Easy Apple crumble plz

snowmoa, May 8, 1:15am
I, m in a hurry plz help

rog.e, May 8, 1:26am
http://www.trademe.co.nz/Community/MessageBoard/Messages. asp
x? id=245120

rog.e, May 8, 1:28am
Some cruble topping ideas:

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Community/MessageBoard/Messages. asp
x? id=247650

beaumonde, May 8, 4:28am
This isn't a crumble but it is a quick and super easy recipe that is scrummy

Apple Pudding

4 apples
100g unsalted butter
150g brown/raw sugar

250 g self raising flour
100ml milk
2 large eggs
100g butter
100g brown sugar
few drops of Vanilla(optional)

Heat oven to 200 C
Peel and core apples and slice them into wedges
Melt butter in an ovenproof frying pan add sugar until a rich caramel colour add apples and cook.
I like to add 20mls Apple liqueur too Monin makes a good one

For the pudding
Beat together sugar and butter add eggs, milk and flour
Add this mixture on top of the apples in the ovenproof frying pan then put in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes until golden and it bounces back when touched.

Serve with cream or ice cream, caramel suce is gorgeous too.
Nice cold later with a cuppa

feisha, May 1, 6:41am
Cook fruit, top with cup of rolled oats, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1 cup SR flour and enough melted butter tomake crumbly mixture. Sprinkle over and cook 1/2 hour medium oven. Sometimes I add coconut or slivered almonds for a change.