We have an abundance of Lusia Plums.They are extremely juicy and I am wondering if anyone has any recipes using them.Are they any good for stewing?
Jan 28, 7:45pm
Hi, I got given some Luisa Plum Jam not so long ago (because my name is Luisa) and it is just soooooo yummy.Just says the ingredients are Luisa plums and sugar.
Jan 28, 9:24pm
I stew and freeze/bottle them.just plums slowly heated til the juice runs.Couple of tablespoons of water max. They do not retain any form so more likea puree. great folded through ice cream, on breakfast cereals or with other fruit in a crumble. I get bags full from my mother who doesn't know what to do with them because she says 'YOU CANNOT COOK THEM'
Jan 29, 12:19am
I use them - not overripe though - for cakes as they are nearly freestone.
Jan 29, 1:02am
I am sooo jealous.Our tree just does not seem to get many.And of that few, the birds get a few more and this year, we were left with 2.Granted, they sat beautifully in the palm of your hand but...I'd rather have heaps of medium ones - even little ones would do me.
Feb 1, 5:31pm
Thanks for your messages...
Mar 28, 5:10pm
Makes yummy jam!
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