can anyone please tell me where I can buy a sushi maker there were some here on trademe, what I really want to know is can they be bought in a shop or do you have to order them on line somewhere
Oct 18, 1:26am
Shops sell them, however, there are so many different ones. The sushezi, from memory is from Hydraflow industries...the same people that sell the ezi-dry food dehydrator. I am pretty sure they sell online.
My local New World sell a plastic thing for about $4 that you make the rice roll in and then you just roll it in the seaweed, my niece uses one and makes good looking sushi with it. They sell them in the same area as the seaweed.
Oct 18, 3:35am
thanks everyone you all have been a great help lookout sushi here I come
Jan 28, 3:01am
I just saw them at Countdown, two different sizes, both under $5.
I'm attempting Sushi for the first time today.
Jan 28, 3:30am
I would recommend you buy a normal sushi mat. It is really easy to make sushi with that. Much easier than to have another useless contraption to house and clean :)
Jan 28, 3:59am
i got mine at living and giving just great
Jan 28, 4:41am
yep this is what i use .. like you i can't be bothered with yet another contraption to clean!
Jan 28, 4:47am
It is not only the cleaning - but the housing of all that stuff as well - you need another room almost for all those kitchen items you'd use once a year - maybe - if that - ... :)
Jan 28, 4:51am
I don't even have a mat- teatowel does the job once a year or so.
Jan 28, 8:03am
The stevens stores sell them, they are great...
Jan 28, 8:57am
New world sell the kits, so you can make your own, also some supermarkets sell it already made and cut up, but the price is shocking, and the sushi is cut real thin.
Jan 28, 8:03pm
I have a sushezi they are great for people that arn't that good at rolling up the sushi.I got mine from Stevens - they are expensive there so wait till Stevens have a half price sale.They are well worth it.
Oct 18, 1:26am
Shops sell them, however, there are so many different ones. The sushezi, from memory is from Hydraflow industries.the same people that sell the ezi-dry food dehydrator. I am pretty sure they sell online.
Oct 18, 1:28am
free-h-oldies, do you mean the Sushezi sushi makers! as can be seen and ordered from:-
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