Bread Thread. For Hand & Bread Machine Recipes :-)

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juliewn, Jun 12, 11:49am
And to make filled breads with the no-knead dough: Spread out a little of the batter into a dish or onto a tray - use baking paper as above. Spread your choice of filling over the dough. chopped bacon or ham, sliced mushrooms, sliced onion, gherkins, tomato, courgette, sundried tomatoes, sunflower, sesame or pumpkin seeds, nuts - walnuts, pinenuts, etc. olives, pesto, drained pineapple pieces, tomato pasta sauce, etc.etc. Then top with another layer of dough. Repeat if you want, ending with dough at the top. Cover with baking paper then a clean teatowel and rise in a warm place till doubled in size. Bake at 190°C until cooked when tested with a skewer. enjoy. a delicious goody, served in slices.

pickles7, Jun 12, 12:09pm
vogel! I found this in a mag.boil 1/2 cup kibbled wheat in 1 cup of cold water for 4 minutes, stand 1 minute then strain.add 2 Tblsp treacle. yeast mix.1 tsp sugar,1 good tsp yeast, 1/2 cup warm water.
dry mix. 1/2 cup rolled oats, 1&1/2 cups whole meal flour, 3/4 cup of white flour,1&1/2 tsp salt.mix alltogeather with 1 Tblsp oil and 1/2 cup milk or water.
I will try in bread maker when I get the kibbled wheat.then re-post the results.

happs1, Jun 12, 10:57pm
I used this one but put it in a different order . It turned out the best ever bread I have made . I add 1 cup of sultanas in it and half a cup of choppeddried apricot after the first pause. Got a plain one in now . So thank you to you and Korbo as I used there order .

juliewn, Jun 13, 7:14am
Bumping for owl32 :-)

juliewn, Jun 13, 11:47am
Bumping for breads to serve with winter soups.

juliewn, Jun 15, 4:03pm
Bumping :-) .

juliewn, Jun 16, 1:17pm
Bumping for Prestoni and Peaknuckle. :-)

seniorbones, Jun 17, 12:38am
bumping for me!!!!

prestoni, Jun 17, 7:23am
Awesome bread sharing recpes, thanks thanks for the help Juliewn,you have so much great info, I have a few new ones to try with all your recipes, cant wait until the weekend to try them out! I have not had any luck finding the vogels style bread, could you perhaps give me more clues

seniorbones, Jun 18, 12:38am
bumping for me!

happs1, Jun 18, 2:51am
Maybe frezze some ofthem as soon as the cool . Make the lunch in a semi frozen bun.

245sam, Jun 19, 3:26am
bumped for eddie1981 :-))

juliewn, Jun 19, 9:34am
Hi Pickles. thanks for that recipe. will try it. sounds delicious.

juliewn, Jun 20, 2:19pm
Hi Prestoni. I'm sorry to have not replied earlier - hopefully you'll see this. I just found a couple of recipe's. "Quick Mix Wholemeal Bread: 2 tsp dried yeast, 2 tsp brown sugar or honey, 1 & 1/2 Cups warm water, mix and stand 5-10 minutes in a warm place. Mix together 3 cups wholemeal flour (I prefer using a mixture of 1/2 wholemeal flour and 1/2 white flour) and 1 & 1/2 tsp salt. Add yeast mixture to flour beat well to make a fairly soft dough, place in a greased loaf tin cover and allow it to rise to double size. Bake at 220* C, 30-40minutes This loaf is like a vogels loaf in texture."

juliewn, Jun 20, 2:20pm
This is earlier in this thread. and highly recommended by Oz4uk: " This is what was used in a breville breadmaker - This was sooo delicious. almost cake like, I couldn't get enough of it, I'm about to have a go mixing it all by hand and cooking in the oven! This is adapted from the breadmaker recipe book.* Water 375ml * Oil 3 Tbsp * Salt 2 tsp * Sugar 3 Tbsp * Bread flour (high grade) 2 cups * Wholemeal flour 2 cups * Gluten flour 2 Tbsp * Bread Improver 1 tsp * Milk Powder 2 Tbsp *Sunflower Seeds 3 Tbsp * Kibble wheat 3 1/2 Tbsp * Whole linseeds 3 Tbsp * Sesame seeds 3 Tbsp * Pumpkin seeds 3 Tbsp * Poppy Seeds 2 Tbsp *Yeast (active dried) 2 tsp * All into the breadmaker! ". continued.

juliewn, Jun 20, 2:21pm
Also from Oz4uk. "Well, I baked this from scratch this afternoon! I omitted the bread improver and the gluten flour and milk powder, I put in 1tsp of milk instead. It made a loaf and 3 large rolls. It is devine! Turned out it only needed 20 mins in a 220C oven. Though next time I'll cook it at 180 or 200C. Everyone is currently tucking into fresh seed bread! Yum yum! It proved for 3hrs, 2hrs initially, then an hour once in loaf tin and rolled into balls."

juliewn, Jun 20, 2:22pm
and this too. thanks Oz4uk. :-) "I used dried activated yeast granules! The bread is just so yum, nice and moist. reminds me of vogels! I'm stoked, I now have a loaf of bread that will last me the week (single gal.) for work lunches, and it didn't cost me anywhere near $4.29 to make (the cost of Freya's bread which is my fav. I think I'll make it a habit to bake this bread on my day off!"

glenj, Jun 22, 10:44pm
Milk instead of milk powder (ref 575) Would putting 1 tsp of milk instead milk powder make any difference to bread! Why was it put in!

wron, Jun 23, 10:44am
This thread should never be on the last page!

juliewn, Jun 23, 2:38pm
Hi Glen. I don't think 1 tsp of milk would make much difference. the 2 tablespoons of powder in the recipe would be the equivalent of around 10 tablespoons (about 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup) of milk. Milk powder is sometimes added to bread - it gives it a bit more 'body' - so the bread is not so light and 'fluffy' - hard to know how to describe that! It also adds a little protein into the bread too, though including milk or milk powder is not vital to a recipe.

juliewn, Jun 25, 8:28am
Bumping for Loopydog. . for Sourdough recipes.

juliewn, Jun 25, 11:50am
Bumpety Bump. hope this helps.

susieq9, Jun 26, 3:33am
Bumping. for handmade bread.

seaside_gifts, Jun 26, 8:37am
Thanks this thread is a legend! I have cut and paste most of them cheers guys ;o)

robman7, Jun 27, 12:38am
bumping again .