I remember a time when you could come onto this board and ask how to make the simplest things. The loveliest MBers would come and answer your question. Sometimes you got variations on the recipe and always felt the answers were given with consideration and care. I miss it. I come on now sometimes and see a heading for a thread that looks like it might be interesting only to find some kind of disagreement going on about just about anything. Can be off-topic and irrelevant. Often personal. This morning I have come on to look for support as I wake up to another day where our wonderful friends in Christchurch and around the country are grieving and hurting. I feel sick to my stomach and I don't even know anyone down there personally. Please .......just please..........sit, have a cup of tea.
Feb 24, 11:33am
I remember a time when you could come onto this board and ask how to make the simplest things. The loveliest MBers would come and answer your question. Sometimes you got variations on the recipe and always felt the answers were given with consideration and care. I miss it. I come on now sometimes and see a heading for a thread that looks like it might be interesting only to find some kind of disagreement going on about just about anything. Can be off-topic and irrelevant. Often personal. This morning I have come on to look for support as I wake up to another day where our wonderful friends in Christchurch and around the country are grieving and hurting. I feel sick to my stomach and I don't even know anyone down there personally. Please .just please.sit, have a cup of tea.
Feb 24, 12:09pm
We are such a small country evorotorua and often many of us know people through others well along the line. I think many New Zealanders have a strength and solidarity within them that is not often seen in other countries. It is often difficult being somewhere else in the country where you often feel helpless and unable to doo anything. When sitting and having that cup of tea, just be grateful for your life, your family and all that you have...the rest ( material things) is just "stuff" and can and will be replaced over time with the help and generosity of others. I would like to think that the majority of the time that the recipe section is helpful...there will always be that small percentage, whether here, another board or evenlife in general where there are those that are continually combative...sometimmes that is just the way they are in life.If i can be helpful or offer some sort of advice or a recipe or two, then I will continue to do so. For the most part, I ignore it...just depends on what is said I guess, sometimes one can only put up with so much. If we cannot give practical help, then a financial contribution, however small would always be welcome I am sure. One of the threads on the Christchurch board has a number of people from Christchurch thanking New Zealanders for just thinking of them and sending prayers and support, however small it may be...they are just so grateful for that support. So although perhaps we cannot help physically, many of them know that in thought and prayer many others are with them. To me, if someone asks a question ( no matter what it is) then give an answer if you can, donnt judge them, dont make them feel guilty for the food choices they make, dont judge their ability as a parent...if you cant do that, then best to not answer at all.
Feb 24, 12:09pm
We are such a small country evorotorua and often many of us know people through others well along the line. I think many New Zealanders have a strength and solidarity within them that is not often seen in other countries. It is often difficult being somewhere else in the country where you often feel helpless and unable to do anything. When sitting and having that cup of tea, just be grateful for your life, your family and all that you have.the rest ( material things) is just "stuff" and can and will be replaced over time with the help and generosity of others. I would like to think that the majority of the time that the recipe section is helpful.there will always be that small percentage, whether here, another board or evenlife in general where there are those that are continually combative.sometimes that is just the way they are in life.If I can be helpful or offer some sort of advice or a recipe or two, then I will continue to do so. For the most part, I ignore it.just depends on what is said I guess, sometimes one can only put up with so much. If we cannot give practical help, then a financial contribution, however small would always be welcome I am sure. One of the threads on the Christchurch board has a number of people from Christchurch thanking New Zealanders for just thinking of them and sending prayers and support, however small it may be.they are just so grateful for that support. So although perhaps we cannot help physically, many of them know that in thought and prayer many others are with them. To me, if someone asks a question ( no matter what it is) then give an answer if you can, dont judge them, dont make them feel guilty for the food choices they make, dont judge their ability as a parent.if you cant do that, then best to not answer at all.
Feb 24, 2:59pm
cookessentials has just expressed the very essence of the Recipes thread.Let the debates rage, if they must, over in other threads.
Let Recipes return to being the virtual cookery book it's meant to be, with the recipes and helpful cooks' tips that its name suggests
Feb 24, 2:59pm
cookessentials has just expressed the very essence of the Recipes thread.Let the debates rage, if they must, over in other threads.
Let Recipes return to being the virtual cookery book it's meant to be, with the recipes and helpful cooks' tips that its name suggests
Feb 24, 8:12pm
Hear Hear! Let's enjoy that cup of Earl Grey (preferably with a nice biccie alongside, made from one of the awesome recipes posted) and be thankful for what we have, and seek support and prayers, for those who need it, help where we can, and show the essence of true NZer's. The nasties can bump off elsewhere.
Feb 24, 8:12pm
Hear Hear! Let's enjoy that cup of Earl Grey (preferably with a nice biccie alongside, made from one of the awesome recipes posted) and be thankful for what we have, and seek support and prayers, for those who need it, help where we can, and show the essence of true NZer's. The nasties can bump off elsewhere.
