Dessert wanted ...called *fluff*

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korbo, Jan 8, 3:00pm
does anyone have a recipe for a dessert, that uses a tin of evaperated milk,aand is kinda marshmellow stuff. my late mum used to make it, but cant find the recipe. son in law wants it for dinner tonight. thanks

alimick, Jan 8, 3:13pm
I think you'd be wanting a jelly made with 1/2 the normal water. Once it has got to the egg white consistencey, you beat it till thick and frothy, then poor in the chilled evaporated milk and beat together. Chill till set.
Now I am only going by memory of how mum used to make it. Someone else may have more details.

herika, Jan 8, 3:33pm
Yes alimick thats the recipe, we used to call it Flummery :)

rebecca12, Jan 8, 3:35pm
We use yoghurt in place of the milk.

indy95, Jan 8, 4:06pm
This brings back memories of long ago: Make up a jelly and let it cool but not set. Whip a well chilled can of evaporated milk until very thick, add the cooled jelly and whip again. Leave to set.
This is a very simple version. There are others involving fruit juice and cornflour but this one is by far the easiest.

I have just realised that I should have said it is probably best to use 2 packets of jelly crystals and enough water for one jelly, otherwise the resulting " fluff " will not have a lot of flavour. If the evaporated milk is thoroughly chilled and really well beaten this should make a large amount.

rainrain1, Jan 8, 4:08pm
Swiss Cream or Jelly Fluff...Edmonds Book
1 pkt jelly crystals
1 tin unsweetened condened milk
1 cup boiling water
Dissolve jelly in boiling water and leave till cool.Beat milk til thick and combine the two.beat again and set in wet mould.

bedazzledjewels, Jan 8, 4:11pm
Gotta love that word "flummery"!

slaintewesties, Jan 8, 4:19pm
My Mother called this Elephant's Breath when we were little!!!! Yays I'm so glad someone's asked this as I've wanted to make it lately and my mum has passed so couldn't ask her.

korbo, Jan 8, 7:30pm
cool, thank you all for the info

sugarandspicey, Jan 8, 7:45pm
Is this recipe similar to the one I used to LOVE called Spanish Cream if it is then I am off back down to the supermarket AGAin to get the jelly mix and the E milk....???

davidt4, Jan 8, 7:51pm
My mother used to make Spanish Cream and it was more a milk and egg yolk custard that was deliberately brought to a simmer to separate, then had gelatine added, then beaten egg whites.It set as two layers, a translucent yellow jelly on the bottom and a fluffy jellied top.I loathed it.

rainrain1, Jan 8, 7:52pm
No it's not Spanish is quite different

rainrain1, Jan 8, 7:53pm must chill the milk for a few hours first as another post has already said

sugarandspicey, Jan 8, 7:59pm
Oh shucks NOOOOOOOOO!!!! but this sounds nice so I am going to try it anyway.

rainrain1, Jan 8, 8:03pm
I dislike them both ;-)

buzzy110, Jan 8, 8:12pm
You are all so lucky. My mother was naff at making jelly, even from a packet. The only time we ever got it was once a year, just after Christmas and she always added sliced banana. I don't think jelly of any description was filling enough for my father who had hollow legs.

snowboard123, Jan 8, 9:06pm
Oh fluffy pudding, haven't had it for years.

indy95, Jan 8, 11:22pm
Somebody asked about Spanish Cream so, since I already have the old recipe books out here it is. Sorry davidt4, you'll just have to ignore this one.

Spanish Cream

1 T gelatine
600ml milk
2 eggs, separated
50g sugar

Soften the gelatine in a little of the milk, add the rest of the milk and stir over a low heat until the gelatine is dissolved. Add sugar and lightly beaten egg yolks, stir constantly over low heat until the mixture has thickened enough to coat the back of the spoon. Cool by standing pan in cold water, then fold in egg whites which have been beaten to the soft peak stage and a few drops of vanilla extract. Pour into a bowl and refrigerate until set. It will separate into a frothy top layer, then a custard-like layer and a fairly clear jelly on the bottom.

rainrain1, Jan 8, 11:54pm
We used to tell people to fluff off when we were kids.Or when there was a strange odour in the room we would say poo who fluffed LOL

bams1, Jan 9, 12:15am
My kids love this pud too - last year when the oldest came home from overseas - that was on his wish list of home cooking !!! I put the tin of e -milk in the freezerfor a few hours so its gets really cold .

rainrain1, Jan 9, 12:24am
My hubby loves the spanish cream the plonker!!

griffo4, Jan 10, 5:45pm
lt was always called Grannies Fluff and l'm so pleased someone has posted it thanks and will now have to try Spanish Cream as well

herika, Jan 11, 4:04pm
Yes! Much better than Elephants Breath! lol

hesian, Jan 11, 6:36pm
Have come across one like this but needs a beaten egg white which is folded into the beaten evap milk.Maybe then you make up the full jelly quantity rather than half.Anyone know for sure?

juliewn, Dec 23, 4:23am
Bumping for Yodagirl..