Food Lies told by Doctors, Dietitians & Others

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jubre, Dec 23, 11:10pm
Merry Christmas to Buzzy and everyone else on here today. Thankyou buzzy for starting this thread, I have learned alot from reading every page of it. We now drink full fat milk, and my under weight hubby is thrilled that I have brought that into our house for him. I always hated that watered down milk that we used to drink. I have bought two of the books recommended on here and am finding them very interesting. 'the great cholsterol con' and 'trick or treat'. take it easy everyone and we will all meet back here next year.

bedazzledjewels, Dec 27, 10:56pm
Fat head the movie screening in NZ soon.
Link: php/2009/12/27/fat-head-o

uli, Dec 27, 11:51pm
I have just found most of the contents of this thread in a 5 minute video LOL :)

Have a look here:
p;fs=1" type="application/x-shock-
wave-flash" allowfullscreen="true&quo-
t; allowScriptAccess="always-
" width="425" height="344"

annie642, Dec 29, 6:41am
this is the best thread ever. Thankyou buzzy for your common sense information and advice, I'm loving it

annie642, Dec 29, 6:48am
Doctors scare me, I try to avoid them whenever possible haha

bedazzledjewels, Dec 29, 6:23pm
For everyone interessted who has access to Sky TV - sit yourselves down at 7. 30 tonight to watch Fat Head on the Documentary channel.
You'll have lots of laughs but you will learn HEAPS about low carbing, especially from the second half of the movie.

If you want to get an idea of what it's like, check out these trailers (especially the ones further down the page).
Link: php/about/

marielize1, Dec 29, 8:47pm
With good reason. According to stats in the book Trick and Treat -Barry Groves. patient deaths drop by a third when doctors strike, and that is a worldwide occurence!

buzzy110, Dec 29, 9:18pm
Scare me too. I am forever thankful that I found a Dr who was more into natural medicines and has taken the trouble to bone up on food. She became an acupuncture specialist and now costs a huge amount of money to consult but at least I only need to go once for any illness and I never have to buy prescriptions. She treats people with advice, needles and very occasionally, food supplements. Specialists send their hopeless cases to her and she'll send people who need surgical intervention or more invasive therapy to specialists - not back to a GP. She calls all doctors pharmaceutical company lackeys.

uli, Dec 30, 9:41am
"... Diabetes and sugar are traditionally seen as mutually exclusive and it is frequently believed that people with diabetes have to give up their favourite foods, especially sweet dishes, and maintain strict eating habits. The truth is that by observing a few simple rules like basing meals on starchy, carbohydrate foods, and eating a balanced diet, it is possible to live with diabetes and still enjoy good food... . "

Such stuff drives me crazy!
ting/auction-262518019.htm, Dec 30, 9:53am
Biologically and Chemically speaking that makes NO BLOODY SENSE! But we know this!

buzzy110, Dec 30, 8:52pm
"Anthony Worall Thompson explains how to adapt recipes so that they use less sugar and fat - for example, ... "

And why promote carby foods and make fat the bad guy?

Crazy with you uli.

kirinesha, Dec 30, 8:54pm
Dazz I and spotted a recipe book in Paper Plus yesterday - "Low carb, low fat. "

We were left speechless.

uli, Dec 30, 9:15pm
Yes I know this - but you only need to read stuff like: asp
x? id=117037&p=2
and you know that books like I mentioned above still have followers - which unfortunately have never been advised properly.

No wonder NZ has a problem with diabetics and limb amputations, blindness etc to follow. Fiji is now headed to half the population being diabetics, they are at 40% now!

What could we do I wonder? Can we start our own info service, start a website, give out info - or what? Are we just sitting here shaking our heads and let it go on?

2010 is a brand new year - what are we going to do to stop this immense nonsense people? We KNOW it is wrong, the others don't - so WE could do something - the others cannot ...

Seriously ask yourself - what could be done.

pixiegirl, Dec 30, 11:42pm
What can we do? well I tell everyone that will listen about this thread and what I have learn't so far. The information on here is more easy to understand and makes more sense than the brochures given out by the diabetic association. I must pull out my recent food pyramid from the diabetic people and have a look at it out of curiosity and see what it says.

For my self I have been gradually changing a few bits and pieces. I cant afford to cull everything in the house so as they are used up they are being replaced or rehoused if possible.

