I have a kg of raw almonds I want to salt & roast. Anyone know how long & what temp? TIA
Cookie sheet or shallow baking pan
Aluminum foil
Vegetable oil
Read more: How to Roast Almonds | eHow.com
http://www.ehow.com/how_2172734_roast-almonds.html#ixzz10PSDK7Gd Heat oven to 175C. Cover cookie sheet or baking pan with aluminum foil.
Spread raw almonds over foil in a single layer. Coat nuts with vegetable oil by hand or with a brush and rearrange in a single layer.
Bake at 175C for 8 to 10 minutes. When timer rings, remove pan from oven and carefully pull corners of foil into a pouch and place on cool surface of stove or counter top. This helps prevent nuts from getting burned by the pan.
Salt or season as desired, allow to cool about 10 minutes and store in a glass or porcelain crock.