Bread Thread. For Hand & Bread Machine Recipes :-)

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juliewn, May 9, 11:50am
Hi. that's great your bread came out well. bet it tasted great from your coal range oven. I think there was a ciabatta recipe earlier in the thread. I'm looking for one too. it's sooo delicious!

juliewn, May 9, 8:41pm
Bumping for Cliff. .

lindanz, May 9, 9:02pm
Fabulous thread my mouth is watering.i am going to make bread for mother's day. thanks

eirin, May 10, 5:51am
HELP NOT HAVING MUCH LUCK I am using a sanyo bread maker and am trying to make rye or spelt flour loaves and preferably dairy free, does anyone have a good basic recipe pls. I would be extremely grateful.

k.vwright, May 10, 7:02am
misterperfect. It doesn't sound like you are using enough yeast - I think I read your yeast content correctly.We have a sunbeam and the recipie for white loaf is pretty much the same but requires 3 tspn of yeast for a 1kg loaf and 2 1/2 tsp for a 750gm loaf.Hope that helps.

cliff609, May 11, 12:51am
I tried putting the breadmaker on French the other day and it seemed to work ok.I have been using the Aussie book and was using the 20ml tablespoon.I haven't attempeted making another loaf on the basic setting yet - Korbo gave me a recipe to try.If it doesn't work next time I'm thinking maybe the settings are wrong on the machine.

juliewn, May 11, 12:34pm
Hi Ali.. I agree with you.. the taste is so much nicer.. feel free to add any recipes here if you'd like to.. :-)

juliewn, May 11, 12:50pm
Hi Cliff. hope it goes ok for you. Hi Erin. a friend uses Spelt flour for all her bread. she tried many recipes in her bread maker and couldn't find one that didn't give a heavy, solid type of loaf. She ended up mixing spelt flour with - I think - rice flour, and also added things like grated carrot. and found she got a better result. She's overseas so I can't check with her. You could try asking at a Binn Inn store as they often have recipes for using different types of flour. I hope this is of help. Good luck.

juliewn, May 11, 12:51pm
Bumping for you Minnie. hopefully someone will have a gluten free recipe.

natcat2104, May 11, 8:37pm
bump bump for kizzier's question.

tiggy2u, May 12, 1:04am
gentle bump so we don't lose this

juliewn, May 12, 12:34pm
Bumping for djpablonz

juliewn, May 12, 12:34pm
Hi Ali. I agree with you. the taste is so much nicer. feel free to add any recipes here if you'd like to. :-)

suzq62, May 12, 10:18pm
bumping this

glenj, May 13, 3:07am
Ciabatta Ciabatta Recipe Ingredients ** 1 1/2 cups water * 1 1/2 teaspoons salt * 1 teaspoon white sugar * 1 tablespoon olive oil * 3 1/4 cups bread flour * 3 teaspoons Surebake yeast *** Directions. 1. Place ingredients into the pan of the bread machine in the order suggested by the manufacturer. 2. Select the Dough cycle, and Start. 3. Dough will be quite sticky and wet once cycle is completed, resist the temptation to add more flour. 4. Place dough on a lightly floured board, cover with a large bowl, and let rest for 15 minutes. 5Lightly flour or use parchment lined baking sheets. 6. Divide into 2 pieces, and form each into a 13x14 inch oval or long rectangular shapes. 7. Place loaves on prepared sheets, dimple surface, and lightly flour. 8. Cover, and let rise in a draft free place for approximately 45 minutes.

glenj, May 13, 3:09am
Ciabatta cont
Ciabatta cont. 9. Preheat oven to 220 degrees C. 10. Dimple dough for a second time, and then place loaves in the oven, positioned on the middle rack. 11. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. 12. During baking, spritz loaves with water every 5 to 10 minutes for a crispier crust.

tishie, May 13, 5:11am
bump. :o)

juliewn, May 13, 12:44pm
Hi. cold nights mean that sometimes we have soup and a pudding for dinner. with delicious freshly made bread. this makes for easy and different meals.

durack, May 14, 2:22am
Sunbeam 7800 recipe needed Hi Juliewn
Can you throw any light on my thread #90. Sure could do with some help, and you seem to be very experienced.
Cheers Sue

unicstudent, May 14, 3:04am
Any ideas/recipes for naan bread. including gluten free naan bread!

lalah, May 14, 11:01am
Am I just hard to please.! Bought a Breville breadmaker (off TradeMe of course) and have made the French bread and basic white loaf.They came out fine and looked as they should, but I didn't think they tasted that great.They got eaten, but nobody was overly impressed.How do I make a loaf that tastes like the Bakers Delight white block or like the Foodtown tiger rolls!

juliewn, May 14, 12:59pm
Hi Durak. I just found your thread. could you post the recipe here please, including the instructions, so one of us can help. I'll check back again here. thanks.

juliewn, May 14, 1:07pm
Hi Unicstudent. there's how to make Naan on the first page of this thread - using the basic bread recipe I've posted there, and then how to use it for Naan bread from post number 13. It's very easy and quickly cooked - and simply delicious. be prepared to eat quite a lot! lol

juliewn, May 14, 1:36pm
Hi Lalah. Is there any salt in the recipe you're making! Salt helps to bring out the flavour of the bread/rolls, etc. Also, if you make the dough in your breadmaker on a bread roll setting , then when it tells you to(usually it beeps) remove the dough, continue on from there and bake the rolls or bread in your oven. This will give a more handmade bread quality and texture, which I think would give something closer to the Tiger rolls than making the bread in your bredmaker. .

juliewn, May 14, 1:36pm
Also, (if I'm thinking of the right Tiger rolls) they tend to have a chewier texture. which you can create by brushing your rolls with warm water as they are put into the oven to bake, plus having a dish of hot (not warm or cold) water in the oven, on a shelf below the rolls, will help get that chewier texture. A roasting dish is good for this. Once the oven has reached the temperature you need (I bake rolls at 230°C) bring a kettle full of water to a boil. Place the rolls into the oven, then place the roasting dish on a lower rack. Carefully pour in the just boiled water. Shut the door quickly and leave it shut until the rolls are ready to be checked