Bread Thread. For Hand & Bread Machine Recipes :-)

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juliewn, May 5, 9:07am
Bumping for Dreamyeyez :-)

cliff609, May 6, 12:46am
I bought a Breville bakers oven last weekend from Farmers.I have tried making the basic white bread and the rapid bake white bread and have had no success.The bread doesn't seem to mix in one corner and when it is baked it comes out sticky on top with a huge hole thru the middle of it and doughy bits running thru it.What's going on!I need your advice please.

bunny51, May 6, 9:12am
bumping for carlnsue Cliff Have you taken into account that the recipes in the breville manual use the australian tablespoon which is 20 ml not 15 ml like the NZ tablespoon. Also if you use surebake yeast and high grade flour you can eget better results. (It is 1 teaspoon of surebake yeast per cup of high grade flour. The surebake yeast has the bread improvers in that a lot of the Australian recipes have listed in their ingredients. Did you get the NZ supliment with your bread maker!If not you can contact them and see if they will send you one.)

juliewn, May 6, 11:26am
Bumping for Sparkie28 and hand-made breads. :-)

sparkie28, May 6, 11:02pm
Homemade breads Thanks for the bread recipies juliewn
Am making it now will let you know how it cooks in the coal range. Very simple recipie. Again tks

misterperfect, May 7, 1:27am
julie. been trying 2 recipes.
breville cookbook.basic white.1kg loaf.370ml water. 2tbsp oil. 2-tsp salt. 2-tbsp sugar. white flour 650g or 4-1/2 cups.2-tbsp milk powder. 1-3/4 red top edmonds yeast. useing basic setting which is 3-hrs. have tried reducing water to 300ml all variations doughy.cont.
both attempts still

misterperfect, May 7, 1:33am
julie.cont prev should read 1-3/4 tsp yeast.
100% wholemeal as .385ml water. 2-tbsp oil. 2-tsp salt. 2-tbsp sugar. 600mg/4 cups wholemeal plain flour. 2-tbsp milk powder. 2-1/2 tsp red top edmonds yeast.
have also tried reducing water to it essential to include some white flour in this recipe!
yesterdays wholemeal for the 1st time hardly risen and very doughy doughy inner after 3-hrs 20mins.on the basic setting.regards.

oz4uk, May 7, 1:40am
Are you using high grade white flour! Is it freshly bought flour! And is your yeast fresh! They are all the reasons for crappy loaf! Also are you weighing out the flour! Or just using the cups! As I find I get a much nicer loaf if I weigh it all out. Also, is it from the breville book! That is the Oz tbsp of 20ml. the NZ Tbsp is only 15ml, so you have to add more.

e_ka_ka, May 7, 2:38am
Have never made bread before, but do you have to use a bread maker for the premixed bread ingredients that you can buy, or can you mix them by hand an cook them in the oven!

oz4uk, May 7, 2:52am
you can mix them by hand and bake in the oven I used to bake all my bread by hand. but got a breadmaker to make life a bit easier!

sparkie28, May 7, 2:52am
Homemade Breads Well I have to say the recipies you have given me worked an absolute treat, lunch was freshly baked bread.
Thank you very much and I will keep trying the remainder if the items. You wouldn't have a recipie for Giabatti bread that tasted as good as these others. Cheers

e_ka_ka, May 7, 3:01am
Cool, Thanks for that

kiwi_gal1, May 7, 3:27am
so is any one of you wonderful breadbakers going to put together a trade me bread making booklet with all these great recipes. I know it was done with the crockpot and slow cooker recipes a while back.

juliewn, May 7, 1:13pm
Hi Misterperfect. With bread doughs that I make that include wholemeal flour, I use a ratio of about 4 cups white flour to 2 cups wholemeal flour, as the result can be heavy if all wholemeal is used. The recipe I hand-make is on the first page of this thread. I always use 2 tablespoons of Surebake yeast to 6 cups of flour, so it may be that more yeast is needed. The red top you've written of is the Surebake yeast, so that is the correct one. so I'd suggest changing 3/4 of the wholemeal flour to white flour and making the recipe using 1 & 1/2 tablespoons of Surebake yeast for the amount of flour in the recipes. I hope this is of help. let us know how you get on.

