Crushed Ginger nuts,caramel filling, choc topping!

kernal1, Sep 10, 5:47am
Anyone please have the recipe! Only cooking required I am told for this sqaure is boilng the condensed milk for the caramel!Butter and golden syrup with ginger nuts , crushed,for the base.
Tasted devine!

bella95, Sep 10, 7:35am
Hi, googled it but SOOOOO many answers.!+Butter+and+golden+syrup+with+ginger+nuts&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
Maybe you might recognise one of the recipes.
Love you to post it here if you do. Sounds yum.

Arrrgh link doesn't work. Will go and work on plan B

sp0_0kie, Mar 9, 11:40pm
me too please....

sounds yummo :)