What are people doing for christmas day lunch! Need some inspiration. Thanks
Oct 22, 5:12am
Sea foods,this year. We did it another year and it was very nice. My husband said crayfish no ham this year, so we will be looking at salads.
Oct 22, 5:49am
My mother does turkey every year without fail.
Oct 22, 6:40am
water n wine
Oct 22, 6:47am
hangi in a barrell.
Oct 22, 7:11am
Starting with breakfast we will have Panettone (Italian festive bread), and seasonal fruit, and eggs benedict. and champagne with peach schnapps and strawberries.then for a late lunch - we are going to keep it simple.really simple; a huge antipasta followed by garlic and chilli prawns, Salmon, tossed green salad, warm potato salad. Followed by fresh seasonal fruit, Florentines, Cheeseboard, Chocolates and other sweet treats in the evening with coffee and port.
Oct 22, 7:14am
Relatives coming from Aus. They want it very traditional so hot turkey,cold ham,peas,beans and new potatoes from the garden. Special wine and pavlova,lemon cheesecake,chocolate truffles,fruit salad,dipped strawberries,home made ice cream and sorbet and if anyone is still hungry there will be mince pies and christmas cake. Later in the day we will have leftovers,salads and throw something like prawns,calamari and pork fillet on the barbie
Oct 22, 7:15am
Think I'll do steak with mashed potato and a green salad. My husband will have mushroom and halloumi kebabs, probably. We have different taste :)
Oct 22, 6:35pm
We're going with a Mexican theme this year.Not sure exactly what but I've seen his list of recipe ideas and I'm pretty happy :)
Oct 22, 7:37pm
if i have my way (which is unlikey with a MIL & SIL who like to organize our xmas day for us) id be staying at home and having salad and beer can chicken & ham in the pizza oven.oh the dreams of a inlaw free xmas!
Oct 22, 8:25pm
Absolutely no idea - it's only October!
Oct 22, 8:36pm
Two months to go, so I haven't turned my mind to it at all, but I'm pleased to be reminded.I must order a free range ham, as that's the only constant in our Christmas lunches.Otherwise it will depend on what veges and fruit are in the garden.
Salmon will be on the menu in some form, probably gravlax or home-smoked.Last year I made a big pork and chicken liver terrine, which was well received.
Oct 22, 11:18pm
hmm not sure where we will be this xmas, at the inlaws it'll be a selection of cold meats and salads, with nice yummy desserts. At my parents probably semi traditional eg ham and or chicken (don't do turkey) and all the veg and salads etc. At home just 2 of us so maybe a roast or ham, if per chance we are camping as often we are, then it will be whatever I fancy or DH cooks but usually steak. Would love to do some special stuff but family well scattered now.
Oct 22, 11:22pm
Our family all get together, usually only 10 or 12 of us depending on what kids come 'home' for Christmas. we just all take our favourite food.If it's all pavlova and no ham then that's obviously what we want to eat!
Oct 24, 6:22am
hot ham, turkey.
Oct 25, 8:56pm
Sounds perfect to me - I should definitely get my kids more involved I think although we'd probably end up with 2 minute noodles and sausage rolls!
Jan 11, 5:28am
Thanks for that! It's just the answer I neddee.
Jan 13, 1:09pm
I can't imagine what would haeppn if my family is not covered by medical insurance.To give you a better picture, here is what the insurance company has paid (under their contract with substantial discounts - only applicable to doctors "in network") to some of our doctor visits, while we only need to pay USD 15 upfront as copayment per visit -Semi-Annual Dental Checkup (cleaning and x-ray) - USD 300Annual Medical Checkup - USD 100Ad-Hoc General Medical Visit - USD 80Speciality Medical Visit - USD 300Blood Test - USD 100In addition, we need to pay separately for prescribed medication.Medical insurances are provided to low-income families for free (or reduced costs) by government, but you are talking about people earning minimal wages or unemployed. Not an option for me.
Jan 14, 8:03pm
For two years I cooked the Friday evineng Friendship Dinner for a hundred people when it was our groups turn, that was fun until the program director started telling me how I had to do everything. I don't need someone telling me how to do something, I've cooked in cafes and had a food handlers card and don't like idiot directors that don't know what they are talking about fussing at me so I told him to take a flying f*** at a rolling donut. Breakfast is my favorite meal to cook, did them a lot of Sundays when I was raising a family.
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