juliewn, May 7, 1:15pm
Hi Kiwi. thankfully all the recipes are saved in Fetish's TrademeCooks website and available for anyone to view or copy there. this is the link if you'd like to check it out:!t=128

juliewn, May 7, 1:18pm
Hi E_ka_ka. I've been working on this to post in here. so it's easy to make up your own bread packages, just ready to add yeast, warm water and oil these may be of help to you too.:

juliewn, May 7, 1:19pm
When I had a breadmaker, I used the sandwich sized snap-lock plastic bags, and weighed up the amounts of dry ingredients (not the yeast though) needed for each recipe, and placed them in labelled snap lock bags. I wrote on the outside of the bag which type of loaf it would make, and the ingredients and quantities needed when baking it - water, yeast, etc. I made up about 15 or so bags at a time, and kept them in a large sealed container - and could then pick out a bag of what I wanted to make, and place the bag contents into the breadmaker, with water and yeast, and oil in place of butter. Rather than using milk in a recipe it's included in, I added skim milk powder as part of the dry ingredients and adapted the water content by adding water to the same level of milk - ie. if 1/2 cup milk in recipe, add 1/2 cup water to the water.

juliewn, May 7, 1:23pm
The dry ingredients were as follows: White Bread: the quantity of these that is in your basic breadmaker recipe: flour, salt, sugar, milk powder.For the following, use the same ingredients and quantities for the above white bread, substituting some of the white flour as follows: Wholemeal bread: replace 2 cups white flour for 2 cups wholemeal flour. For Molenberg type bread: replace 2 cups white flour with 1 cup wholemeal flour and one cup of a mix of kibbled wheat, cornmeal (either fine or medium ground), and kibbled rye. Corn bread: replace 1 to 1 & 1/2 cups white flour with 1 to 1 & 1/2 cups cornmeal.

juliewn, May 7, 1:24pm
cont'd. Rye bread: replace 2 cups white flour with 2 cups rye flour, or one cup rye flour and one cup kibbled rye. Grain bread: replace one and a half cups white flour for 1/2 cup wholemeal flour, 1/2 cup kibbled rye, 1/2 cup kibbled wheat. Grain and seed bread: Replace 1 & 1/2 cups white flour with 1/2 cup wholemeal flour, 1/2 cup kibbled wheat and 1/2 cup seeds - either one, some or all of the following: linseeds (flaxseeds), sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds.

juliewn, May 7, 1:24pm
I kept the snaplock bags as the ingredients were used - snapped them shut again and kept them in the container with the packs of dry ingredients. I could then use the bags for the next time I made up packets of ingredients - and didn't need to re-lable them as the name, ingredients and what was needed were all on the front.

juliewn, May 7, 1:34pm
These pre-made packages can also be used for making hand-made bread. make the parcels up as above, leaving 2 cups of white flour out, and leaving that to use when making the bread. So the method for this would then be: Place 1 & 1/2 cups white flour in a large bowl. Add 2 tablespoons Surebake yeast, 1 tsp salt and 1 tablespoon sugar. Stir together to combine. Add 2 cups warm water and whisk through well. Cover and leave for a few minutes for the yeast to begin working - this is a good time to prepare your tins or trays as below. Add the contents of any of the above packages to the bowl, and stir in, changing to mixing with your hands and kneading as the ingredients come together. Add some or all of the last 1/2 cup of white flour if needed.

juliewn, May 7, 1:34pm
Cont'd Knead the dough till smooth and it bounces back when pressed with a finger. Shape the dough into rolls or loaves. Place onto baking paper lined trays, or into greased and baking paper lined tins, and cover with a cloth and leave to rise in a warm place till doubled in size. This takes between 1 and 1 & 1/2 hours. Bake till golden at 230°C - or when a finger nail tapped on the top causes a hollow sound. You can also test with a skewer to check your bread is cooked. And. Enjoy your goodies. :-)

valentino, May 7, 11:29pm
Bumping for stcky buns. For a long shot Cinnabons Post # 391 to #394

oz4uk, May 9, 8:56am
bumping so we're back at the top. would hate to lose this great thread! Oh I make wonderful fruit bread. but with 5x the dried fruit it recommends in the recipe! :) It's sooo yummy

minniemouse5, May 9, 11:02am
Gluten free Loaf! Have been through a few pages here, is there a recipe for a gluten free loaf anywhere here!