Feb 24, 8:47pm
Thanks for your support again everyone. Nice cuppa does wonders for the soul doesn't it? I hope you all managed to get in a little smile today. It is so difficult for many at the moment. Cherish the time we have to reflect and help each other.
Feb 24, 8:47pm
Thanks for your support again everyone. Nice cuppa does wonders for the soul doesn't it! I hope you all managed to get in a little smile today. It is so difficult for many at the moment. Cherish the time we have to reflect and help each other.
Feb 24, 9:37pm
Now that I don't have any teapots, or cups, or tea ... I wish I had taken more time to have a sit down and share a cuppa with friends. I know I'll come through these trying times ... and at my next home will ensure I always have some homemade bickies in the tin ... and an open door to anyone who wants to take time out to sit, and enjoy a cuppa with me :-)
Feb 24, 9:37pm
Now that I don't have any teapots, or cups, or tea . I wish I had taken more time to have a sit down and share a cuppa with friends. I know I'll come through these trying times . and at my next home will ensure I always have some homemade bickies in the tin . and an open door to anyone who wants to take time out to sit, and enjoy a cuppa with me :-)
Feb 24, 9:55pm
Oh Winnie, I am so sorry for your losses. Much love to you from my family. You have shared on this board and you need to know that you have made a difference in the world. I will learn from your comment and be sure I always have baking and a cuppa on hand for the future too. My student daughter is in Wellington and she said how helpless she felt. I told her to learn what she can so that she can spread the word. That is a way to help too. Take care.
Feb 24, 10:23pm
Sending thoughts to you Winnie. We can only imagine what you are experiencing. God give you strength to come through it all, and I wish I could share a cuppa with you. Take heart my dear, be strong, and may you enjoy a cuppa at your next home ASAP.
Feb 24, 10:48pm
I am absolutely behind the sentiments expressed by #1 and others.
Winnie,you poor thing,we all feel for you up here,and the countless others similarly affected.I know you will in time get to enjoy many cups of tea when life returns to some semblance of normality as it eventually will,and although I don't know you I bet you have heaps of friends to drink tea with as you come across as a lovely,caring person. x
Feb 24, 10:48pm
I am absolutely behind the sentiments expressed by #1 and others.
Winnie,you poor thing,we all feel for you up here,and the countless others similarly affected.I know you will in time get to enjoy many cups of tea when life returns to some semblance of normality as it eventually will,and although I don't know you I bet you have heaps of friends to drink tea with as you come across as a lovely,caring person. x
Feb 25, 12:37am
I'll even send you the teapot x
Feb 25, 12:37am
I'll even send you the teapot x
Feb 25, 12:43am
Isn't it wonderfully satisfying to get out a special teapot and a couple of lovely cups and saucers and take the time to enjoy tea with a dear friend. One of my favourite things to do.
Feb 25, 12:43am
Isn't it wonderfully satisfying to get out a special teapot and a couple of lovely cups and saucers and take the time to enjoy tea with a dear friend. One of my favourite things to do.
Feb 25, 12:49am
I'll second you on that :)
Feb 25, 1:16am
You're making me smile you lot!!Still some lovely people in here!I often wonder what will happen to my lovely teacups and saucers, my children dont seem intrested in them.I have a very special one that my sister gave me just before she died it was part of a set our mother gave her for a wedding present, and she gave each of her 6 sisters one, along with a beautifully worded card and a teabag.It is still sitting in my china cabinet, teabag and all. I hope this thread puts a smile on a few very sad faces.Such a tragic time.
Feb 25, 1:16am
You're making me smile you lot!Still some lovely people in here!I often wonder what will happen to my lovely teacups and saucers, my children dont seem intrested in them.I have a very special one that my sister gave me just before she died it was part of a set our mother gave her for a wedding present, and she gave each of her 6 sisters one, along with a beautifully worded card and a teabag.It is still sitting in my china cabinet, teabag and all. I hope this thread puts a smile on a few very sad faces.Such a tragic time.
Feb 25, 1:36am
My mother in law gave me a lovely set of Royal Albert many, many years ago (when I turned 21). She had had it for a long time too and told me to use it. I never have because I was scared I might damage it. I think I will get it out and use it now. Otherwise Mother Nature may take it from me anyway. I will think of my mother-in-law when I have a cup of tea. She's great. She raised a lovely man for me to marry and supports our family 100%.
Feb 25, 1:36am
My mother in law gave me a lovely set of Royal Albert many, many years ago (when I turned 21). She had had it for a long time too and told me to use it. I never have because I was scared I might damage it. I think I will get it out and use it now. Otherwise Mother Nature may take it from me anyway. I will think of my mother-in-law when I have a cup of tea. She's great. She raised a lovely man for me to marry and supports our family 100%.
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