I haven't had coffee for several weeks, haven't given it up as such but choose not to drink it (also have sleeping problem), I used to drink a lot of Coke Zero and now dont have anything with artifical sweetener in it - with the exception of a couple of times when I have just felt like a glass of zero for a change but will only have half a glass. I wont use margarine - butter only. We are still having trim milk but that is slowly being changed to full fat and will go to the pasturised one only. My aim is to not buy anything made overseas, I will buy Australian stuff as I am an Aussie tho. I know I cant change everything all at once but nowdays very conscious about foods, products etc and always checking labels.

Buy local, make your own, check out the farmers markets, read labels, plant a garden, be conscious of what you consume, tell others and most of all keep this thread bumped up so it is near the top so more people can see it. Spread the word. That's my motto for 2010.

Uli just a quick question for you if you know - do you know anything about cold pressing - we live on a rose farm and I was thinking of doing my own rose hip oil and it mentions cold pressing. I googled it and seem to come up with companies selling cold pressed oil but nothing really on how to do it - do you think it would be worth it or not. Thanks

Hope everyone has a great New Years Eve and a very healthy 2010

pixiegirl, Dec 30, 11:43pm
Also Watched fat head the doco last night - very good and well worth watching. Would recommend food inc as well.

buzzy110, Dec 31, 1:41am
I have started e-mailing the link to the 5minute, fun video that uli posted yesterday to as many people as I can.

It is jolly hard though. You only have to look at m_t's assumptions on the efficacy of our findings to realise that people are just too lazy to read anything and they feel safe with their doctor's and dietitian's advice because that means they don't have to think at all.

How do you change people's perceptions when a doctor prefers statins for her husband over knowledge? We can only chip away, one person at a time.

You will notice that the people on the internet trying to promote reason and disseminate information and educational material are only there because they cannot break through the stranglehold held by pharmaceutical companies, grain growers and multi-national foodstuff manufacturers.

I often cringe when I call that stuff food because it is not really food is it? It is just stomach filler and on the same level as compressed waste palm oil pellets being fed to captive livestock.

bedazzledjewels, Dec 31, 2:08am
Buzzy - Paleo in a Nutshell is wonderful. He did an exercise one as well that is worth seeing.
Uli - what can we do? Good question to ponder coming into the new year.
I think that this thread has reached a few people and I suspect that changes will come as a popular movement rather than from 'on high'. Already the web has made a huge impact.

davidt4, Dec 31, 2:19am
I think you're right. As a result of following this thread from the beginning I am coming around to the ideas, and am now half way through reading "Nourishing Traditions". I think it makes a lot of sense, and as the recommended diet fits fairly well with the way my husband and I eat anyway I intend to make gradual adjustments to further this (such as starting to use whey for fermentation) and see where we get to.

This is as good a point as any to thank you all very much for the very interesting information and discussions., Dec 31, 2:23am
Cold pressing - has instructions on how to make a press.

pixiegirl, Dec 31, 2:32am
Hi maxwell - many thanks for that - have saved to favourites for reading during a quite time. Have one son who is very handy making stuff so maybe get him to have a look at it. Not sure if will be worthwhile or if the cost will outweigh just buying it from health food shop etc but will work on that. Many thanks and have a great New Year.

pixiegirl, Dec 31, 2:34am
Hi buzzy - I think you summed it up one person at a time however I have a good feeling that it will gain momentum! Thanks for sharing all you knowledge with us and have a great and healthy new year.

buzzy110, Dec 31, 3:20am
Ah shucks. Thanks pixiegirl but I merely provided the vehicle. Most of the other posters have done all the hard work. Without their internet links, book recommendations and subject matter to debate, this thread would not have the gravitas it has and mostly it would have been stuff that was sitting in my head from years of reading but not remembering who to attribute it to.

pixiegirl, Dec 31, 3:35am
You started the ball rolling buzzy! ! ! And yes many thanks to uli, dazz, maxwell and all others for sharing your knowledges and experiences. Bring on 2010 I say! ! !

uli, Dec 31, 6:22am
Yes - a happy New Year to all of you :)
Lets get the ball rolling - one person at a time.

I already get asked quite often about how I manage to look so much better, slimmer, trimmer, walk better (Callanetics of course), lost weight and seem healthier.

Of course that is then the opportunity to tell people why - and interestingly enough - most of them understand straight away the background if the science is packaged easily (like in the video) - if they have the strength to change things straight away is not that important, as it will simmer and one day they will remember it. Sadly it often needs a health scare to get people changing.

Enjoy your long night and see you again next year :)

bedazzledjewels, Jan 3, 10:46pm
Bumping up for Ubbelino.