Your worst cup of tea experience????

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kiwitrish, Oct 25, 4:05pm
Hubby and I were visiting his brothers and his brothers wife asked if we would like tea or coffee.We said one coffee and one tea.She sent her 11 year old son out to make it and when he came back with them it tasted horrible.I asked what it was and he said he put one tea bag in each cup and one spoonful of coffee in each cup.Yack.We never drank it.

elliehen, Oct 25, 5:23pm
I visit two sweet elderly people who do not seem to notice when the milk is 'off'.I always ask for black tea on those visits.

dollmakernz, Oct 25, 7:18pm
In France! We were visiting the family of an exchange student that we were hosting. They gave us lavender tea!!!!!!!!!!!! It was disgusting! I can't stand lavender at the best of times but in tea? It was so gross and I gagged on it! YUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

alebix, Oct 25, 8:33pm
Well yesterday was my gross out tea day.

I never drink the stuff to begin with, but my MIL made a "nice" jug of iced tea.
She made it with the Rooibos green tea and it was cold, nothing wrong with it etc,except I hate tea.

Or one time her neighbour made a fruit punch that had tea in it.. well it was served in a bowl, that used to contain her dogs biscuits and to make matters worse, she never rinsed out the bowl as we found dog fur and bits of gross stuff floating in our glasses... I nearly vomited.

dragonzflame, Oct 25, 9:38pm
I once had a raspberry tea, not realising that instead of the fruity type it was black tea and horribly bitter. I never drink the stuff so it was hard getting to the bottom of that. Normally I'm a coffee drinker and have it black, which is great when I hear stories of people who have milk in their beverages and it turns out to be off...blerk.

febes1, Oct 25, 10:29pm
Heheh you make a damn fine cup of tea if I do say so myself Kuaka! and I am one of those really fussiest of fussy tea drinkers!! I will actually offer to make my own if the person asking doesn't drink tea cause I just can't stand half a cup of lukewarm milk no matter WHO serves it!!

I cannot narrow down to THE worst cuppa I'm afraid ..ANY tea that has too much milk is undrinkable for me some of these stories are priceless!

My girls had it drummed into them so much I never had to endure a yukky cold cuppa from them ..the very 1st one was perfectly made- be it tide right out so they didn't burn themselves carrying it into me on Mother's day! They have both inherited my 'fussy tea drinking' gene I' afraid & we all look horrified when seeing people add the milk in the cup WITH a teabag before pouring in the boiling water!!! I usually go tip out half the cup re-add the teabag & top up again with water ..It beats not drinking it!

kuaka, Oct 25, 10:58pm
thanks febes - I'm always happy to receive praise for anything I do!

aktow, Oct 25, 11:20pm
my dad used to say in nz we do not get any nice tea' dad refused to drink tea made with tea bags,, he used to buy tea leaf and brew it himself.. he was in england staying at a expensive hotel and he said to mum,,,, now we are in the country where they have real tea and not that tea bag rubbish. well after finishing his cup of tea he said to mum thats was the best tea ever.. mum looked in the tea pot and what did she see,,, bloody tea bags ,

firefly001, Oct 26, 1:19am
my worst cup - I was offered a cup of tea and it came and was bloody coffee, which I don't drink

eastie3, Oct 26, 1:25am
My worst cup of tea was made with much love by my then 6yo son one Mother's Day.Wanting to surprise me with breakfast in bed and knowing he wasn't to touch the electric jug,he simply ran the hot tap(but not for long)popped in a tea bag and a generous pour of milk.Then he made one for his Dad as well.This was accompanied by a slice of two day old bread with a couple of knobs of butter on it,complete with a big hole in the middle where he had tried unsuccessfully to spread it.On top of the butter was a Watties peach slice.We thanked him profusely and off he went outside to get his bike and the next thing I heard was a howl of indignation as he copped the cold tea that his ungrateful father hurled out of the bedroom window.Happy days.

hezwez, Oct 26, 1:49am
That's so funny eastie3, but I feel for the poor little well meaning fellow getting it ~ literally ~ thown back in his face! I hope he forgave his dad and gave you both real cups of tea further on down the line.

noonesgirl, Oct 26, 2:23am
Visited 2 people, same day & got served yucky Earl Grey. Now I ask 'if it's normal tea'. Also ask to put milk in as I only have a dribble.

kuaka, Oct 26, 3:59am
and I am reminded of the time at work when the newest/youngest member of staff offered to make me a cup of tea or coffee.Tea please, I said.Off she went, and returned some time later with a cup of milk and water (well that's what it looked like).I thanked her, and said that I was sorry but I couldn't drink that as it was too weak.She volunteered to go and make another cup and eventually came back with a second cup which was just as weak and milky as the first.When she offered to go and make me a third cup, I said it was okay, I would go and make it myself.I came back with a nicely brewed cup of tea and she said "Oh, I didn't realise you wanted it to look like coffee!"

camper18, Oct 26, 4:28am
In my night nursing days U would fill the big teapot up with 8-10 teabags and set off down the ward at 6am. It was a real "art" to be able to pour 26 "different" cups of tea out of the one pot. Some normal as it comes, some strong black, or weak black, a dash in hot water, ½& ½, milky please, or dash of milk.By the end of the week I could pour all the teas for them before I even woke them. Memory wouldn't allow me to do that now though. I drank so much tea and coffee in those days it had a disastorous affect on my stomach and now I only drink water, hot or cold.

naki45, Oct 26, 4:42pm
Dad once years ago bought some Binn Inn tea and coffee for in his work shop ....blerk

beaker59, Oct 26, 7:04pm
Febes wow blast from the past yep its the old Beaker you used to know ages ago Louise posts on here sometimes too I heard you got married congratulations

malcovy, Oct 26, 9:39pm
That is so funny, little shite :-)

febes1, Oct 27, 1:33am
Lol it's a small small world huh Beaker! Thanks for the congrats yep happily married & living across the ditch..I keep intouch with a few of the old crowd mainly on fb ..say hi to Louise!

God I loathe Earl Grey it tastes like a spoonful of dirt has been added to each cup..& tastes 2x as bad (if that's possible???) if you don't realise that's whats been served & you add milk!!

sp0_0kie, Oct 27, 4:32am
haha! thats exactly how I like my tea made :D

edit: oh but I do always ask how ppl like to have their tea lol. my mum & husband both like to have the water first :)

beaker59, Oct 27, 4:41pm
Louise showed me the wedding pic last night you looked great. Enjoy it you deserve it.

lyndyhopper, Oct 28, 5:19am
Earl Grey

aquarius2005, Oct 28, 5:32am
Im home from work and ex-husband makes a cup of tea, I say bleh, I could taste something strange..he says its ok, I didnt drink it he did.
Later that night, another 2 cups are made, again I taste something off and dont drink it, he drinks it and gets the kids to taste, they say its not too he gets red in the face taking it personally.

The next day is Sunday.. cup of tea time, I say no, thanks. He drinks another 2 cups through the day, me on juice, and then I decide to fill the kettle and start from scratch. Looking about for the problem, check cups, sugar bowl, milk. Open the lid on the kettle to refill, OMG !! one very boiled and empty wetta shell..............!! *chuckle*

elliehen, Oct 28, 6:12am
aquarius2005, I always look inside the kettle before topping it up after once finding a Burnt Pine Longhorn Beetle floating about in the bottom...still makes me shudder...

hezwez, Oct 28, 2:13pm
Not the same piquancy as the sheep dag eh?

febes1, Oct 28, 8:00pm
LMAFO no that would be hard to beat alright! *gags*