Topping for apple crumble... help please

apnoble, Jun 22, 8:31pm
what can i use instead of butter/margarine if i don't hve any?
Thanks heaps in advance

wheelz, Jun 22, 8:35pm
hmmmm.... the butter or marge is the fat needed... don't think oil or lard will do you any favours here.Maybe use oats and honey instead?

apnoble, Jun 22, 8:40pm
would philidephia(sp) work?

wheelz, Jun 22, 9:00pm
maybe, it doesn't sound appetizing tho. Can't do a trip to the shops? or beg off a neigbour?

kinna54, Jun 22, 9:16pm
you really do need butter or marg sorry, at least 90gms.
Do you not have even a Tbsp butter or marg: You could then do a fruit sponge topping instead, or search recipes to see if there are any sponge type toppings without butter.

kinna54, Jun 22, 9:29pm
If you've already cooked the apples, just serve stewed apples and custard, cream, ice cream? If not you could do lovely baked apples?

apnoble, Jun 23, 8:31pm
what can i use instead of butter/margarine if i don't hve any!
Thanks heaps in advance

wheelz, Jun 23, 8:35pm
hmmmm. the butter or marge is the fat needed. don't think oil or lard will do you any favours here.Maybe use oats and honey instead!

apnoble, Jun 23, 8:40pm
would philidephia(sp) work!

wheelz, Jun 23, 9:00pm
maybe, it doesn't sound appetizing tho. Can't do a trip to the shops! or beg off a neigbour!

kinna54, Nov 1, 10:41am
If you've already cooked the apples, just serve stewed apples and custard, cream, ice cream! If not you could do lovely baked apples!