Bread Thread. For Hand & Bread Machine Recipes :-)

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juliewn, Jun 27, 1:33pm
Thanks for posting Seaside. it's lovely to have people enjoying all the contributions so many people have made. :-). I hope you enjoy the recipes. let us know what you decide to make.

cliff609, Jun 28, 12:37am
I have a question Hello, I hope you can answer my question please.I was wondering if I take a normal bread recipe and make it in the dough cycle of the breadmaker do I need to adapt anything or just simply follow the recipe!Also do I then take the dough out and let it rise!I'm a real novice here!I'll post the recipe I was wanting to use.Thanks in advance.

cliff609, Jun 28, 12:43am
Destitute gourmet baps recipe 125ml hot water, 125ml cold milk, 1 1/2 tsp sugar, 1 1/2 tsp dried yeast granules, 3 3/4 cups plain flour, 1 tsp salt, 50g butter.METHOD: combine the hot water and cold milk in a bowl so the liquid is lukewarm.Dissolve the sugar in the liquid, then sprinkle on the dried yeast granules.Set aside until the yeast becomes frothy and forms a thick layer on top of the liquid.In a large bowl combine flour and salt and rub the butter in with your fingertips.When the yeast is frothy, pour the liquid into the flour and mix to a dough.Knead the dough until smooth and elastic.Place in a greased bowl and cover with greased cling film.Leave in a warm place to rise.When dough is doubled - about 40 mintues - punch it to release the air and knead again before forming into 12 rolls.

cliff609, Jun 28, 12:46am
continued. The trick to making a perfect roll is to flatten the ball of dough slightly on a non floury surface and circle with the palm of the hand.When you can feel that the ball of dough has 'grabbed' the bench, continue to circle but begin to cup your hand around it.The outer layer of the dough gets pulled smooth and tight around the ball and disappears in a neat little spiral on the base.This technique takes a little practice, but is much quicker than rolling in your hand and gives a better result in the long run.

cliff609, Jun 28, 12:49am
continued. Place the rolls on a floured tray then with a floury index finger press each roll very firmly down the middle, making a deep dimple.Sift a light dusting of flour over the baps and set aside to double in size while the oven heats.Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes until pale golden and hollow sounding when tapped on the bottom.

juliewn, Jun 28, 1:49pm
. . :-)

skippie1, Jun 28, 10:03pm
juliewn, I have read thru some of these pages, and saved your recipies. I hve been making bread for some years now, slacked for a little while asI was eating to much bread, (gaining to much weight)but are going back to baking bread my self, due to cost,but homemade is also so much healthier as no preservatives have been added.

cliff609, Jun 29, 4:16am
gentle bump to the top. .

juliewn, Jun 29, 5:52am
Hi Skippie. it sure is tempting! Enjoy making your own goodies.and share recipes here too if you'd like to. Cheers. Julie

juliewn, Jun 30, 1:00pm
Hi. I'm sorry to have taken a while to answer your question. Check the amount of flour in a recipe that is from your breadmaker book. if the flour amount is similar to your recipe above, you can just use the ingredients in your recipe, using the same method as bread is made in the instructions for your breadmaker. Also, change the dried yeast to use Surebake yeast - as that works better in a breadmaker. If you find a recipe in your breadmaker book that has a similar quantity of flour, you can use the amount of Surebake yeast that's in that recipe to replace the dried yeast. To make the Baps - take the dough out of the breadmaker - there's usually a stage that can be set for you to do that, so the breadmaker will beep. Once that happens, take the dough out, knead it lightly on a floured surface, then shape as per your recipe.Cover with a teatowel and leave in a warm place to rise. then bake as per your recipe. Let us know how you get on. the recipe sounds delicious.

cliff609, Jun 30, 11:59pm
Great - thank you My breville book says for dough 4 cups flour and 2 1/4 tsp yeast.So I think I'll give this recipe a go.Will let you know what happens!

juliewn, Jul 1, 7:49am
Bumping for the grilled stuffed bread recipe. .

bunny51, Jul 1, 8:46am
pickle have you made thebread with kibbled wheat yet!and how did it turn out!

juliewn, Jul 1, 12:04pm
Hi Cliff. it sounds delicious. will look forward to hearing how you like it.

raewyn64, Jul 1, 8:11pm
I am sure this is here somewhere I want to make some bread in my breadmaker which I am loving at present but want to turn the dough into little rolls to have with soup.
The mix I use is a wholemal/multigrain mix.
Once teh dough session has finished, I can take it out of the machine, roll into little balls and then put on a baking tay.
What temp and how long do I bake them for in the oven please!
Any little secrets to making them into the roll shapes!
Thanks so much

juliewn, Jul 2, 9:32am
Hi Raewyn. You can make the rolls whatever shape you'd like. I do this. have a piece of dough in one hand, then use the thumb and middle finger of the other hand to foldthe edge of the dough over and underneath, turn the dough, fold over and under again, repeating till you have a smooth looking roll shape you want. Place the rolls on a greased or baking paper lined tray - or in muffin pans gives a nice shape too, with a golden outside where the roll is against the metal. Cover with a teatowel and leave in a warm place to rise till doubled in size - about 3/4 hr to an hour. Bake at 220°C until the rolls are browning, and they sound hollow when tapped with a finger nail.

juliewn, Jul 2, 9:32am
Remove from the oven and place on a baking cooling rack. For crispy crusts, cool uncovered. for a chewier crust, cover with a teatowel and leave to cool covered with that. You can also brush the tops with water or milk before placing them in the oven - sprinkle sesame seeds, rolled oats or poppy seeds too, or some grated cheese - use any variation you'd like to. A nice shape is three small balls of dough placed into muffin pans and risen and baked that way. looks great. and enjoy. :-)

juliewn, Jul 2, 9:33am
ps. the rolls will take about 12-15 minutes to bake for rolls that are about the size of two eggs.

lx4000, Jul 2, 8:38pm

happs1, Jul 2, 11:07pm
Oh an the pic is of the chocolate bread next to the white bread.

raewyn64, Jul 3, 2:12am
thanks I made them in the breadmaker then divided the dough into the 12 muffin tins I had. Set it in the sun in the lounge for an hour and then baked them for about 15 minutes.
They were YUM! Perfect with the homemade chicken & sweetcorn soup I had made for lunch.
Thanks very much for your help.

juliewn, Jul 3, 7:53am
Bumping for Andree3 :-)

juliewn, Jul 3, 2:40pm
My apologies for not seeing your post earlier.. Yes.. I'd do the same as Happs.. and freeze them when just cooled.

I'd cut them in half, and freeze with the halves back together.. then depending on the filling you want to use, fill the rolls while they're still frozen, wrap and the roll will thaw during the morning - and they'll be fresh at lunchtime..

lizyb, Jul 3, 7:33pm
bump bumping along - too good to lose

mocha77, Jul 3, 9:13pm
great thread does any one have a ciabatta recipe that would be great thanks