What else should I do?Trying to do something just a little different this year.Dad is a 'meat and 3 veg' kind of guy, so it cant be too different!LOL.
Any idea?
Dec 10, 7:27pm
we are having lamb on the bbq. the lambs are ready to be picked up on tuesday from town. mmmm yummy. plus sausies on the bbq, a bit of ham, salads and some yummy desserts. and non alcoholic punch.
Dec 10, 7:18pm
So far I have a ham on the bone .
What else should I do!Trying to do something just a little different this year.Dad is a 'meat and 3 veg' kind of guy, so it cant be too different!LOL.
Any idea!
Dec 11, 9:33am
We are doing sea food this year, staying clear of all traditional Xmas foods
Dec 11, 9:59am
Same as every other year, cold meats meaning ham and whatever else other family members bring. We all bring salads and a dessert. My contribution will be ham and cold roast pork with apple sauce, spinach & pomegranate salad and a cream cheese sweet potato pie I trialled last week and got the family ok on. Still have to think of another salad. All served cold as it makes the day so much easier. The only cooking we do on Christmas Day now is the new potatoes.
Dec 11, 3:06pm
Seeing that we are doing breakfast it will not help. But we have ham for dinner so was making some new potatos, peas and any other veggies that would be nice. New potatoes and peas are staple for christmas for us.
Dec 11, 6:16pm
Pork, prune and pistachio terrine, Jersey Bennes from the garden, fresh garden salad courtesy of our vegetable garden and a fresh apricot tarte tatin for dessert.
Dec 12, 12:04am
Ok this year we having ham, if I can find some a small rooled roast turkey, couscous & roast veg salad, coleslaw, salad greens, and eton mess & pav for afters. Thats on Christmas eve lunch for my side of the family & on Christmas day its a big bqq at my BIL & SILs place. Fingers crossed it doesn't rain too. at least 10 kids and at least 10 adults inside a smallish house on Christmas day in the rain wont be fun.
Dec 12, 1:24am
Well the basics are sorted for Christmas Dinner but still have to make a final decision on side dishes and what time of day we're eating and narrow down the dessert choices .
Dec 12, 3:56am
Can you post your pork, prune and pistachio terrine recipe please cookessentials!I'm doing a pork and turkey with pistachio terrine but like the sound of the prunes in it. TIA
Dec 12, 4:18am
we are having roast duck and lamb and pork with new potatoes and carrots and peas and pumkin and salads
Dec 12, 4:38am
Traditional English here. Roast Turkey, Roast Veges, other veges and Gravey. Christmas Pudd and Trifle for Dessert. Lunch at 1.00pm, cold meat sandwiches and cheese and crackers etc for dinner/supper
Dec 12, 4:43am
me cooking for around 10 to maybe 12! cant wait,leg lamb, pickled pork and turkey apple sauce cranberry sauce with all the trimmings, roast spuds and new ones as well,punkin kumara carrots peas and cabbage, my own thick rich gravy.Yum Yum Maybe trifle, homemade of course, same as my late mum used to make. dam im hungry now!
Dec 12, 5:00am
How do you make your Gravey!
Dec 12, 11:06pm
Having usual traditional ham,turkey,salads,new potatoes,pudding,trifle etc.only slight worry this year is that we have two vegetarians coming,any ideas please!Thought about whole baked,cold salmon !Daughter allergic to prawns so thats out.
Dec 12, 11:12pm
I will most likely dine on wild caught Australian banana prawns with a home made aioli and some fresh garden salad and maybe a tomato or green bean salad.
Dec 12, 11:14pm
Vegetarians usually do not eat fish - as that is an animal.
Fried eggplants with a lovely tomato sauce look and taste very festive, can garnish with green basil leaves for extra Xmas cheer.
Dec 12, 11:15pm
This was very nice, could of turned me around. ##Vegetarian Nut Loaf Preheat oven to 190 deg c, prepare a loaf tin, line it with baking paper. Heat 1 Tbsp olive oil in a large pan, gently cook for 10 minutes ; 1 ch onion 1 thin sliced leek 2 sticks of celery 225 grams of sl. mushrooms 2 crushed garlic cloves Add 425 gram can of rinsed and drained lentils 1 cup of mixed nuts [ hazelnuts, cashew, almonds, finely chopped 50 grams of flour 50 grams of vegan, grated cheese 1 medium egg [ or egg substitute ] salt and pepper a handful of chopped mixed fresh herbs. bake 50 - 60 minutes, or until it is cooked I made this for my Daughter In-law, it was divine. Nice cold as well.
Dec 12, 11:55pm
Thank you I will try these new things.Should have said they eat fish.Do you make the nut loaf in advance and serv e it cold!
Dec 12, 11:56pm
oops you already said nice cold,thanks again!
Dec 13, 8:29am
Lamb, pork and chickens on the spit. Pauas, mussels, oysters, crayfish and kinas with salads., pork belly in milk. Dessert of steam pud, ambrosia, pav and trifle. Cooking for 20
Dec 13, 9:56am
I keep requesting a ham sandwich and a beer at the beach. Simple, delicious and stress-free.
Dec 13, 10:47am
And that is exactly what I intend to have! A sandwich made from good wholegrain bread, a nice thick slice of ham and salad stuff. as much as I can get in there. And if I feel like anything after that feast it will be followed by a selection of the delicious fresh fruit we have here in Hawkes Bay at the moment. And bubbles!
Dec 13, 10:52am
Not much beats Hawke's Bay - just waiting for the sweetcorn to pop on the BBQ and all is well in the world!I bought some apricots and boysenberries today - lovely.
Dec 13, 12:04pm
Are the boysenberries on the market! Great stuff! I love making a mixture of berries - raspberries, strawberries, boysenberries, with very lightly poached blueberries. Its a tradition in my family for Christmas, so might be able to do it this year when all the family turn up on Boxing Day!
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