, Jul 4, 2:57pm
Hi. that's great. thanks for letting us know. they sound delicious. :-)

juliewn, Jul 5, 1:51pm
Hi Cliff. I think it may be that it needed a bit more kneading. and a longer time to rise. Kneading is to stretch the dough, to give a smooth elasticity. gradually making it into a smooth ball, either in a bowl, or on a floured bench. There are many ways to do this. and probably everyone who makes bread does it in the way they find easiest for them. The way I find best is to have the dough in a good sized bowl. I place that on a cloth in the sink, so the bottom of the bowl isn't coming into contact with the cold metal of the sink. I hold the bowl rim in my left hand, and use the knuckles of my right hand to lift the dough from the back (and slightly to the right - about where the 1 is on a clock - hope that makes sense!) of the dough, lift it up slightly and curve it over and press it into the centre of the ball.

juliewn, Jul 5, 1:51pm
Slight turn of the bowl with my left hand, and repeat. continuing until the ball is smooth, and when pressed with a finger tip, it bounces back to a smooth surface. About 5 to 10 minutes. you'll soon get into a rhythmical pattern as you go. While kneading, I use my fingers to scoop up any flour on the bottom and sides of the dough as I go - there's no need to add any flour to the dough - unless it's squishy and sticking to your fingers. Once it's a smooth ball, turn it over and leave it in the bowl, covered with plastic wrap or a tea towel. Leave in a warm place for 15 minutes.

juliewn, Jul 5, 1:52pm
Remove the cover, and use your hand to push the dough down, so most of the air is removed - it will approximately halve in size. Knead lightly till a smooth ball is reached. Shape into the size balls/rolls/bread you want, and place on a greased or baking paper lined tray(s) or in tins. Cover and leave in a warm place until doubled in size. I usually place them on top of my stove, while I'm making something in the oven, so the warmth rises from that to rise the dough. Doubling in size can take from 3/4 hour to 1 & 1/2 hours, depending on the temperature of the day and where they're rising. Once ready, bake, etc. as per your recipe. I hope this helps. let us know how you get on. Have a lovely weekend.

cliff609, Jul 6, 1:24am
Ok, thank you so much I probably didn't knead it for nearly long enough then and I was sort of just playing with it more than anything.Thanks for the tips!

waniac1, Jul 6, 5:53am
thanks from my whole family juliewn made`buns etc today and they were lovely. just making pizza basesfor dinner now. yummmm can't wait. can't wait to try other types ofbreads;)

wron, Jul 6, 8:46am
Moving on up! Bump!

juliewn, Jul 6, 5:00pm
Hi Cliff. let us know how you get on when you make them again. I hope the tips are of help. Hi Waniac. you're most welcome. home made goodies. mmmm - don't they smell fabulous too! :-) Cheers. Julie

elleyh, Jul 7, 8:47am
bumping up the line .

guitarman525, Jul 7, 10:08am
Making Baking Powder at Home! Hi Juliewn
Can you or any of the other awesome cooks here give me a recipe for making baking powder at home!
If anyone can help me that would be great.
Thanx for all the fantastic recipes and hints from everyone
have a great week folks!

kaddiew, Jul 7, 11:18am
juliewn I've been using your excellent bread recipe at the start of this thread for a while now, and have just tried your no-knead method posted recently. Yummmm! I love the 'rustic' texture & flavour, especially the chewey crust - so much nicer than the fluffy white loaf my breadmaker turns out. And it toasts beautifully. Thanks so much for posting it. :)

juliewn, Jul 7, 1:11pm
Hi Kaddiew. I'm delighted you're enjoying the recipes - I'm enjoying the rustic way too - especially when I make the dough the night before and leave it in a dish covered with plastic wrap in the fridge, then rise it to room temp. then bake it the next day - easy to have the bread ready without any work on the day it's eaten. I'm all for that! :-). The recipes make it easy to vary them to however you want too - have fun creating your own goodies. Cheers. Julie

kaddiew, Jul 7, 8:33pm
juliewn . I put half the dough in the fridge just like you said, so looking forward to finishing that one off today. Cheers :)

janny3, Jul 8, 7:17am
Sour dough in the breadmaker! Anyone successfully made a SD loaf in the bread machine!

raewyn64, Jul 9, 12:59am
Bin Inn I buy my bread mix from Bin Inn - a bit of a cheat I know but it makes a lovely bread - anyway they are having a 21st birthday sale and the breadmix I use is on special from $4.50/kg to $2.50/kg
Here is a link to their specials page for anyone interested.

jenna68, Jul 9, 5:49pm
Bumping for guitarman's ques :o)

guitarman525, Jul 9, 8:43pm
thanx Jenna 68 I'm hoping someone will have a recipe. I, like lots of other people am trying to cut down on buying as many things as possible on the grocery list and make my ownstuff instead.
Have an awesome day!

juliewn, Jul 10, 8:42am
Bumping for Trimmer52. .

jenna68, Jul 11, 3:35am
up it goes . x